W.hitbyi FamilyYMCA joins 'in observance of "Y' week The Whitby Fanîiîy YMCA isjoinÎng with ail the YMCA's, YMCA/YWCA's and YWCA's in Canada ini celebrating Y week - Jan. 15-21. Visitors, particularly parents will be welcomied to any of the many Y programns to sec the youth at crafts, loor hockey, gymi- îiasticS, sewing classes, bad- minton, Judo, basketball. etc. Drop.into St. Paul's School on Saturday m'orning or at St. John's School and sec the Y Back Belt instructors coach- ing their Y Judo club ini the fine arts of Judo. Then visit Dr. Robt. Thornton school 9-10:30 Saturday and sec the boys in the popular Floor Hockey, or visit Henry St. Higrh School or Meadowcrcst school and sece the Y teains go tlirough their loor hockey drills and gaines as they get ready for the next interclub tournailient. You xvII iejOy SeeinIg the boys at their niodel plane building on Tuesday nighit at the Cen tennial Building or sec other boys building sol id mL)dels iin the woodcr-af't classes conducted by the Y at Palmnerston, Dundas. Mead- owcrest schools or ai W'test- nminster Church after school. The girls are enjoying their needlecraft classes where tlbey are mnaking, stuffed dolîs, etc. Parents are invîted to corne and sece the classes ai Col- boumrIe. Meado)wcrest. .A. Fairmian. Dr. R. Thorn ion. Palimerston, Dundas and St. Paul's. In fact. ali classes airc open to parents and friends iin tlhe ceichration of, Y weeck. Special hgh -h Ie Jiiiuiary 1 6i11 -7: 00 - 10:00) 1 W ~ md aIsit iriali Basket bl i [cagne 11ii 1d d ay xxck Foomnainc i eid it I-lecîSt. 11hid SCIhool. 01n Satni daxinu1,1MînJ.1aiarv ?Oîtu[leY Gvinui~stiîc G('iiîbxxiihoid a puyv xviii tbc xvardcd the afterý- muon ai ]:-"0. Aisu at lien mxSt. 1hligit there xviii tica Y xx'cek I n te riied iaîe 1Badinin- ton iounma tuent. Ban ne rs xvili tic presen ted bt he xvinii ies. Join your Whîtby YM(A initi iscelebrat ioi.- Whitbv Y ollers Junior Folk Singing Course. Any child between ilie iges of' () a nd 1I-2who i ikes t o sing now have t he opportun ity to train their voîces. Under the direction of' Y leader Mike Petrie, the children will ieatrn the basic essentials of' singing plus the art of' haniuny. Thie Junior Folk Singers will incet every Saturday for 8 weeks starting ianuary I 3th. The children will ineet at the Y office fromIn :00 to 3:00 p.ni. The course costs $4.00 l'or 8 weeks or $,3.00 for Y mien,îbers. [lave your child register on Saturday or caîl the YMCA at 668-6868. 1 How 10 gel the Income Tax People to Iend you money interesitfree ncctc?\W li its possible. Section 79B of the Incomie 1ax Act -saxs** so. l'le (ioxCrnmllenlt cncouragcs \ ou to prepare for your retirenent l)y giving you important incomie tax deductions on mioncy )ou învest In a Registered Retiremnent Savings Plan. You can savc hundreds of tadollars each year this wvay. Your money is not taxable until retiremrent; then, only as incomie received, (your tax bracket is likely to be lowcr then too). It ail adds up to about the sanie as "borroxxing- imorney fromi the Govcrnnment, îiflterest frce . . plus the savings that tax defermient miay bring. You can learn the full story on incomne tax Advantages on Retiremient Savings fromi the xxll- inforrred professional xho represents the ManufacturerS Life. He is associated \ith a company that has a record for sound and profitable mnely management thaCs ouItstaînding in the industry. When you talk to hini be sure to ask him about the buiît-in guarantees that only ain insured plan can ofTer. Plhone him today or miail this coupon for a rc inforniauîiv brochure on hio%% you can save tax dollars. I Please send me, without obligation, a * free copy of the bookiet: 'Registered * Retîremnent Savings Plan." * Steve Hanson I The Manufacturers Lite Osaa Ont. i * S. K. Hanson MANUFACTURERS LIFE INStIRAN( t C ulANY Suite 501, Bell Tower, Oshawa Centre PAGE 11, THURSDAY, JANUARY 18, 1973, WHITBY FREE PRESS BIGGEST CLEARAN CE EV ER Zen'ith- Most Modols Availabi. 6M8-732 Radio lEguipped & Direct Line at Arnold'ea Market, 115 Brook -St. N. For Your Convenlence 150 PNrry Str»t Whltby ATTENTION! HOME OWNERS ft UY INSTALLINQ SAVE YOU RSELF ALUMINUM PRODUCTS Sding - Sofîs - Eovestroughïng - Fa ia Board% - Windows and Doors - Istatlation if required. KAISER - Direct Factory Branch SUPREME WINDOW& DOOR PRODUOTS 1730 SIMCOE ST. N. 723-9843 OI1ARTERWAYS co.LTrD FORMERLY BURLEY BUS LINES Announces Daiiy Bus Schedule for January 8, 1973 between Bowmianviiie, Oshawa, Whitby and Go-Statiori-Whitby Hospital. REVISE TINIE TAB3LE Wiii aiiow other passengers to make a trîp ini Oshawa-Whitb)y with Go Transit and aiso suppiy added haif hour service between Oshawa, Whitby, Watelh next week's inewspap)er for fiirther information. Ail Canadian Mode *We do take trade-ins *Same day delivery *Same day service FALCON T.V. 426 Simcoe St. S. Oshawa 723-0011 7 100% Solid Stat, Chassis (flot exactly as illustrated) P hiIi1ps 723mO011 oshowa