Whitby Free Press, 21 Dec 1972, p. 23

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Are&uJhockey romnda- Tiremen in winning f ormn -By Doug Weales Brookiin - Wlitby Junior "B" Tiremen gui baek imb the win coluin whieil hey skated lu an 8-5 win over the visitiîug Bobcats [romi Belle- ville. The Tircînen struck early, as Mike Harper took a pass fromi Doug Wood and Brian Miliar and ska*ted iin lu bout the Bobcuts gualtender with a siapsliot uit he nine second mark of the oponing period. Don Nicholson turned oui lu be thue teatuu leader iin scuring in this gaine as lie fired three goals and picked up tlîree assists. The firsi period ended ini a 3-3 lie. The Tiremien arnd Bobeats traded second period goals, but the real action wvas around the Whîby net ut the 2:45 mark. Wayne McGeaciy out te Bobcats decided lu charge Wiîtby netiminder Bruce Crouchi. Bruce, iin an ut tempi tu deltend himiself brouvght his stick up iin Iront of Ihlmi, liii ing Ilie charging player ini the side with hI and drawing a l'ive minute major penalty'lo r spearing. At thlis Point, de- ['enisenuian Ls Spatuger outihe Ti reinen Ldecided tl u j)lan eiid Io t[lie roigli ng ut lus leanîrnalie and pulied [lie Belleville player away troii thue Whitby net and gave imi a duzen or su belts. The Tiretien picked up thie major penaltiy lu Cronclh and a double ninor toirrUugh- ing lu Spanger whiie the Bob- cals wvere assessed a mînor for roughing and a maýjor luor fighting, boîh lu McGeaichy. Tlue Bobcat1s scu red a sh ort1- liunded goal ut the 8:35 mark lu go ahecad 4-3. One minute and three seconuds later, Mike Perry scored for the Tirejien lu end second periud scoriiig. Bobcaîs took a 5-4 Iead ai the 21 -second mark of' the ihird period wiienti iey scored a p'ower play goal wiîii Tire- mnen capîii Keihl Johnison si tîng ou t a houldinig penaltîy. The Tire-men were nul îu be deîiied. They lied i lie gaine at 5-5 as Don Nicholsoni picked cli his third goal aI 2:35. Frein that poinit 0o il was Tireinen ailthie way as îhey got go als [rom Brian Millar, Bob Mowaî aîid Tomi From $2188 COROLLA 1200 SEDAN " Front Dusc Brak« o White Wei Tir«s o RorW indlow Defopr o Four Spd Synchronwsh Transmitsion " And Morsy Ot but sESWlY107$ «DuNtoASST. W WH#Tay 668m472 McLeish to round out the scoring. The Tiremnen outshot tie Bobeats 42-38. The Tirernen, fresh off a win over the Bobeats went to the Art Thompson Arenua the following evening where t hey were delèuîed 3-2 by anioîler nieniber of' hie "Cal Faiiiy," the Pickering Pantliers. Il was die usual Wliîby- Pickering ga.1ine, with lots of' rough, lougli hockey. The firisi period eiîded ini a 0-0 tie, as the teains miissed on sonie good sco ring chances. The Pantliers linilly broke thc ice, as Hugli Burgess scored ut the 9:01 mark ot' die se- cond pcriod. The Tireien tried everything. but juisi cou ldn't tmnd the mark untl 2:04 of' (le third period whent Don Nicholson touk a jpass fromn delènsemnai Kent Mac- Carl and broke iliroiigli the Panîliers blueline scîuad and scured lu tie the gaine ai 1 - 1 The Wlitby club %vas a main short i the lime, w1tih l3rîani Millar sitling outi a nîinoi- lor1 elhowing. BuilBelzun put thle ani- i liers afiead 2-1I ai die 15:21I mnark of' the period. ony l sec Tom McLeisi break aWav an d score f'or the *irenîen un ly 36 seconîds la 1er. Kentî MaicCarl- alsu set up Wiibv' second goal of' the ganic. Don Wager ult lie [landhers stule thc puck from 11lleTire- mnen detense deep inIllie Wh il- by end and tired t1w puck high intlu die net over thle slîoulder of* goaltender Kimi ('rouchlu to inthie gaine Itor Pickering. Pie goal was Lin- assisîed at 19:44 uf' the lhuaI pe riud. Tlue Tireineji were eily S6 seconds away froin picking Lup 1 pointi tor a lie Mhen eilher overcun tidence uî- cx- liausljii spoiled cvery (bing. * * * On Dec. 17, the T'iremn wen t to Siuu t lvii le wlîere tiîcy piaycd tu a 3-3 tie with ithe Wexl'ord-Stout'fville Clippers. Tircînen got goals fr0111 Tom McLeish, Doug Wood (short-handed) and John Sedgley. Don Nicholson of Whitby was pickcd as second star in thie gaie. Next gaine for the Brook- lini-Wliitby Jr. "B" Tiremen is Dec. 21 wlhen they host thie Picke ring Pari thers. Gainelie is 7:45 iii tie Brouklîlu Arena. Minor Pee-Wee House League Koke's Shieil 5, Peter the Plomlber 2, J. Gibbs 3 goals. MeNanmara Marine 6, J.P. Ag- gett 3, Randaîl Pltimbing 4, Dunlop 0, Lynview Const. 1. Standings Kuke's Sheli - 4 wins, 0 lusses, 0 lies, 8 points. Dun- lop - 2 wîns, I ioss, 1 tic, 5 points. McNamarai Marine - 1 wins, I loss. I lie, 5 points, Lyniview Construiction - i win 2 lusses, i lie, 3 points, Rani- daîl P)luniibiiîg - 0 wins, 2 lus- ses, 2 lies, 2 points, Peler thie P'lomlber O0 ins, -«S)lusses, I pol ilt. Leading Scorers iayde Gibb)[s <Koke's) 1.3 goails, _3 assisis, 16 points. Eddie Der-ks ( Driiop) 9 goals, i assisl - 10 puinits, JulîiI. Aggeîl (MeNamaira) 8 goals, 2 aisist, 10 poilts, Billy Grylis (Dtinlop) 4 goals, 4 assisis, 8 points, Jinmy Reid <Randaîl) 6 goals, 1 assist, 7 pioints,Mike Miligun (Kokc's) 6 goals, 0 assists, 6 points, Bruce Cullen (Koke's) 2 goals, 3 assisî s, 5 poin is. Bantam-Midget House League 7-Ups (Teani.3) 4, Euskeî t (Teaini2) 1. Othier goal lu Barry 1 la rrisoîu llie (anadian Associa lion lb r I leaitli, Plîysicajl Edtuca- lion and Recr-ea it 011 ave p ro- dticed six biooklets on hiockey tLi ncdaitnls. Thiese booklis are: 1. Skatîing Skills ' l>uck Cont roi. 3. Shoo ting. 4. Check. ing. 5. Goaltending. 6. Tearr Play.' The bookiets would help any boy who is interested in iniproving his play. Thc set of six seils for .60ç'. Teamn package (I16 sets) $9.60 plus postage. Club Package (25 sets) $15. plus postage. For quick delivery phono "Hockey Instruction' - 416- 368-3798 or cail Orville Ganes ut 416-535-5820. Or you can write Cahper, 333 River Road, Vanier City, Ontario KI L 8B9. Downsview defeated Ajax Knob Hill Farms Jr. "A" club 9-7 on Dec. 17 in the Ajax Arena. Downsview led 4-0 ai the end of the first period of play, and 6-4 a fier 40 minutes. The Fari boys puiied ho witlii une goal ai 8-7 in die dying minutes of play, but whcnl they pulled their goal- tender in fuvour of an extra attacker, the Downsview teani fired tlhe puck int thie empty le t. Randy Herrington led the Ajax atîack with two goals, with singles going lu Berîîie Joliinstoiu, ,Rick Krunc, Steve Miller, Grog Sandford and Johin Fielding. The Ajax club plays again Dec. 22 when they wiil hosi Wexford at the Ajax Arena. Gaine timie is 8: 15. Brooklin (?oncrete Juvetu- lIes defeated the visiîing Mark- humi Juveniies 5-3 iin a liard- fcoughit gatne at the Brookin Arena rocenily. Marksmnen for the "'Cenien linon" were Wayne Madsen, Grog Cari- wrighîî, Clîuck Lepiiie, Ted Liii tuer, and Paul Atkinson. Bruoklin-Wfluitby Canadian Con solida ted Bu ilding major îîîidgels playcd iw( gaines in thue past week, Iosing tu Ajax 5-1 withi Mike Rowley gcttiîug the lune Bîuoklin-Whitby goal, and defeaîing the Lind- say mnidgeîs by a score cf 8-2. Carlo Camuazzola was the big gun l'or tlhe wiîîneîs as lie ntoched three goals. Harry Forbes scored twice for Brookini-Wiîby wiîh singles WHITBY FREE PRESS, TH URSDAY, DECEMBER 21, 1972, PAGE 23 -going to Garth Bush, Dave Brooklin - Whltbyý Lasco a Sorichetti and Mike Rowley. Steel majorý pee-wees played host to Bowmanville pee-wees last week, and they were, per- Eddie Szczur led Brooklin- feet hosts as they let the visi- Whitby minor midgets to a tors have their own way, and r 7-0 romp over Stouffville îiiid- as a resuit the Steelers ended gels recently as he flashed up onl the short e'énd'of a 5-1 the light four times. Single score. goals went to Jim Demnille, Doug- Zinkiewich scored Dave Allen and Tom Casey. the lone goal for the Steelers. o odcate t5rookiin-Wlutby Minor Midgets have played 11I games, winning 10 and tying I. This team has scored 86 goals while allowing only 19. Brooklin-Whitby McCor- mack Blades defeated Bay Ridges by a score of 6-2 with Robin Barnes scoring twice for the winners. Richard Pig- eau, Todd Casey, Barry Mil- nier and Harold Lymburner added singles. On the strength of shut oui goaltending provided by Chuck Hetherington, Brook- lin-Whitby Mitchell Lumber minor pee-wees defeated Ux- bridge pee-wees 4-0. Goalscorers for the "Lum- bermen"' were Jeff Dinsmore, Eddie Heyden, David Fleming and Jamie Tutac. Bob Heron Farmn Equip- ment major novice club of the Brooklin-WVhitby Minor (con tinuea on page 24) 103A 0DUNDAS W. 668a261 OPEN MON. THRU SAT.- 9 A.M. tili 9 P.M.e WE HAVE A LARGE SELECTION 0F CHRISTMAS GIFTS& WiIITBY1 -HARRISON FUELS LIMITED EX CO Dedler 2*11 B<ock St. S. Phone:668-36lO' O.H.Ae METRO JUNIOR trBil ICKERING PANTHERS -~ ~., WHIBYCTC TIREMEN ., rookli, Community Arema ITHURS Dec. 2lth,*7:45 P.M. Som.thing for hlm.. for Christmais. A new generation of Lightwelght Mr" Rem ington Chain Saws ',MIGHTY MITE"l pr'oead from $119. .LIGIITWUGHT , EASY TO HANDLE , FUN TO USE TWO YEAR WARRANTY on parts and service Many Remington Models to choose from at STAN'S SHARPEUNG SERVICE 41Ritson Rd. S. - 725-8654 Your local Remington Service Centre. * With best wishes for * a happy, holy holi- day, we send greet- ings and gratitude to you. May the. blessings of Christ- eRid s Cycie 9 Sports 100-B Lupin Dr. . 'l

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