Whitby Free Press, 18 Jan 1973, p. 10

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WI-ITBY FREE-PRESS. THURSDAY, JANUARY 18, 1973. PAGE 10 What other breed of dog lias coniranded as mutchi cinemna and televisioni acclainm as thie tamous Gernan Slhcp- hierd? 1 arn sure thoutsands of people have watchied and ad- mircd Rin Tini Tin anid James Franciscus' loyal partuier iin the TV show, "Longstreet'. l'he Germian Shiephierd, whio displays beauty and intelligence, deserves aIl the popularity and pi-aise lie rceives. Iftyou live ini a iniulti- level towilhouse, apart- Ç ~ ([ ment, or. even ifi your hione lias only a sinall baekyard, do not conisider he owuershiip of this par- ticular breed of dog. AI- ~ thoughi weighiîîg only a t'ew pounds- when they're .. puppies, they do grow to- " 'Ibe quite large, and need ~ considerable exec ise in the ,// l outdloors to reniain healthy. When fully grown '/ your dog wilI be a strong, / ' agile, well-muscled animal, alert and full of life. The average heighit of a good Gýerman Shepherd will be 24-26 inches at the shoulder, and will weigh between 60 and 100O pounds. The female's height and weight is usually a littie less. Choosing a German Shepherd puppy from a litter is a lot of fun. First, look for signs of good health. The eyes wilI be dark and alert-looking wîth teeth meeting well, and the body should be well balanced. Don't worry if his ears are stili floppy-they won't stand up until he is about six Lmonths old. Anid remember, the maie is much more agres- WALL FASH IONS &PAI .NT OFF IMPORTEDI MI£ @Â ha IL IL Q J(om~~Iz.~gOuiM IW& MOVED TO 55 KING Es. -ACROSS FROM GENOSHA HOTEL 7231-7331 - PARKING AT REAR sive. If purchasing a German Shiepherd for a family pet, the femnale is a better choice. She will bc much easier to train and housebreak. Your choice of colours range from jet black to light gray, black aund tan, brindle and tan, and even all-white. In 1889 a Germian cavalry captain becarne interested in three ancient strains of European shcpherd's dogs and established the Club for Germnan Shepherd dogs. During the next decade he supcrvised the inter-breeding of these strains, which resulted in a new brced cornbining bcauty and intelli- gence. Whcn first introduced into Great Britain by soldiers returning aftcr the 1914-18 war, feelings against Germany werc so strong thiat his origins were disguised under the title, Alsatian Wolf Dog. Alsatian, because thie disputed erritory, Alsace, was then Gerrnan, and "wolf" because lie not only lerded sheep, but prohected thein fromn wolves. "Wolf" was droplped hecause people isakenly thiougit lhe was part xvol f. Today, the Alsat ian is one of the mosi popular breeds ini tie world. Ofteîi re ferred to as a "Police Dog", a t itlc ýacqui red for hlis services te the Police anîd Armied Services, lie is aIso known as a "Seeiing-Eye Dog-, edtcated te guide tlîe hI iîd. Bu t il your Gernian Shieplierd lias only tlie sole responsi- b ility olf heing a f'amily pet, lie will au toniat ically heconie tdie guardian of' yotîr homie and a inost loyal and faithifil l'riend. I taving a sinoo tIi, close-ly ing. double coaltlthis hreed needs little care except daily brushiings. Frequently clheck lus cars for accumiulated wax and dirt; his skin f'or any irri- tation anîd for fleas, mites or ticks. At somietinie during your pet's life, you will bie called upon ho give first aid or treat one of the canine ilînesses. Use your commion sense and treat your dog as you would a h uman being. Have a veterinarian follow-up your first aid and tenporary treahinent of any illness. You cannot sub- stitute for a veterinarian. You, as his master, cari accomplisti the basic training in niaking your Germnan Slieplierd a well-behaved and ad- mired pet in your neighbourhood. Most owners soon lcarn ho appreciate the intelligence and good character of the German Shepherd, and will in aIl probability wanh ho further his education by cntering him in obedience classes. Your veterinarian or local pet shop will be able ho advisc you what classes iii your area are available. Copyright 1973 EDITOR'S NOTE-Readers are invited to pose queries or request information on specific breeds or types of pets. Please write to Elizabeth Tyler, The Whitby Free Press, P. 0. Box 206, Whitby, Ontario. JANUARY CLEARANCE SALE Great Savings on Gowns Dresses, Ponts & Tops1 SAVINGS UP TO .50%yo Ladies Wear 35 King St. W. (Next to Lancaster Hotel) 728-9011 Pi _csE tvMOD n?2t 1 CTCEM-AUN iii PARNCY msHOTSi..PHARMACY 111wbll ku MN 14% W IS_ 6 iueS 5 Of tOKLIN 5:45 p.m. 6:00 6:30 7:00 7:30 8:30 9:00 CABLECAST 8 - BROADCAST SCHEDULE JANUARY 17 - JANUARY 23, 1973 ýThursday Jan. 18 Friday January 19 Monday Jan. 22 Tuesday Jan. 23 -ther; George Pearce with the Educa- tion Scene and Dave Stewart witl, Sports. 6:30 Hotline ta Heaven: (See Monday 8:00 p.m.) 7:00 Political Profiles: Local Politicians speak out. 7:30 Ski Capers: (See Monday 8:30 p.m.) 8:00 East/West: Caîl in and ask how school councilling services work 9: 00 Bullseye: The Ottawa Report: Mem- bers of Urne Federal Gomerment talk on issues of interet. 9:30 Sermounette FR11 PIZZA WITH THE PURCHASE 0F ONE LARGE PIZZA CORNER PIZZA OPEN 668-8807 WE DELIVER MON -SAT. 4-2 ar. LSUN.-4-1 arn. 204 BROCK ST. S. WHITBY CO. LTD. VOUR MUSIC MAKER Providing Entertainment BY Professional DJ'S & MC'S For Banquets, Danoes, Bar Mitzvahs Etc.' 57941500 SPECIALIZING 119 WEDDINGS Jainuary C'learaince O1TTUNB. RITRI'S MEn'Sf$WEAR 103A PUNDAS W. PSU-3261 Basic Bible Briefs: Dr. Bennett explains passages from the Bible. Evening Report: Local News, Weather and Dave Stewart with Sports. Bullseye: <See Wed. 8:00 p.m.) Film: (To Be Announced) East/West: Nils Johanson ques- tions the top ic of People or Planes The Country Doves: (See Thurs- day 8:00 p.m.) Friday Night Request: Four Hours of Music of Vour Choice with Frank Shetier. 6:00 p.m. Local News, Weather; Bill Ward on Local Events; Dave Stewart with Sports 6:30 Watch It Kids: (See Wed. 5:00 p.m. 7:00 U Titky Kwitky (See Wed. 6:30 p.m. 7:30 Film: (To Be Announced) 8:00 The Country Doves: Norm Babi- neau with Country Music at its best. 8:30 Sermonette 4:45 p.m. Some 0f These Days: Music and People of the 1940"s (A Graham Cable Presentation) 5:45 Basic Bible Briefs: (See Friday 5:45 p.m.) 6:00 Evening Report: Local News, Wea- ther and D ave Stewart with Sports 6:30 Film: (To Be Announced) 7:00 Political Profiles: Jeif Mcllveen talks with local politicians. 7:30 3 R s: A look into Catholic Edu- cation 8: 00 Hotline to Heaven: ""Does Prayer Really Work?" Caîl in and talk on this important issue. 8:30 Ski Capers: Learn how* ta get the most out of the ski equipment YOD buy. 9: 00 Hockey: The N.H.L. Oldtimers (De- trait vs. Toronto) 11:00 Sermonette 4:00 Hockey: (See Monday'9:00 pà.m.) 6:00 Evenina Report: Local News, Wea- 1 '

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