Whitby Free Press, 11 Jan 1973, p. 7

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dled and handled, and because he does flot scratch or bite, chiîdren at a very young age can be given full responsibility in caring for this furry litile pet. Deînanding only the minimum of care and attention, but with proper diet and cleanliness, your Guinea Pig wil live to be over 7 years old. and will be looked upon as one of the cleanest and welî-behaved pets in your neighbourhood. Having acquired your first Guinea Pig. you will soon discover that raising a pair or even a famnily eniails litile or no extra work. If you should decide to raise more than one of these it tie creatures. please rememiber, neyer keep more than one maie in a famnily. They will fighî, but îwo or more femrales is quite acceptable. Perhiaps you have often wondered why such a cule lit île animal inheri ted such an Lndeservrng andi unflai- tering naine. Jn comiparison tthe pig, who enjoys "Ïl lvingin the dirt and filth, ~ ~" the only siiilariîy is his li,?, YIhabit of squealing, grunt- ing and squeaking whien hie's hungry or afraid. His hieri tage not o-rigîinat iig in Guinea on the West Afri- can coast or New Guinea in flic South Pacific. mlanly people believe thaï whien he founld bis way' 10 Englanti, lie svas boughit andi sold for a tguinea (a once t amous English coin). To mielhe just doesn't tieserve his own naine. su perhiaps we should do imii justice andi call imii by his scien h fic naime. "Cavia cutieri-. which mneans restless Cavy. Even better we shall refer to as Cavy. Remnains of the Cavv hiave been foui in the tombs of the Incas and il is believedtita ils ancestors originated in Perui long, before the sixteenthl century. The Spaniards re- turning troin the ir explorations in Soutîh Amierica ont ro- duced tie Cavy int Europe and today it is fount ini abun- dance ail over the worlti. Having rentiereti hus service to nmankinti ini the fieldi of experiiuen tation and research. his sole purposes now in lite are for the challenge of breeding anti in being a lovable pet for both chiltirenl andtitls. The [ull growo ('avy, which shoulti occlir at six mlon ths. will average I0Obinches iii length and will vweighi [romn 34 to 42 ouiices. Untier ciuber his short croppet ihair or long lowilg ceai. the lit tic Cavy will have a short stocky bodyx. large hcati \vith blunt nose anti shor t hairless cars. The short f'ore legs cool ain four tocs having breai claws with hils hind legs hiavinig oily tbree tocs. By the lengthi anti texture of' bis hiar is hew one clas- sifies dhe various breetis of 'azvies. Thei thece possible coin- binai ions of' haïr chiarac teristîcs protioce thie ti ee niiost popul ar breeds; Ango ra or Peruivian . sin 001 . long h air; Engolishi or Bolivian . aIse smnooth. but very short biair,.1aniL the Abyssiniian with hlus ruffliedti fr. T wo distinct ive variles are foui in the Angora division -The Silver Agen h anti the Golden Agou ti. The termi 'Self"* applies lu thbe soliti colou reti coat varîety. the miost popular anti grea lest in de- mat.Whn seCLect1iig Y'eur n!rticuilar fa'-venirîle bhreeti of' will aise tell you about the three rarest breeds, the Duteh, the Himalayan and the Tort oise-and-Whi te. A cozy, waterproof and well-ventilated hutch, ap- proximnately 24 inches by 12 inches, and 1 2 inches in height wiIl soon becomie your Cavy's home. Keep the hutch free frorn drafts, and in a location whiere temperatures will not fali below 60 degrees or rise above 90 degrees. His hutch should be cleaned and disinfected at least once a week, twice a week if possible, aind have a thin layer of dlean wood shavings, sawdust or straw to cover the floor. Your litile pet wiIl not fighit and offers no resistance whatsoever. Make sure the hutch is locked, and when allowed freedom on your lawn, hie is safe from dogs and cats. A truc vegetarian, with the exception of onions, peppers and potatoes, hie still needs water, sait and corn- miercially prepared pellet and chiow to supplernent his diet. The latter, especially during the winter months, because it centains Vitamin C. Cavies should be fed twice a day, morning and night, with fresh water available at each mealtime. When properly housed and feti, the Cavy is a very healthy pet, but a word of caution. When sick, he ]oses his appetite, the coat appears in a ruffled condition, and he'il sit hunchied in a very still position. Any of ihese symptoms could mean brqnchial trouble or indigestion. As a resuit of fighting with other males, you may find a broken tooth or two or occasional cut or scratch. His little eyes are aiso yul- nerable to diseases and injuries. As with other pets, a frequent check of his coat during the summier mion ths for lice, fleas and licks is anoîher miust. If this is your first Cavy there wîil often be occasions when you will have doubi in deterinining your pet' s parlicular ailmiert. Don't panic or continue wîh prolonged home treatient; take hfim te a veterinarian. TOWN 0F WHITBY REGIONAL GOVERNMENT MEETINGS TAKE NOTICE that the Council of the Town of Whitby will be holding a Public Meeting in each of the four wards in co-operation with the Whitby Chamber of Commerce to outline the proposaI by the Province of Ontario for Local Government' Reform in the area east of Metropolitan Toronto. The citizens of Whitby are invited to attend and participate in the meetings which will be held at 8:30 p.m. on the following dates and locations: January l6th, 1973 January 23rd, 1973 January 3flth, 1973 February th, 1973 Town of Whithy Council Chambers, 405 Dundas Street West, Whitby E.A. Fairman School, Palace Street, Whitby Brooklin Community Centre, Cassels Road East, Brooklin Dr. Robert Thornton School, Scott Street & Hazelwood Drive, Whitby. Wm. H. Wallace, A.M.C.T., Clerk, Town of Whitby WHITBY FREE PRESS, THURSDAY,JANUARY 11, 1913, PAGE i "Your cumfort is our concern 7 APARIMENT Gerod'to your.budget NORTH-CENTRAL-SOUTH 579-1626' s m 576»6956 72R.3139 - Evenings - 728-§297 MARIANNA VILLA (corner of Simpson Ave. and Base line, Bowmnanvilie) NOW RENTING'1 On. b.droom $155.00 Two b.dro@m $175.00 Monthly Includes hydro, Cable T.V. inside parking for one car, etc. Large pleasant suites with coloured applianoes, superior sound proofing, rec room, controlled entrances with intercom. CaUl 623-4172 or 723-0575 or 725-9750 How to gel the Income Tax People le Iend YOD money interest free 1 icrcsteti 2 \\cil 1Xtusîbe.Section 7,)11 ot thle 1tcneTax \ct "sai\ s- se. The (jeSernient encourages \ ouLite prc parL t(or our rctirement ib\ 1-1Il Il I \0UimpI orta nl til finc ta.N deductîos on mioflC\ \ oU ïO\ st i!) a Rugistcreti ketit-eiinenit S.î'. igs Pl>an. Yen can sa\e ,nndreds of tax dollars each \ car t~ ....You r imoue?. Iuer1101 Lentil retiremnot then. onîva jcm receis cd. (\our ta\ b IJ.ts likel\ iobub sc then tee). ht ail atitis up te ablout the saie tbre\\ n one\ t'rom ithe io\ eriomient, inîcresi free *..plus the sas îngs tibat ta.\ defermientil).,\ bringL. Yen cao learn tbe fuit ster\ on inconme ta\ A\ tianiages on Ret iremient Sas ings froni the wcIl- informced professional \she represenis thle Manuifacturers Lite. ticl is associatcd with ia cornpany tbat bas a record l'or soundt anti preftitable n'îone\ management that's outsîanding in the industr\ . %Wbeii xu talk te him be ticsre te ask hini about the buili-in guaraintees that onl\ an inistreti plan can offer. Phone himi todayi\ or miail ibis couîponl'or a frce. informratis. brochure on boss '\ou cao sas etax dollars. * ',~'r'~ Please send me, without obligation, a * '. free copy of the booklet: 'Registered * M Retirement Savings Plan."g I* -.~ E Steve Hanson I* ~~~The Manufacturers Life OhwOt MANUFACTURERS LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY Suite 501, Bell Tower, Oshawa Centre -O"E «WTudq adThuaudw IVAN"S if you want to look your best' PARENTS - Your Son or Daughter can EARN BETTER SCHOOL GRAVES through POWEREADING a new reading course f rom Programs For Achievemnent in Reading tncorporated now being offered exclusively at the OSHAWA BUSINESS COLLEGE. Classes will be'held on Mondays and Wednes- days fro m 4: 00 P. M. to 5:00 p.m. and on Saturdays from 10:30 10 11:30 a. m. Typing classes also available on Saturdays. Bet'ter Concentration; increased reading rate; better retention; new study mnethods; better Notetaking Ski ls. Phone or write for cornplete details.

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