Whitby Free Press, 21 Dec 1972, p. 3

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WHITBY FREE PRESS, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 21, 1912, PAGE 3 Regol Gov ernment e.. would be square-mil es OSHAWA-Oiitario Treasurer Charles S. MacNaughton has, proposed establish- nment of a regional governiment encompassing nine new municipalities in a 1, 168- square-mile area finmmediately east of Metropolitan Toronto. Mr. MacNaughton and his parliamentary assistant, Donaàld' R. Irvinle, MPP for Greniville-Dunldas, unveiled the proposai at a meeting attended by several lhundred municipal representatives and officiais. The Treasurer described the occasion as "a very significant step in the, development of a strong and dynamic systemn of local government for the area." The -proposai, distributed "the present municipal sys- briefs.on',the subject from al ini bookiet formi at the mneet- teins ., . are 'incapable of interested parties. i1ng, calis for estabiishmnî of meeting mnany of the serious Depending on the reac- the nine Inlunticipalities and compiex challenges" en- tions received, the governmnent throughi reorganizat ion of' 2_1 taiied ini such growth. will draft legisiation to àn- present lliificipalîies and The regional governmient plemient the proposai or somne parts of' four otiiers. proposed would forni part of variation of it. The naine of the region a two-tier system siilar to The legisiation couid be and the naines of at least f'ive those in operation in seven ready for prcscntation in the of the mnuîiCpalities woild other Ontario regions, inciud- Legisiature as eariy as ncxt likely be sclecced by popular ing Metropolitan Toronto and spring, the proposai says. If vote. the governnen t proposai nearby York Region. so, municipal and regionai says. Two other proposed ilu- Each area miunicipality elections coid bce held next nicipalities inighît retain the woid d lcciils owfl council to fail, and the ncw govrrinients naines of' conimunities they administer certain local af*- could take office on January wili include-Oslîawa and Lix- tý irs. hi 0ieme c 94 bridge.gional couticil woid be re- The proposed region woffld sponsibie lfor inatters of re- Howcver, such dates do flot be bouinded on (lie south by gion-wîde concern. represent a timietable. the pro- La ke Ontario and wouid have The proposail is to be dis- posai says. It stresses the inm- an irregular northern boun- cussed by provincial repre- portance of proceeding "anc dary formced partiy by the sentatives and municipal lead- step at a timie" and mnaking northern border of* Reach ers fromn now until tic end of sure iliat "ail probienms have Township and the northern February. During that timue, been considercd and resoivcd cnd of Lakc Scugog. Mr. MacNaughton wili accept wherever possible."' At ils western end thme re-f- gin oldtaeini a smnaiî Proposais wo uld a f fe portion of' Markhanî, nowa part of' York Region, and a re gcion 2. nd une t r > sniaii part of Scarborough, iin Metropolitan Toronto. Front Four counties. York Re- about inior changes as wel ilicre it woid run casîward gion and Metropolitan Toron- in the rnakcup of Metropoiiîan through AInwick and Haldi- to wouid ail bc affccied by Toronto and York Region. înand townships in Northumi- boundary changes recoin- Highliits of the changes berland County. nicndcd by Charles S. Mac- proposed outside the ncw rc- Urban centres Amiong urban centres in the proposcd region are Osha- wa, Wiîby, Uxbridge, Ajax, Bowmiauîvilie, Newcastle, Port Hope, Cobourg and Part Perry. Presei t popula tion ai' t lie proposcd regian is 236,000. According ta the puhlishied proposai, thie regian is "fast becomning anc of' the most dynanuic arcas ai' ihe pro- vince." Over thie nexl 50 years die regian wiii be "the unost rapidiy urbanizing part ai* On- tario," the proposai predicts. It says local gomerment ref'orim is necessary because Naugliton,- Treasurer of Oun. tanao, and his parlianîcntary assistant, Donald R. irvinc, MPP for Grenlvilie-Dundas. The publishced proposai distributed at a public ncc ing cmplîasizcd, howevcr, îiîat boundary changes pro- pased f'or Simncoe, Victoria, Peterboroughi and IHast ings cain tics "cannot bc vicwed as reforni ai tlîcir local goveri-, ment structure." It says the changes are miercly "thc first step ioward îîuinicipal rctaruîi iin ilîsc a rea s. Other recomninendations in the proposai would bring e e ~~<#f e HAUIJRTON \ ~À- -' 0~M~tMv~ glon ibseif: The extremue sou thwcsî corner ai' Pickeriung Townshîip would becomie part of the Boraugh i ofScarbarough, in Meiro Toronto. The townships of East Gwillimhury and Scott would amaigaunate ta formn au area nîunicipality iin York Region. Siuilariy, a second new arca ununicipaliîy iii York Re- gion would bc f oriincd tlîrough a zmalgaiaiauîofithe coin- inunities of Brock, Thorah, licavertan anmd ('anniuîgbn. Ranma anîd Mara townîships would be inciuded as nmuni- cipalities in Siuncoe County. e e '-'e KASTINOS e- Nine imunicipalities east of Metropolitan 'T presented by Charles S. M~ Ontario, and his parl iamne Irvine, MPP for Grenville-] the inoSt heavii-y popu- lated of' the nine mrunicipali- tics wouid bc made up of Oshawa, East Whitby and the western 10O lots of Darlington Township anîd might be called Oshawa. It wouid have a popu- lation of 98,000 and an area of 85 square miles. As tic proposai points out "the Tor- onto-Centrcd Region plan specifies that Oshawa is to be ct countIes T oronto Ail but the two southcrn concessions of Manvers Town- ship wouid forîîî a township iii Victoria County. ('avani, Millbrook and South Monaghan, îîow in Norihuruberianid and Durhîam County, would becoine part of Peterborough County. These comununities ini Northunmberland aîîd Durhamî would join Hastings County: P)ercy, Hastings Village, Cra- mahie, Coi borne, Brighton Vil- lage, Brightorî Township, Sey- maoir, Caînipbeiiford and M urray. MPP urgod ta rssiqn PORT HOPE - The cali lias goîîe out demîanding the res- ignation of MPP Alex Car- ruithers (PC-Durhami) in the wake of the announicemnent of the inclusion of Port Hope aîîd Cobourg in the Oshawa- centcrcd region. Stewart Houston, pres- iden t of the Port Hope Down- town Businessnîcn's Associat- ion dcmànded the resignation yesterday. "If aur MPP knew about this beforehand he should rcsign immediately," said the angry businessman. "We went to war to fight this kind of dictatorship and now we have it right at the head of the province." Civic leaders in 'both Port Hope and Cobourg furiously denounccd the regianal gov- crmcent plan for their arca. Leo Kowal, president of the Cobourg Chamber of Commerce, said the regional plan is "just rnadncss." Carruthers, veteran mcmn- ber for the area, said lie isn't cornnitted ta the pro- posai. "I want ta hear what the people iii my area say flirst," lie said. will make up a new region 'oronto under a proposai lacNaughton, Treasurer of ntary assistant. Donald R. Dundas. a growth node and will thus require the additional land." Another proposed muni- cipaiity that might retain the name of one of its com- ponents - Uxbrîdge - would be maade up of Uxbridge Township, the Town of Ux- bridge and that part of Pick- ering Township north of the seven th -concession, except for lands being assembled for the airport and the North- Picker- 0ing Commnunity. This municipality would have a population of 7,600 in an area of 100 square miles. The proposai describes it as "the Uxbridge oriented, rural land of the region" and says it is "designed as far as possible in accordance with existing comimunities of interest." A third area municipality wouid be the present Town of Whitby, which has a popula- tion of 2-3,600 and an area of 59 square mniles. The rcgion's second most papulous iunicipaiity, yet to bc namied, would bce made up of the 35,500 inhlabitanits of the Town of Ajax, Pickering 'Village and that part of Pick- crinig Township south of thc seven tii conicession, except for ind witlîin the sites of the ncw airpart and the North Pickering Conimunity. Ii a boundary change at the west end of Pickering Township, 4,000 people living in the West Rouge area would becomne residents of the Bor- ough of Scarborough. "Ac- cording to the m-ost recent information available," the proposai says, "a large por- tion of the people in the West Rouge want to become part of Metro" The largest area municipal- ity would also be the region's most northerly, consisting of the present townships of Reach, Scugog and Cartwright and the Village of Port Perry.. It would have an area of 215 square miles and a population of 9,300. Noting that this amalga- mation has been discussed in the past, the proposai says that the people in those four areas "share a common econo- mîic and social base and have a strong predilection to re- main rural. Thcy are ail orien- 205 square' miles and have a population of 28,800. It would encompass the present towns'of Port Hope and, Co- bourg, Hope Township' and ail but the northcrnmost con- cession of Hamilton Town- ship. The proposai describes this as "among the most i m- portant of the consolidations. Good working relations al- ready exist among the four municipalities. If they are to form the centre of growth for the area, it is vital that they function as one unit." The Town of Bowmanvillc is the principal 'urban centre in a thîrd large-area muni- cipality proposcd for the re- gion. This amalgamation would create a 200-square- mile municipality by corn- bining Bowmanvilie with the Village of Newcastle, ail of Clarke Township, most of Darlington Township and the southern two concessions of ManversTownship. The popu- lation would be. 22,300. "This municipality," the proposai coînments, "wili be a strong, slowly urbanizing area that wiIl act as a rural land-usc buffer bctween the two growth nodes of Oshawa and Port Hope-Cobourg." The smallest înunicipaiity in population would also be the inost easteriy in the re- gion. It would consist of the townships of Haldimand and Atnwick, plus the northern- most concession of Hamilton Township. Their combincd population is 4,300, sprcad over an area of I170' square miles. The proposai says this amalgamnation wilI provide a means of controling growth at Rice Lake and in the arca east of Cobourg-a step that wilI be important as Cobourg grows. Ninth on the province's list of"'proposed area muni- cipalities is an 84-square-mile area to consist of the site of the new Toronto internation- ai airport and the North Pick- ering Community lands jaow' bcing assembled by the pro. vince. This area consists of portions of Uxbridge Town- ship, of thc Borough of Scar- borough and of the Town'of Markham, a smail segment of the Town' of Whîtchurch- Stouffviiie, and nmuch of eas- tern Pickcring Township. Thec proposai says that all land directly associatcd with the airport is included withîn Region 1 .16.ý8 9- municipalities in re 1gion

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