g- MOTORING witm Mike Burgess In one of my columins, way back in October, 1 wrote about my athenîpts ho produce a local cable TV show on mohorsporî. Well I'm happy to report that the results of my efforts will be televised tonîorrow night (Friday Jan. 5Sth) ah 8.30 p.m. on Channel 8 (Cable TV). The show is entitled "Wipeeut" (ne pun intended), and will fecature ail local talent with accompanyig film clips and photos (courtesy cf yours truly). 1 think that this production wilI be miost intcresting for non-enthusiasts as it explains a lot about mnotorsport in general, but ne doubt will aise be enjoyable fer ardent race fans. 1 would like te îhank the people who gave se gen- erously cf their tinie te niake this undertaking the success I îliîiîîk il is *. . . . tlhe members cf Oshawa Metor Sport Club and especiaily Bill Riddell-Director cf Cablecast 8. 1 know. Bill iin particular. had inany qualmns and secend tlîeLghts with niy appallinig ideas (becuise ot lus equîincmenî's limiitations), but nevertheless lie bravely per'- severcd and hurnorcd nie. pessibly thinking '"give lii eneughi rope and he'll hanig Ihiiscilf!'Fortinatcly 1I liavcn't been lyîîched yeî. Saturday t hrough Menday, the throbbîig roar of' sniarl ing sîîewmobiles xvill bc echeing around Morrew Park iii Peterborouli. The Kawarilia aiîd iNl,Ios nsCp Sniow- mobile races will be ah tractinig 50--60,000 sp)ctzlators Io watcli approxîimatcly one îlîousaiîd cint rants baitlle l'or a total of' S39,500 in 1prize and contingcnicy money' And bciig an initernat icial everu hyeni caîi rest assured tua t aIll thle top tactory teaîîîs will bc tliere mnicludmng stars like bike- rader Yvonî du lamiel. '[ho program goes somnetlîiig like îlîis: Saîurday and Sunidaiy-Kawairtlia Cnip, anid îîe oiciis' Molsoii's In ter- nationial; anîd Mo,îday -the World CLIP. Necdless te say that witli the large number oet cnt rantis, thiere will lie racing every day f-roi iniie ar..ho darkniess. with awards beiiig pre- scntied îîiglhly. One cf* the îîicest ihiiigs about Morrow Park (or Peterboroughi Exhîibit ionti-ouids) is lia t the lîarniess t rack used is iin full sigli h cf specha lors ah aIl times. except cf- course whcen vou go iii le the Bavarin beer garderi in the Maîîuf'acîurers' Buildinîg ho warmn up! If you're îlot sure lîow ho gch there, just take 401 Higlîway cashte H Iigliway Il15, hhen take Higliway 28 te Higliway 7 (wlîich is Lansdowne St.) anîd toilow 'tii you gel to the cornier cf George (if you l'orgct George doni't wverry yoiî'll scecthe people). Dependiîg on bether aîlow iaI cast aiiheuLr- it's about 'Til nlexh week,_IHappy Meioriiig! iwcaîhier conditions sixty miles. "Your comfort is our concern" APARTMENT Gosred to yourbudget NOhTH-CENTRAL-SOUTH 579-1626 s a 576m6956 728-3139- Evenings - 728-ý297 a OUTDOORSMAN' -by Paul Wicher Now, that we are alI feeling the warm after glow cf the Holidays, it is only fit ing that we should aIl have sonîeîhing te bring us back to reality; thanks te the Departnîent of Natural Resources, here il is. At an International Symposiumî on Salmonid Coinî- munities in Oligotrophic Lakes, attending scientists and ecologists came 10 the foliowing conclusions: "They con- cluded that, at the present rate of interference cf trout habitat, by man, trout communities will be reduced to n- sigifficant levels by the year 2000. Lake Trout lakes are un- suited ho large yields cf fish and are extremely vuînerable '72 Wrapup, contintied fromi page 5 September 7-T'he directors ef'thelicseven. limajor, local scu- vicec lubs mcl ho discuIss a preposed aI lletic complex to bc bil t on public subscrip- tien tor tlihe oVn. * 'lic cry anid hue was "Dic- hahorsliil) as couricil rcsolved ho sdI XVlii thy Tlowvn liaIi le flic libu ary in a special public nmeting. Sephernber I 4-- In a front page Frec Press story. a 106 acre parcel et' land callcd Hierni t Valley owned by Bob Ileronl and lDon MitîchellI cf'Brooklin bcgaii tlie coii roersy of '"l'lie Playboy'Cu. * Williami Seccoccio. ardui- tect l'or ftie police and nmi- cipal buildings aI Rosslanid Road, wasitrctlLCed by coun- cil ho dcsign and supervise construction cf' tlec ncw Po- lice building at Rossland koad. Se ptember 21 -A year-round pregrain was announiced by the Wliîby Recreation De- partnien t l'or town senior C ii î/eîiS. September 22-Whitby Arts lncorporahed celebrated its se- cond annivcrsary ahthe1iir pic- turesque hecadquartcrs, "Tlic. Stationi." September 29-Fire razed tlîe upper floor cf 300 l-ligh Street. The building was later ordercd scaled off by tlhe council. October 1 2-49 complaints on Witiby mail slow ups were feorwarded to federal postal authorities by town clerk Bill Wallace. Late mail had re- suîted silice tlie swilclîover cf' mail sortiiig frcii Whitby te Oshîawa. October 1 5-l'leydcnshore Pa- vilioI1 was flic scetie cf Awards Day ilu officially winding UIp flic Whiltby Mine,- Baseball Association '72 scason. October 26-Three area pec- Ie, adrift oni Lake Ontario in a disabled boat silice tlhe day before, wcre rescued through the co-opera tien of a passing freigliter. a Canadian (Coasht(icard vessel and ilhe Whiitby detachmient of thie OP. * Thli pur-chase cf a 4-acre site ini tle Whiitby Industrial Park by ITT Camion Electric, a division of' ITT Canada Ltd. was announccd by the firmi's gencral mniiager. Robert Lîiriglît. October 30-lncumnbeiît NDP EM Broadbenh carried Oshawa- Witby inthie federal election. * (ouncillor Bob Attersley announced lie would net run as inayor in the uIpcerning election. November 9-Nominations fer Whitby municipal elections were recemved by town clerk Bill Wallace. A record number of Whitby citizens fûled rini- nation papers. Before six de- clinied tlîey nlumbered 51. December 5-No protest at Whiitby polis. Mayor Desnmond Newman confirmied the pun- dits confidence thumping his ncarest oppoîîcnt by a four te eue îîargin with a tally cf 5,473 votes. December 7-A critical re- port, criticai cf aliniost every dcpartiiient and systemîî cf the, Whiiby Psychîiatric Hospital was submiiitîed ho Ithe Onîtario Heailh Ministry. The report, tdie result of weeks of work by a special 7-mîîan task force appoiîîted frin hospitabper- sotînel, charged inadequate treatinient cf patients, lcw staff morale, and retentien cf patienîts long after: tlîey were due for discharge. letr tote ed WHITBY FREE PRESS, THURSDAY, IANUARY 4,1973, PAGE 11 Ar1i eSale ës Lt d The Mazda 80.8 Coupe $2669 lO09Dundus St. W W h i tby 8 m959ts7 r, - to overexploitation. Over fishing a Lake Trout lake for one .year can produce a standing crop deflicit, which may be vîrtually irreversible. Lake Trout seem to be particularly vuinerable, to winter fishing, because they tend to formi close sehools, at this time of year, and once located they can be harvested in great numbers. It is obvious that the hiarvest of Lake Trou t will hauve to be reduced to insure fu- ture stocks. One possible alternative is closure of the Lake season during periods of high vulnerability to angling. While this tactic may flot insure adequate Lake Trout populations for ail tirnes, it appears to be the only satisfactory solution to prolong the life of this species. There you have it in a nut sheli, we're doing it again, we're linîiting ourselves righit out of a segment of winter and possibly summ-er recreation because of our greed. Many will screarn that the answer is more stocking but to do this there have to be unlimited funds, which there aren't, and there hias to be a huge numnber of brood fish, which there also isn 't. So what do you do? Simple,-limit your kilI, don't kilI your limit. Keep this littie thought in your mind and there will always be enough lakers around, if good old 4progress" doesn't get there. While on the subjeet of winter fishing here are a few points to keep in mmnd so that you can enjoy your outing and still be within the limits of the law. Winter angling is restricted to the use of two lines or tip-upsper person. The fishing line or lure must flot have more than four hooks, except an artificial lure where three hooks in a gang are con- sidered to be one hook. The angler must be in attendance of his lines at al l imes and if hie is going to be absent, even for a short time, the lines mnust be removed from the water. Further, Thle Public [ands Act states, "ht is unlawful to leave refuse including brush and partially burnit logs on the ice." It is also a serlous safety hazard foi snowmobiles which may be using the lake at night or in conditions of poor visibility. Possibly by giving the snowmobile people this courtesy they will reciprocate and hot rod in an area, where you are flot fishing, like the next township or county. Kawartha Gun Dog Club The Kawartha Gun Dog Club will be holding its first meeting of 1973 Sunday, January 14, ai I p.m. The meet- ing will be held at 24 Larchwood Drive, Peterborough and everyone interested in gun dogs, field trials, gun dog trials, or just plain bird hunîing with dogs and good fellowship is invited. Special mention hias been made that the ladies in particular are more than welcome to attend. K.G.D.C. hias the honor this year of hosting the National SpringerSpaniel Field Trail.« While the club is Springer orienîed, that is no rcason for you te feel it is not for you just because you don't own a Springer. If your deg hunts or you hope for il te hutnt - this is the place te corne te find eut the irs and outs. Anyway the water and dog biscuits are frce. - by Joyce Read For period Jan. 7-13 CAPRICORN - Dec. 22 to ian. 19 This seven-day period should be one of optimism. Your two most significant days are Friday the 12th and Saturday the I3th. You are placed in a position of trust by associates. Live up to your potential by beîng cognizant. AQUARIUS - Jan. 20 to Feb. 18 You should try to strike a happy medium between work and plIay during this seven day period. You will be in the limelight from January 2Oth to February lBth. Your most significant day is Sunday the 7 th. PISCES - Feb. 19 to March 20 Your cycle is high during this seven-day perîod and you could accrue benefits from your past efforts. This would be an excellent lime to improve your wardrobe and highlight your appearance. You will exude a greater degree of confidence and optimism. ARIES - March 21 to April 19 This seven-day period is one ot* stimulation and intrigue. A hobby could hum mbt a lucrative side âIne' Curb a tendency to sarcasm. Look ah the amusing side of situations this week. The moon occupies your sign on Wednesday the 1Oth and Thursday the i lth. These will be your two most significarit days. TAURUS - April 20 to May 20 This should prove to be an interesting seven-day period for you Taurus. Opportunities are yours during this busy week. This wouldt be a good period ho travel, especiafly if business is involved. Impor- tant people can be approached with success. Get plenty of rest s0 you can enjoy the stepped up activity. GEMINI - May 21 to June 20 Things settle into a more normal pace during this seven-day period. Significant days are Sunday the 7th and Monday the 8th. Be helpful beyond duty and kindness wiIl be repaid twofold in the near future. The last of the week is favourable for a friendly gathering of indivi'. duals with whom you have a great deal in common. CANCER - June 21 to July 22 A slighh relaxation of tensions should occur during this stimulating seven-day interval. This should prove to be an interesiing period. You could be ealled on to use an area of learning plaeed in your unconscious years ago. AIl experience and knowledge sooner or later becomes important. Your two most significant days are Mon- day the 8th and Tuesday the 9th. LEO - July 23 to Aug. 22 This should bc a tess hectie period than the last seven days. You should fcel cxceptionally well. Your two most significant days are Wednesday the I Oth and Thursday the Il th. You could tackle tasks with ingenujity and inventive purpose. VIRGO - Aug. 23 to Sept. 22 During tliîs low; lunar cycle on the 8îîî, 9th and lOth you should coniplete previously beguin tasks and let others have the initiative. On the 7th be sure to think before you speak. Use extra caution syhîte traveling and bc cautions ini arcas of speculation. From Janu- ary 1 Oth w 1'ebruary l4th ik a highly activated period. This period criplhasi zes childrcn, pleasu mes, romuance, speculation and ceative activity. LIBRA - Sept. 23 to Oct. 22 This shiotld bc an intercsting but uneventful seven-day interval. Pressures should dissipate somcwhiat and you should feel freer to pursue hobbies and engage in social lif'e.ý Concentrate on being a deliglhtful cemp)anien. Vitality shotild be high during the first part of' the xek SCORPIO - Oct. 23 to Nov. 22 Activitics settie down sonewhat during this exciting seven-day' interval. Significant day's arc Monday the 8th and Tuesday the 9th. This is a ooed limne ho vork quiehly bchind the seenes. Do not be-