Whitby Free Press, 11 Jan 1973, p. 15

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Bowling <Kairins 10 pin LANDER-STAR K CLASSIC LEAGUE TOP EIGIII: Bob Gardianî 624 (225, 221), Steve Hewak 617 (226, 201), Gene Culligan 608 (227, 212), Doug Gibbs 606 (214, 204), Joe Spencer 603 (218, 215S), Ross Gavel 598 (202, 201), Bob Worsîey 590 (222, 201), George Brabin 5 80 (208, 200). TEAM STANDINGS: Ticals 142, Mustangs 126, Cubs 125, Eagles 124, Chicfs 115, A rgos 115, Co- bras 109, Pan thens 104. EASTWAY JUNIORS& SENIORS H-IGH TRIPLES-GIRLS: Chieni Frobel 431 (190), Shieila Harrison 385 ( 146), Karen Leonard 384 (134), Cindy Grecnlaw 376 (135), Candy KittIc 372 (136). FIGH TRIPLES- BOYS: Tomi Zarob iak 559 (193), Bob Ross 555 (207), Dave Alexander 515 (202), Jeff Haines 5 14 (209), Cecil Prakken 5 12 (205). TEAM STANDINGS: Wilson [Fun-N nitune I17, JoIIy Friar I17, Sinmcoe Gulf' Automnolive 151/_, Imperial ('entre & Car Waslh 14. Turner's Pinbusters 13, Atîersley T'ire 121/, Oshawa Communication & T. V. Service I Il/.. J & J Sports 11, Supremne Winidowvs & Doors 101/2, Vaîco Cîolhing 10, Ab's Moton- cycle Shop 9. Mary Brown's Vin- ginia Fried Cîîickcn 9,.CP.S.Mu-. sic 9, A & W Simicoc St. N. 9. L-ASTWAY BANTAMS BOYS' 111611 TRIPLI'S: Pat Goodman 404 (153), Chutck ('ulli- --an 379 (151), Scott George 373 (147), Tomn Appletuni 353 (139). JetïîhTloriton 351 (120). GIRLS' 111611 TRIPLI' S: Chieryl Leonard 377 t(150), Janice Thorn- ton 352 (136), Kareii Brabin 346 1123), Sharoin C' averlcy 324 (I116), Sandra Ilainies 3 16 t(121>). T'LA.N STANDINGS: G & G I:ec- tronics 18, ('lint's Texaco 17, B3ennett Paving 15, C'ail. Legion Braiîcli No. 43 - I 5. Lîmner's i ur- îîiturc 14. Sith icveragec 13. liioni1as flouse of* Music Il. NMac- Lean I ueîs I 0½., Lander-S tank ('assic I101,,2,Nurse t(.)orsI10, Lucky One Ieveragcs 8. Sports Snowmobile races aren't ail f ree Villa 8. O-slawa Tune-Up '('entre weekend atPeterborough they ch 75. Ola~aBsns îo\Lau She is shown being congratulatec -by Sic If you have been wondcring wliat is ncw in flic Ail- Amnerica Selection îlîis year. weill here they are. NMarigolds and zîinnias are prominent among thie AlI-America Seleclions Ibis year. You will find thaï. *Happy Face Marigeld', a bronze miedal winner, belongs te a cîass ol bybrid mnarigolds popu- larly known as "hiedgiing" marigolds owing te their neat, uniform blabil of growtlb. Happy Face lias deep golden yellow fulîy-double flowers nmeasuring up te four inchies across on 26-inchi highi plants. Earlier thian tie Jubilees, more double than Apollo and Moonsbot, it sîays colourful fromn the end ofiJuly until frost, branching and rebranching witbi fresh bîoonms. At ils best ini a border, Happy Face is aIrlo usefl as a cointainer pl'ant and as a pa tioacce-nt. ezing cold and roaring snowmobiles. At the International meet, this past hose Miss Kawartha Cup. She is Mary Elizabeth Anderson (left) of Apsley. d by Anne Brown, last year's winner of the titie. Photo by Alex Kalnins d Morris and Pink- ini 197 1. both winners of AII.Amnerica gold mnedal awards Peter Pani Scarlet Zinnia, the 1973 AiI-Amierica wînner, combines attractive large lower size witlb dwarf plant liabit - a conmbina tien that more and more homne gardeners arc de- nianding. Individual (lowers are very double and nicasure 3-4 inclhes across. Seldonu growing more than a foot igh, tie firsît lowers appear whcn the plants rcaclb six inchcs. Thiey remiain neat and compact, tolerate rough weatlher witli case, and cover tbiemsclvcs with bloorn. They are superb in landscape or border planting where thecy will remiain neat and shiowy ail suru ruer. You will find both Peter Pan Scarlet Zinnia and Happy Face Marigold are easy ho grow fronu seed. Plants for earliest bloonis can be started indoors and îransplanîed ho the gar- den after danger of frost, or they can be direct-sown int the garden where you want them te bloorn. WH ITBY FR EE PRESS, THURSDAY,JANUARY 1l, 1973, PAGE 15 BY JOYCE READ For Period ianuary i 4-January 20 CAPRICORN - Dec. 22 to Jan. 19 During this seven-day period concentrate on finishing projects. 1cm- pers of others arc apt to be short. Refuse to becorne involvcd in per- sonal' problems of associates. Expand hidden talents during this period. Place a loved one first in your mind and you could be sur- prised at the resuits. AQUARIUS - Jan. 20 to Feb. 18 At the beginning of this seven-day period you should have an abun- dance of energy. Direct il towards your work. Your two most sig- nificant days are Sunday the 14th and Monday the lSth. You wil be in a light hearted mood. It is important during the next five weeks to beliave tactfully towards friends and associates. Do not speak of confidences or betray a trust. PISCES - Feb. 19 to Mardi 20 During this seven-day period you crave excitement and change. This could lead to differences with your mate or partner. You are no longer contcnt 10 take a back seat. This is the timne to take matters into your hands. This period represents a challenge to you, but it is also invigorating. ARIES - March 21 to April 19 This is an cnergý, filled week. You will find yourself rushing to com- plete plans. Mental capabilities iniprove. In your rushi to finish pro- jects make sure you do. not overlook important details. Your two most significant days wjll be Friday the l9th and Saturday the 20thi. Give thîe othier person the benefit of the doubt at this lime. TAURUS - April 20 to May 20 During the first two days of this seven-day period concentrate on paying bills and planning your budget. Afler the l8th there could be delays wvhich could be due 10 circumistanccs beyond your control. Your mnost significant day is Wednesday thie 17th wlien your ability lo be alive in a meaningful sense is highlighited. This should be a good lime for you, Taurus. GEMINI - May 21 to June 20 Your two miost significant days arc Sunday the 14tlh and Monday the lSth. You should feel freer and less restricted. Take a short trip over the wveekend if possible. You need to get awvay to a nesv environment and miccl people of your own type. You shouîd be careful in ex- pressing your views. You may think you are voicing thoughts well, but in reality you could be givîng a totalîy différent impression. CANCER - June 21 to July 22 This seven-day period suaris out on a positive note. There is pressure thîs week because you have many projects 16 launch. A new phase is ending. You have mucli detail work to perform. Your two most significant days are Tuesday thie l6th and Wednesday the l7th. Al personal projects gel a green light at this lime. Feelings for your mate or close friend are accelerated durîng thie next four-week' period. LEO - July 23 to Aug. 22 Thîis is probably your best seven-day period ofth le month. You have e.\tra energy. Your two most significant days duning Ibis lime are Thursday the l8th and Friday the l9th. At this lime you wilI feel on top of prohîerns which you can soîve easiîy. Speculating with funds pîaced away for anothier purpose can be foolhardy. Be careful wlîere large sums of mioney are con cerned. 1VIRGO - Aug. 23 to Sept. 22 This is not the time 10 splunge, that will corne laten. Your significant day is the l8th. This could be a very Iucky day for you. On the l9thi don't lose your temper or let your nerves get out ofecontnol. Cane shouîd be exercised while drîving; carelessness could resuit in a traffie ticket. LIBRA - Sept. 23 to Oct. 22 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~New 1.973 Ai-necaMrglHpyacNe 97AIL-Axerica Zinnia~, Peter Pan Scarlet SPECIAL ON PERMS Any Monday, Tuesclay, and Wednesday in the Month of January et oePSa (Pomme i!!3 auLy zSaLotz Whitby MaIl, Thickson Rd. & Hlghway 2, Whltby, Ont. Tel. 723-S261 7, A New 19 < 73 All-Amerîca Marigold, Happy Face

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