WHITBY FREE PRESS, THURSDAY, JANUARY 18, 1973, PAGE 4 'TLm Body rub By Alex Kainins TORONTO- Rub-a-dub Without a tub Take a pick-whatever Makes you tick This littie ditty, or per- haps, a would-be commercial jingle i composed mnyself as 1 was heading home fromi one of the better-known massage and body rub parlors ini Toronto. For the last two weeks I have been busy patronizing Toronto's newest, so caiied heaith studios, more candidiy >better known as body-rub clip joints. Together with TORONTO SUN'S enterprising feature writer Joe Fisher, 1 have tried most of these places myself, posing as an out-ot-town tour- ist and somnetime freelance photographer-in order to get pictures for this article. Altogether 1 visited seven différent massage places and body rub parlors but, ac- cording to advertisements in the TORONTO SUN-tlie on- ly paper that would accept this type of promotion-there are at least i15 exclusive "health studios" in town. What kind of services do they offer? Surprisingly enough, more than just a body rub, scented saunas, soothing massages, sun lights and attractive atten- dants. I'd like to start off with my ficst visit to a Marîe Street Sauna Centre. Three young ladies greeted me with the usuai stereotyped cheerful smile: "How are you? Corne i and get a body rub." 668-3600 "How iiuch'?" 1 iitonied. "Fiftecti dollars for a half hour of body rub and mas- sage," said the colored girl, looking rather suspiciously at mle. "And no extras?" 1 per- sisted. "Well, we cati discuss this later on," another pretty at- tendant told me witli a bit of a twinkle in her eyes. Somiehow. I couldn't scrape up enough dough for this handsome offer, and 1 left the girls, presumably high and dry. Things were a bit hectic at a place called' "Oasis Health Club" on Yonge Street. While they mright have had plenty of oasis inside the club, 1 must confess, outside it was a sheer hel-far from the promised oasis and the relax- ing body rubs. A Itiny Indian rnan-ob- viously the manager or owner of the club-barked at me and demnanded that 1 leave the place at once. "You cannot stand here in the lobby," he shouted at the top of his sotto voice. "You must go now or l'Il cal the police." Needless to say, the police cail neyer carne, but the ex- citemen ton lus part was quite understandable. He was not running just a health club. There appeared to be both more in it and more to it. Pie hot test place iii town. one nîîght say, is Formia, Tor- onto's newest leisure studio. The word "leisure" as 1 sec it is flot enough to tell the whole story. More appropri- ately I'd use the word "pleas- ure" with an accent on physi- cal gratification. 108 LUPIN DRIVE BLAIR PARK PLAZA '"Your cumfort' is our concern"19 APARTMENT GoSrsd to your budget NORTH-CENTRAL-SOUTH 579-1626 728-3139 - Evenings - 728-5297 Q9iaüll4 )m.pefIq a 576-956 s EDITOR'S NOTE: Whitby resident freelance photographer Alex Kalnins recently spent a two-week night tour visiting Toronto's fast growing massage and body rub parlours with TORONTO SUN features writer Joe Fisher. Below, follows Kalnin's rather off-the-cuff tour impressions complete witlî exclusive to the FREE PRESS photographis. Althoughi Alex admits he encountered more problems than first anticipated because of his press camnera, lie was the first photographer who mnanaged to get actual candid shots. Other news photographers, lie said, were allowed only simulated photos. Ceasers Spa: Just downstairs, waiting for a slow-moving elevator, these two youngsters admire the the entrance for everyone to see. fiexotic" corne-on poster placed at Photos by Alex Kainins Tlhe boyishi-looking mana- ger of Fornia offered mne ev- erything providing 1 had enougli money to pay the girls. In fifteen minutes 1 learned that the price for sexual fa- vors, including the exo tic body rub, is somewhere in the neighborhood of $30.--and hot coffee is on the house. Forma employs about sev- en attractive young ladies who are known to enterprising cus- torners by their first names only. Diane said she would "pamper nie" today (the day of nîy visit) but excused lier- self for not being too weli. "Comne back in two days, 1 should be okay by then," she told fe lcbushingly look- ing up at the nude array of photographs. Baciielors Il will open this week for gentlemen only. i dropped in the other day to R RO(K OCS at7:Ofp OMAR SIIAIF DYAN CAROM" AND ON THE SAME PROGRAM Sidney Poîtier HarrV Belafonte (Aduit Ent.) Mon.,Tues.,Wed.,& Thurs. Soldier Blue Candice Bergen 4P.e:a NATURE'S HALF ACRE4 CHILODF-N'S MATINEE SAT. 1:30 P.M. SWORD 0F SHERWOOD FOREST Body Rub: This is not a posed or simulated picture. Alex took this photo at Shinu, an oriental massage parlor on Toronto's Yonge Street. The topless attendant works there on a regular salary, plus tips she could get from outside customers._____ take 50111C photos. But, no such luck. The owner wlîo had arranged the photo ses- sion,suddenly had disappeared leaving me and thc young ladies stranded in the tiny front office. Apparently, they liad somne nîisgivings about roving photo- graphers. "You cannot take any pictures here without his permission," 1 was told by the wet-behind-the-ears look- ing manager. However, Pamela Williamns, a charming attendant with an Afro hairstyle managed to tell nie lier own story. She is only 18, and has been ini this type of business for the past six months. Pamela loves her work, makes very good money for a girl who has no special skills and gets along weii with ber maie "bachelors"-some of whom have been married for years. Pamnela also whispered into my perking car: "Alex, l'Il tell you somnething. About 90 per cent of al men who come here for a body rub also ask for cxtras-you know what,-iike oral sex, normai intercourse, etc." "But, -we are not aliowed to do such things here," she laiiiented. "If the boss catches us having sex on the premnises- out we go,* right into the coid wlîerc we camue from." Finally, nîy colleague Joe Fisher, having donc bis home- work, suggested that I visit Caesar"s Spa, iîear Yonge and SDuîîdas Strecis. On 'nîy first visit 1 got a frece invitation to try out tluc Ifacilities but secondd Unie 1 xvas given the bumi's steer. A girl nanîed Nancy tried to pull the wool over iny eyes: just corne in,. pay for your body rub, but for Pete's sake don't take any pictures. Wheiî asked whio's the nianager, my flir- tatious Nancy said she does tuot know his last îîarne. But a scruffy-looking youngster who was handing out the prom-o pamnphlets in- nocently told me: "Why? 0f course 1 know his last name. He's Mr. Wilson. He's my. boss." Nancy, needless to say, frowned upon such methods of soliciting pertinent infor- mation from em pioyees. Before my encounter with the voluptuous Nancy who could pass for Racquel Welch on Malibu Beach, 1 learned that she's' an old pro as far as the skin game goes. Nancy, if you can believe hier, has posed in the nude for $5 0.-an hour. At one point 1 suggested that, perhaps, she outpriced herseif. "Heck, no!" she pouted. "Three photographers were working on me and 1 got a bit tired of this routine." 1 left Caesar's Spa with mixed emotions and toid her bluntly: "Miss, 1 won't need any pictures of your place. Please convey my message to tlhe ranager-whoever he hap- pens to be." The other day 1 met Joe again at the Sun building. "WelI, Alex, how did it go?" he asked me, leaning over his typewriter. "ioe, i think,lmi'nî iifor another vacation," i said glooiluly. "But tlîis tinue witlu- out body rubs." STARTING TODAY THRU Sun. No Pictures Please: Nancy, the fast-talking receptionist, plies her art at Ceaser's Spa, while slightly suspicious and part-curious gentlemen wait for their turn-just to learn that body rub costs a lot of money. SMOTE SHOIS Selli'ng out Rio SAVINOS 30 t. 50% of f KIDS'SHOES -COST PRICE . 1 v