Whitby Free Press, 11 Jan 1973, p. 6

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n prc rulineflAV -IANHiARV il1q73WHlTBY FREE PRESS PAUL b, 1i m - 3 ÀRIRDL'$e EYE vIEw by Jim Quaoil Lot it drip lt's nothing personal, but l'd rather flot gel involved. Tlhe last lime 1 had Io ehange a washer in the water rap il turned out lu be a flive star production. It was the bathroomi sink and I neyer heard the tap dripping but the sink was starting to gel discoluured from the 'constant drippirig of the water. Su I slipped m t te cluset and changed into my Mr. Super Fixit costume and, adorned with glearning gold plated tools, I took tu the job aI hand. I immediately fuund out tMat laps have a nasty habit of seizing up afner spending countless years in service. My first obstruction was getîing the fouI handle off the top. Il wouldn't budge. Any other lime the damn thing would corne off in your hand but nul this timie. The screw head was filled Up with deposits of soap su it took a few minutes of picking and off colour language tu get the soap out before 1 could even gel a grip un the screw with a screwdriver. The serew was easy conpared to the handie. 1 pushed and pulled and tapped and was on the verge of dynarniting the handie when il grudgingly camne off. l'he next step was to gel the tap casing apart. Because of the leaking, the cheinicals in the water had but up arourid the thireads and afler trying for another hallf hour t6 get it apart I hit on a miaster brainwave. I figured if it was this difficuit to get the tap apart let alone change the washer then il would be caisier lu sirnply buy new taps and change themn. A few- minutes perusal in a catalogue changed my mind. At the prices they wantcd for new taps 1 figured I had better check my annoyance with the old taps and find a way to get it apart and fix ir. Well for those ut you who have ever gone through Ithe agonies of changing a tap washer I don't have to tell you what a lrying job it is to pry apart an old tap tu get at its innerniost secrets, For those of' yuu who haven't, I say forget it! After prying out the offending washer, whichi did look the worse for wear, 1 headed oui lu the hardware to get a new washer. Wouldn't you know it, mny washer was different. The clerk surniised that my taps were miade somiewhere around the timie of The Spanishi Uprising. He also figured they were made by coolie labour from Macao. As ir was a Saturday and hce was busy he suggested i1 pick out the proper washier myscîf. Fine, 1 agreed. ie broughit uver a box with assurted washers and dumiped il un the cournter in front of' me. There inust have beeil rwo thousanid washers in thlat box and 1 swear every one was different. 1 was ai the couniter su long une lady though t I wurked there. l'ni sure tlie rest of the custoiners munstlhave tlhought I was playinig une handed checkers or somctliinig. When 1 îhought 1I had the righitoule 1 waved Io thie clerk anid 1ie came uver and said, "Ohi, good aftrernoi sir. Say, weren 't youu here thiis muiring?' withiut appeariing tue bitter I replied. -1 neyer left!- lie cunfirmied thiat , indeed 1 did hiave thie righ r washier and tuld rule i wouold cost ail of' 2 1 . (Of course whici you consider my rime up tu that point the lfoI ti ing lad cosi nie about S25. 1 can understanid now wliy plumbers niake sucli a vasi fortune ini such a short rimie in busîiness. After chianging oule tap washer muost peuple would pay arny price to0 havc sionie- budy else do the job. A side elleci about such a it imie-coiist'itiiig job as chianginig a waslier is thiatr nie wvater lias te lie mmcid (Aï anld that mrc Iodes the toi le t.Ir is j ust a lit tle c arasiglu have lu walk down to the corner gas station t o Ihave to, ohi, go. Su I ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Ii df' hnewscsaymr.in .wiliii shuwer i% sinik. \VeI Conten.1I leaiki ng as wei I as tllic k ,icen adlu le baseirit jen Ille tu îînsdrip away' to the ir îîcart'-s jusn wislric would d ripi a lit île more q nietIy. HEARD'S TAXI Off4732 RadigEq~uipped & Direct Une at Amold's Market, 115 Brook.St. N. For Your Convenlence 150 p.rry Sb".!Whltby GRJANVADA HAS A SCREEN SIZE AND PRiCE TO FIT EVERYONE'S BUDGET "Rent a itile.Happiness" 6 REDUCING RATES 0N O CAPITAL INVESTMVENT 0NO FINANCE CHARGES é MMEDIATE INSTALLATION PION 0W.723m3424 De Suri b Compare dm Dir.no e (IRANA A fENTA L e .26 KING ST. E., OSHAWA 0W n nIhtIv tAil pin. - sotuvdays unSe p.m with fMike Burgess The Kawartha Cup International eelebrated ils îcnlh anniversary lasI weekend at Morruw Park in Peterboruugh. This international chamipionship snowmnobiling event aI- îracled nearly îwo hundred entrants (including eleven fac- tory îeams) lu compele for the $39,500 purse. And despile sub-zero lemperatures, and a wind-chill factor that was probably around thirly below, the spectalors packed the grandstand and completely surruunded the tracks, silting or standing on trucks, houseroofs, snowbanks, and any- where they could gel a goud view of the harness track. At lime of wriling, estimates were thal lasI year's attendance of 55,000 would be easily exceeded. The only Whitby entrants were Doug and Arlene Bell, both un a Polaris, in 'B and 'A' stock respectively. Arlene sîarted things off ai lunch time Sunday by placing fourth in the Ladies 'A' class race. Three hours later Doug went ouI in 'B' stock but could only muster a sixth place finish, which actually isn't 100 bad considering there were îwenly- six mnachiines in the class, and îrack conditions certainîy left a lot 1<) be desired. Seventeen year oîd Suzanne Hemning, a local Peter- borough girl, won the Ladies' 'C' race on Saturday afler- nuon, and followed up wiîh a second place in Mhe Ladies 'D' stock race Sunday morning and a sixth in Ladies 'B' in the afternuun. Suzanne wun the Molson Ladies International trupily on this îrack une year agu aI the age of sixteen. lier brothier, Scott Heming, won the 'Stock D' race on Sunday afternoon. Eighilim ine Canadian champion bike racer Yvon Du- lamiel, thie "Flying Frenchmian". picked up a thiird. a second and a firsi. Yvon runs for tie Bombardier factury teami with former world chiampion Mike Trapp and Gastun Ferland. 1)uîlainel and biis Bombardier neam tmates will be ai Mosporr Park Ibis Saturday and Sunday fur flie third annoal Bosclh Invîtatiotial smomobile races and S25,.000 in prize tiiuiy. Snojet will be represented by Avnerican Jitu Adema wlio took six tirsts mu win flie World Cup in Penerboroughi Iast year. Qne of' the big anttract ions ibis year an the Boschlu i- vital îoliaîs a Landspeed run nu be bield un Friday. The f'astest driver uver thiis Mosport hiaîf*-mile sm raigit xvill pick uip une tl husand dollars. Du Hamel. who preserilm I olds the wo(,rld snowmiobile specd record atI 127.3 mphi. vill be driving a new double emîgine machine in thlis even t. Regist ration f'or entrants of this race svilî bcîed Friday aitlmîîcHoliday Inni (Oshawa). and Saturday and Sunday m orn ings anit lie n rack. Alsu t lis weckend. Sat urday n ighr nu ble exact. is thie Çanad ian Auitomobile Sport s Clubs Annual Awards Ban- quetr. 'fl im ie is 8 p.nî. atdid te place is York Un iversity ( Keele Sm.. nurtlî of Steeles). l'iunIiunuurcd tiaitltîis columnii iniie e rce Press' bias been nominaicd tfor considera tion by tie C.A.S.C. l'or thieir 'best motursport writcr or phiono- graplier of' die ycar award'. Su if' this columui isn 't hiere ncxt wcck. you w\iIl kno\v I didn'n gen i n (cxccpt froin my ediror). 'Tii mext week (I1 hope) IHappy Nlutorîug! 4 4 4 4 BRO(KWHITBY 668;à3618 STARTING TOOAY THRU WED. 3 BIG HITS FOR THE PR A1 AND ON THE SAME PRI PLUS ime Simon "U Âklan Âkn aIOsa an ow ~Co ai al ,eai ReneTatylo 0OCS at7:OOpm4 MCEOF ONE L.-, C. Spj>nier P.kie lhe legend of MGGIER4 HARLEY"4* (Aduit Ent.> 4 OGIRAM4 = I T z--= - -- . ui .CHILDR]Efi4S MATiNEE SAT. 1:30 PJ. MPRT E R S" f DEAN MARTIN 4àý ý 1

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