Whitby Free Press, 11 Jan 1973, p. 14

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PAGE 14, THUR SDAY, JAN UA RY 11, 1973, WH ITBY FREE PRESS GEORGE BLYLEVEN REALTOR PHONE 623-5300 NEWCASTLE: New six room brick bungalow, dlining roomn with french sliding doors, large at- tached garage. Lot 150 X 150 ft. Priced at $34,000. NEWCASTLE: 14-year-old 5 room brick bungalow wvith attached garage on large lot in quiet area. Asking price $29,900. HIGHWAY PROPERTY: 10-year-old well built and kept duplex with 1000 sq. ft. living space on each f loor on 1/2-acre lot. Priced at $39,900. Give us an offer. Wanted' Land and or Building Commercial-I1ndustrial- Apartment and Subdivision Land Wanted for Cash Buyers. Caîl Now, Don Stradeski Real Estate, 723-4651 MO RTGAG E Znde MORIGAGE MONEY AVAILBLE- .5 VEAR TE RM OPEN MORTGAGES *NO BONUSES * NO CREDIT CHECKS *NO INOIJIRY 0F NEIGHBOURS *CONFIDENTIAL ARRANGEMENTS MADE IN YOUR 014W HOME *BORROW AS LITTLE AS $1 ,600 *FAST SERVICE CALL Mr. Wilks 942-2611 or 699-1121 Toronto Apartments For Rent Ro88lynn Arîns Apts. *OSHAWA-S moST GrACIOUS LIVING* ELECTR1CALLY HEAIED This 1% 0 superj#nr building, weilI blîlt t ii *cIenly rmain- tofaudOnd cours ta thos. peoole reqlutnung a better woy of living. NO LASF MONTH'S RENT RIiQUlrZ1 745 STEVENSON RD. N., OSHAWA 723-1009 if No Answ 579-1413 HOUSE FOR RENT MORTGAGE WHITBY-3 bedroom unfurnished f OR MORTGAGES house. Available immediately. Cali' LASDELWT 668-3541. AWY ELWT MEMBER 0F THE Services ONTARIO MORTGAGE 8ROKERS ASSOCIATION CALCS - CASH REGISTERS our mfTb<s) in your area: RAE R. JONES & SON ADDERS REALTY LTO. 122 Brock Street Sou ch. Whitby NEW& USED Services DISCOUNT PRICES VITAMIN E GET THE FACTS-SEND FOR NEWAN'S FR EE BOOKLET OFFIE MIENTSunshine Health Foods, 668-738 WHITY, NT. 75 Simcoe St. N., Oshawa, 668.738 WHITY, NI.or caI-576-239l HOIISTER WHOLESALE MEATS Sides of Beef - 74t Lb. (Cut & Wrapped) Loîns of Pork - 99v Lb. New York Shoulders - 67c/ Lb. CUSTOM CUTTING & SLAUGHTERING CA LL 649-5908 DELIVERY TO ALL 0F ONTARJO COUNTY KING ST. L OSHAWA (i Au m or550 NA*MONY Wmi 1969 FARGO VAN - V8 Ai Condition. Cail 668-8209 after 6 p.m. CARS FOR SALE Today's Best Bargain - 1973 Volkswagens with twice the war- ranty as most other cars, 24- months on 24,000 miles warranty. Best in Winter. (No Radiator Freeze Ups). Vour best invesi- ment. <High Trade In Values) Lowest in Price- $2,198. See ail the new models plus many V.W. reconditioned trade- ins and other used cars at: Pickering Car Centre Baseline Rd. Y2z Mile East of Harwood Ave. 942-1881 0OPEN TII 9 P.M. Authorized VW Sales & Service 723-1176 Snowmobiles VAMAHA SNOWMOBI LES AB'S MOTO RCYCLE SHOP 110. We service what we sell 11 4Stephenson Rd. S.-728-7780 Taunton Village - 576-3150 FOR WRECKING Boa-Ski or Apollo No Motor - Cati 655-4473 GORD'S MARINE LTD. Claremont Crew Boats-Alumînum Boats Can. Explorer Trailers Skî*Doo Sales Classifiîed caIl 668-6111 FOR SAL SAVE UP TO 60% on name brand broadloom. We guarantee we won't be undersold, save a bundle at FACTORY BROAD- LOOM DISTRIBUTORS. at 81 Richmond St. W., Oshawa, 576-5522. SHOWROOM SPECIAL clearance -chesterfields, dinettes. lamps, end tables, oil pain tings on velvet. unpainted furniture. rugs, etc. Many more to choose f rom- 728-3473, 253 Bloor St., East Oshawa. Bf3OADLOOM-9 X 12 Hardtwist n beautiful dark green, normal cost $180, on sale $119. Factory Broadloom Distributors, 81 Rïch- mond St. W., Oshawa, 576-5522. NEW PAIR of E-7814 Snow Tires and Ford Rims.-Asking $30. for works. Cali 688-9829. BROADLOOM-Remnants, ends of rolîs. Retail values to $18.95 per yard. On sale at $4.95 per yard. Faàctory Broadloomn Distri- butors, 81 Richmond St. W., Oshawa, 57.6-5522. Services METRO FISH & CHIPS & GRILL BLAIR PARK PLAZA We specialize in take out orders 668-8672 Ajax Floor and Rug Service Specialists in Rug Cleaning Ail types of rugs and carpets, expertly cleaned. Cali for freeestimates -942-5590 RELIABLE DAY CARE Available. Hot Meals, Fenced Yard, Babies Weîcomne. Phone- 668-9867 DON'T BE DISAPPOINTED Register Now for Charter Flights to U.K. for summer ITC TRAVEL WHITBV MALL 723-6792 DOG FOR SALE: Poodle - Apri- cot toy - 11%/ years old vvîîh papers. Very good wîith children 668-9429 COMMEE FOR INDEPENDIENT CANADA Write: William Cumpsty 348 Arthur St., Oshawa, or Cali- 576-2391 21 IN. FLOOR MODEL T.V. Oumont. Good Condition. Askwng $50. Cati 668-5764. SAVE SON THATREPAIR BILL Radio, Hi Fi's, A.M.P. or Malti Plex Comp. System Not Working Property. lx may not be as ex- pensive as you think. Sorry, no T.V.'s. caîl Nixon's Electronics, 668-2877. 104 Ontario St. W., Whitby. PUREBRED IRISH RED SET- TERS. Good huinters, good house pets. Ready for Xmas. Phone Brook lin 655-4356. BROADLOOM-Deep pile hard- twist in Bittersweet and Gold colors. Suggested retail $19.95 per yard. Factory Broadloomn Dis. tributors, 81 Richmond St. W., Oshawa, 576-5522. SHOWROOM s p eci al clearance - chester- fields, a n d dinettes, lamps, end tables, oil paintings on velvet, un- painted furniture, rugs etc. Many more to choo- se from. 728-3473, 253 Bloor St. E., Oshawa. INDOOR-OUTDOOR heavy rub- ber back-seven bright colors, 9 X 12, only $35.95. Factory Broad- loom Distributors, 81 Richmond St. W., Oshawa, 576-5522. FOR SALE-Used Car Tape Deck; $25. Also several 'rock' tapes. Phone Don at 668-9034. ARTICLES WANTED USED T.V. Towers. WiII remove from premnises. Caîl 942-3949. USED SOOKS WANTED BOOKS IN GOOD CONDI *TION REQUIREO FOR INDIAN COM- MUNITY IN NORTHERN ON- TARIO-Telephone Bil! Cumpsty 723-2381. HELP WANTED - TEACHERS The Ontario Countý Board of Education requires immediately - qualified teachers - elementary for supply teaching in the Oshawa-Whitby area. Please apply to: Mr. B. R. Walker, Assistant Superintendlent of Personnel, 555 Rossland Road West, Oshawa, Ontario. You love your husband to take you out to dinner more of ten-but you both feel guilty about blowing the budget. If you were an EDEN GIRL - EDEN COSMETICS could help you afford sorne of the fun things of life-and you can spend as littie or as mnuch timne as you choose! Phione today 'for details about being an EDEN GIRL. Cali Mrs. Blyth, 655-3679 Work for yourself or us. PART or FULL lIME. $100 - $800 per month to start. Adults only. caîl 728-3110-10 a. m. - 6 p.m. News ti Pt Coli 66886111 EMPLOYMENT WANTED RESPONSIBLE WOMAN exper- ienced in ail phases of apartment management and background in personnel management looking for a permanent full time position. WHITBY FR EEPRESS, Box 206, File No. 1002. LADY DESIRES housewvork by the day. Monday to Thursday, Lupin and Dundas area. Cal 668-71 52. Classified cal 668-6111 SALES lrOl 'II SERVICE PARTS 15 WORDS FOR $1 IN ADVANCE SIEND ITIN OR BRING T IN TO OUR OFFICE AND WE WILL RUN VOUR WANT-AD or maximumin oj 3 weeks PLEASE PAINT WORD îl.) 2)<. no conummwJa*utimrg MAIL T'O; WHITBY FREE PRESS BOX 206, WHUTBaY Ashnowldgeeuts or receipt e mse.tnt in rrwps., -to choque or money orders. Csm un through the miwN' et theadvOrtisrsk. NAME ............................... ADODRESS ............................ P.0.1 .......................... PHONE NO. ....... ......... ........ 1 ýý ý - , 77, -PM« a- -Bq

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