Whitby Free Press, 11 Jan 1973, p. 16

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PAGE 16, TH URSDAY, JAN UARY 11, 1973, WH ITBY FR EE PRESS HarIlaid works Hobbs d.ni.d planning board sent Inaletter deiivered to ah11 meribers of Whiitby Town Couiel, lormier inayoratity candidate Bruno Flarilaid voiced objection Io the pos- sible appoîinfefit ol' Cotin- cillor Dr. K. C. Hobbs as chairman of any board or coifmfittee in the Town of Witby, especially to the pus- sibility of the counicillor being appointed as chairmanl of the towil planning board. Ou tlining rmisonis lor h is objections lie wrote. 'I arn basing my objection On thé~ fl'ct thit ini the tecent muni- cipal elect ion, a large iîunber of taxpayers were coicerned, and righitly so, with inysell haiving a contlict of* interest il' elecied. li my case the tîîatter Mis, or would have beii, ir- relevent as I do not own Va- catîtj lan, olde)(Ir propert ies or anly otiier mia estate initerest ii the Iowii whiere a coiitiict wvotld ot coîîld occur." "MVIr. I lobbs, on I lie oier hiand , lie said , 'diirecctly o r iind irec tly appea us t o ownl va- calni laidvacai s! ites anid very quesi ioîiable resideniitai AJ A) STORES to have c rentai property where rent appears to bc paid by the town." ."Thiis situation appears to exist in more thian one Ward," hie continued, therefore his appointment wouId be comn- pletely unacceptable even if' hie ýwould disclose his inter- ests; 1 ask al i embers of council, iii the best interest of' Witby, to reject hî i nmi- na tîIl."' Terniiing bis impression or thie letter as "frankly dis- guist ing", Mayor Newman said lic Ibutnd it "thie kirmd of cor- responde lice dit does tIi is council no good." "Mr. I-arilaid, like any member of this municipalty, has a Ilegal process open to him if he finds any member of this council disreputable." Clair-ning to condemn the letter flot because Mr. Harilaid was a contender for the may- or's seat in thie municipal election, but because his letter poses a very grievous reproachi to public office, he said, "Surely we shouldn't be sub- ject to thiis sort of thing," adding that "public office is tough enoughi without this sort of thiing." Mr. Harilaid obviously was unimpressed. "The heads of municipalities across Canada are declaring their pecuniary intercsts. 1 would consider a voluntary motion of this sort by anyone in public office honest, forthright and only fair, and 1 personally would like to sec our own mayor féIow suit," he said. His letter received the council mark of 'receive and file' and Councillor Hobbs was elected to' the Commun- ity Centre's Management Board and to the town Recre- ation Commit tee. 2 30DAY CH Rr 3 9 DG TPtA, CHARGEX 71 STATION RD. - 942-3623 OPEN Mon.-Wed. 8:00 o.m. to 5:00 p.rn. Thurs. - Fri. 8:00 o.m. te 9:00 p.rn. Sot. 8:600 arn. to 5:00 P.r.' wýý

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