Whitby Free Press, 11 Jan 1973, p. 13

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- ~ - Continued from page 12 The Brooklin-Whitby Con- solidated Building Corp. maj- or midgets played three gaines last week, losing two and winning oie. The first gaine was a 4-3 loss to Ajax. Mike Rowley scored twice for the losers. Dave Parishi added the single. The second gaine _for he Consolidated Building Corp. midgets was a 2-1 loss to Peterborough. Carlo Caniaz- zola scored the lone Brook- lin-Whitby goal. The final game was a I12-1 romp over the Bay Ridges inidgets. Dave Sorichetti led the Brooklin-IWhitby attack with 3 goals and three ass- ists, with Ken Clarke and Dave Parishi adding two goals each. Singles were added by Garth Bush, Harry Forbes, Carlo Carnrazzola, Paul John- ston and Mike Rowley. HARILAID MIDGETS The Brooklin-Whitby Hari- laid midgets played to a 6-6 tie withi the Stouf'fville club recently. The Harilaid team was down 6--2 at the end of the second period, but rallied with four 'goals in the final twenty minutes of play to gain the tie. Marksmen for the Harilaid teain were: Tom Foster with two, while sin- gles wciit to Jin Dernille, Eddie Szczur, Jerry Huinink and Larry Graham. The seconid gaine for the Harilaid mnidgets was a 2-0 wini over Ajax. Pat McGibbon posted the shut-out, while teamnniates Eddije Szczur and Jimi Deiiille scored the goals. MCCORMACK BLADES The Brooklini-Whiitby Mc- Cormack Blades chalked up a 4-1 wini recently when they defeated the Bowmianville Bantanîs. Jeff Baun, Harold Lymburner, Barry Miliier anid Todd Casey handled the scor- ing for the Blades. Remember Minor Hockey Week is coming Not responsible The group canvassing the Town of Whitby in the narne of the Brooklin-Whitby Junior 'S" Hockey Club are flot con- nected with the tearn in any way whatsoever. These people are going door to door selling shamipoo and bubble bath telling people that they are fund raising for the Jr. "B" Tirernen. but this is comipletely untrue. The execurive of the Tiremien has flot - and will flot endorse this. Thiese people were told last week to stop this so-called sales canpaign and leave town, but as of Saturday. January 6, miany people were stjîl being called upon. Sonie people are being canvassed by telephone as well. Area schools compete in, badminton touuney Whitby District Fainily YMCA organized a succcssful Badmin ton Tou rnamien t for Interniediate boys and girls at Henry Street High School over the week end. Overali 12 boys and 9 girls participatcd repre- scnting Ajax. Brooklin and Henry Street Highi School. Alil those participating displayed a good brand of flicks and smashes witlî a keen sense of court craft with Ajax taking the singles, boys doubles and mixed doubles titles. Brooklin taking the girls doubles title whien Susan Croxali and Caro- lyn Disney beat Lois Reynolds and Wendy Wilson also of Brooklin 15-4. Gamies were played out on a single gaine basis. as there was a double eliiniation play off l'or the consolation title. Stuart Stone- man and Gilbert Henry scored a win for Henry Street High School when they beat teami mates John Owen and Kirk Dosser 1 5-8. Winners were awarded small YMCA plaques. Overaîl Results: Singles: Joe Martell (Ajax) beat teamn mnate Rod Forsythie 15-6. Consolation: David Hut- chinson (Ajax) beat Stuart Stonemnan of'l-Henry Street High 15-3. Boys Doubles: Joe Martel and Richard Kranc (Ajax) beat Richard Nickelchok and Wayne King of Brooklin 1 5-9. Consolation: Stuart Stone- man and Gilbert Henry (Hen- ry Street Higli) beat team mates John Owen and Kirk Dosser 15-8. Girls Doubles: Susan Crox- ail and Carolyn Disney (Brook- lin) beat team mates Li Reynolds and Wendy Wilson Consgiatign: Kagen.Eaton a nd Cindy Mclnhtyre of Ajax beat Wendv Cook ,and ,Kelly McMartin uof Henry Street 15-4._ Mixed Doubles: Barbara Heins anid Rod Forsythe of Ajax beat Carolyn Disney and Joe Pengelly of Brooklin I15-4. Consolation: Mary Ellen Jackson and Grant Crawford of Brooklin beat team mcmen- bers Susan Croxal and Billy Bridge 15-7. Roger Gomnes of the Whitby YMCA is planning to organize a coaching clinic followed up by a tournanment after the New Year. The kids like play- ing and he hopes to draw ini more players the next timie. Ho It's right ini the Income Tax Act (Section 146). You can deduct up to $4,000 from your taxable in- come when you deposit into an individual registered plan. GeIne Posteraro MM.uAU alyo)u WH ITBY FR EE PRESS, TH URSDAY, JAN UARY Il e 1973, PAGE 13 Private %V' strikes, blow for skiiîng lt's healthy! It's exciting! What's more important, it's a lot of fun! CROSS COUNTRY SKIING. That's right, that new "&pass-tirne" you've heard su much about. Cunious? So was 1 when it was first men- tioned to me. WeIl, 1 was armed. No one could con- vince me that, even 1 could perfori this sport. "Who me?" said I. 4"With miy weak ankles?" "1YOU can do it anyway!" "'Cross Country skiing does flot require thie samne strengthis or skills as dees downhill skiing" he answered. "0OK then," 1 said trying again, "what about my weak stomnach-those slopes-f-o-r- g-e-t i-t!" 14Sorry, there-are nu racey slopes to be attacked where Cross Counmry Skiing is con- cerned" hie fimmly replied. "Well then, I just can't afford it!" 1 gasped making one final attempt to chicken ou t. "You can rent your equip- nient at first-what little you'Il need-and later (since 1 know you'll love it), you can outfit y6urself for less than $60." he stated matter of factly. "And how do you know so much about it?" 1 asked this know-it-all young man. "I'm Bill Payne, Instructor for the Cross Country Skiing course that's being offered by thie Whitby Recreation De- partinent. It starts January 28th and costs only $5.00 for the entire six week course. But, prior to that, there's going to be an informal ses- sion, with movies and dis- cussions, on Saturday, Janu- ary 2lst, 1:00 p.m. at the Centennial Community Cen- tre, (Ontario and Cen tre Streets)." As he left, he said, "bring the family, because this is something everyone can bene- fit frorn and enjoy. Well, 50 long; sec you there!" "Yes, l'Il be there," 1 an- swered. HOW ABOUT YOU? ART THOMPSON ARENA 1013 ICE RENTAL Bookings are now being taken for ice rentai for the 1973 Summer and Full Season. For Full Information CALI TODAY 839-d4425% or Drop in and See us at 1474 BAYLY- ST. (Just East of GO Station) 4SKI-mDOO * *You.'llwonder wvhere the yellow tivent For the f ,rst time ever, ""the machine tFiat chonge4 winter has chariged"'. Ski-Doo snowmobiljes feoture colours other thon the traditional yellow aMi black trim. Three new '73 T NT models in metallic -silver accented by block and a new golden bronze Nordic 640ER with ton seat ond brownzbiolck- trim offer *on 'exponded ~ colour selection. need fl0W> Don't take a chance on missing out on tax savings on your 1972 income. Act inow. Caîl Gene Posteraro of the Manufacturers Life for more details. Or mail the coupon. Why Manu Life? A leader in the pension field. Has more single prernium immediate annuities on the books than any other Canadian company and more group pension plans too. A wide variety of retirement savings plans for registration. Regular guaranteed plans. New equity insurance and annuity plans. Money management by investment professionals. Ifyou operate your business as a imnited company there may be Isomne additional benefits under Section 147 that might bc of interest to you. (;et in touch with Mr. Posteraro today. IMANUFACTURERS LIFE SUITE 501, BELL TOWER, OSHAWA CENTRE, OSHAWA Tel. 728-7391 I request more information on Registered Savings NAME....................... IADDRESS.......... .1ý.....els... PHONE Were Oshawa's First INTERNATIONA&L DEALER El and H OsIawals First Truck SpeciafIists ý *A Complete Line of International Harvester MOTORTrucks - Light, medium and heavy duty. TRS Sales for New and Used Trucks - Parts for Alil TRUCKSMakes. *F lexible Fi nancing, Leasing arrangements. OSHAWA TRUCK CENTRU 555 Wentworth St. E. 576-4400 (416> Oshawa DRIVE 1H10 MIDWAY DAISUN a nn drive out a WINNEROY! 1300 Dundas East 668m6828 Are You Paying Too Much Tax? ew To Cut Income Tax While You Save For Retirement * VALLAICE EQUIPMEUT* *ROOKLIUM53~

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