WHITBY FREE PRESS, THURSDAY, JANUARY 18, 1973, PAGE 6 BIRD'S EYE VIEW by Jim Quail *See for yourself As a rule i t happens twicc a mon th. Counicil 1 mleain. Anid youi really should pay a visit and sec what goes on ai a counicil meeting. Eveni before 1 started making*visits in the line ol news reporting. 1 uscd to go to the occasional ceuncîl meetinig just to sec what thcy arc dloing with my money. The big différence is now 1 have t0 go. If you dontî think that's much ol' a difference then tlîink back te thec liies y'ou uiscd tlecnjoy doin., soeching un tiI suddenly you had 10 keep doing il whcthcr vou wanted lu or flot. I'nm flot the offly one who feels this way. Somle nighits you can sec painied looks on the faces ot couincillors and il's obviotus they wvouId ratdier bceclscwlhcrc bo. As for the press, the cotincil ccrtainly' doesn't do much 10 make our jobs any casier. I timk they figure il' thcy have to suffer througlh every meeting tlien wc shoul 2KIThe FRIENDLY FLEA MARKETj 'We buy and sell anything' 23KNG ST. WEST 725-9783 OISHAWA Oen p -Tumday &MdThunýa IVAN Is "if you want to look your bs" DIWAS S016LJ-4W-S4l suffer too. There neyer- secms l be enoutgh agendas for the press and ashtrays are aiost non existant. Uni glad theie ew styles are going te cut'iiess laits because I 've alinost wîped mi the cu ff's on two pair of' pan Is t rying to find a place for mny ashes and tibut s. Writing space is at a preinîim and one almnost gets the feéeling ie council wotnld tallier ne I have us report sonie of' the hiiglijînks. Actualîy somîe of' themn areni'l worthi report- ing. I stilî vividly reniieiierci the nlight cotincil argued l'or ever hall' an hiour abou t whether tlley could adjourni the imeeting or nl. Thte prublein was the meeting wasn 't supposed 10 go en afte r a certain heur and the lime was f'asi approach inig. Counicil l'igured if' îhcy on ly hiad I15 minutes of' businless Ief't they imiglit as weIl go over tlhe lime liiiuit and gel il cîeancd Lip rallier thian adjoerning and having anol lier mleeting tlhe next n ight(. Sound r-easointg. Un for.t un aitcly il took longer te decide dlie issue thian the wholc alffair was worth. 0f course the press hiad te suflir through aI Iofet is ini case any ut' il mnade news. The only way it imigh t have mnade news thial nigh t is il' one of the ceeîicillers hiad taken a mad f'it, and Urt tngathelie muu1h1, charigcd afler theie ayer adi db ilhimi righ t on tlhe knece cap. If I sotind a litîle bitter iî's because l'ml a little thirsty. I kinuw il will take yetî a whilc e t ligure that muie eut so Il'il exî)Iain. At the ceunicil sessions all the counicillers have ice cold water ini glass pitchers. Now reperting those sessions is dry businless, il' you'Il pardon the bad pun, and it rcally makes nie tîirsty watchiing these gîtys driniking ice miter. Flappily the ncw ceuncil appears te bc gel 1ing oiîtol a snioth. business-like starl . Ilw long il stays tbis way remaîtîs te I)c seen . Thie reason 1'or the council iniee ings is 10 c)ndIct [lhe lbusiness et' the Town et* Whi îby and Mien couincil gees like a wveII mn busin-ess it really isn't vcry good nie\s etlier thati the f'act our mioney is welI nianaged and Spn.The last couincil made thie news quite ellten. Getling the ta-cts wasni't tlireeasiesl job in tbe worîd cither. Storiny issues have to be followed clesely so you den't mnisquole a ceeniciller and wind up in court for attribUting a profanity 10 tIre wreng guilty par-ty. Sonie cuincillers will explode with a fiery charge abouit a particular probleni and the battle is on. Just when I wakc up and grab) my trLISly pencil the volume goes dewn Ilîrce hundred decibles. Tite courtIer chiarges or answers always seem 10 be niuttered so qUietly tliat nul even the best-ef'-hearinig news- tman would catclh h even if he was sitting on the coeiiciller's Iap. Counlcil lrewns on news people yelîing out, "Wliatdid lie a? Mind you il s net A tha t bad. tliotisanid othier tiings I wowld radlier t)igh t. Bu t a s I said eai ici- do vue iiselth ouit soni11e nigli t. Il- t liings go h ke t hey nlec> a ien ah uefeu ce. 1390 AJAX *LOCAL NEWS SPORTS ePlus the fien es? 'n 9 COUNTRY PERSON TO PERSON ,-,COMMUNITY RADIO CHOO 1390 Icani't îlink efa do on a Moniday a t avour aid colite dîd last year we'II A handshake laced with good luck îs what Constable Ed Laas (right> publicity officer for the Whitby Detachment, Ontario Provincial Police offers new reptacement Constable Wayne Nethery (Ieft). Publicity officers for the OPP report on a weekly basis to area newspapers bringing residents up to date on traffic fatalities, vehicle collisions, thefts, liquor offences and other disturbances, as well as special events such as the organization's yearly Open House. Photo by Alex Kainins Arts group plans party' Whitby A rtsinc. invites yeti te a cocktail party ai thie Statlion onl Sa turday , lFbrti- ary I 711i. Thuis is a major fend raîsing everi t planncid l'r I1973. Tickets are being suld for SI1 .00 cach and arc available froi 11Ns.Jean Epstein 668- '135(, or Mrs. AIr ainae Lhertee 66 8)--5 2>i%. \Vith the lure of' seeing pain tings by veIIkn W\iit- b\, artisl Peter Van Gils. being Many other excellent used cars to choose from. served exotic ho t hors d'oeuvres, and a bar open li miidnighit (drinks will bc sold). thicy hope 10 sec nfiost et Wit by îhiroughou tthleecvcning. The party is plannied frein 6:00 p.i. n. of t that people cani drop inibel'bre dinner. stop on1 îFeir- way te other places or corne afier dinner for Ilhe i ter paîtr ft l Ileeveintg. Tickets arc liiniited huwcvvcr-, se cati now Iu reserve yotîrs. 'Fhi St at ion is nain îaincd by Whilhy Arts year round. as an art ,allery, open te thc puiblic on wcckcnds. Aside freibcing a place f'or arca artists and crafîsmnen toecx- hiibit thirwor-kit conltinnLall\v schiedulcs varicd classes andà workshiops 101 adults and cliîl- dren. Because ih filis a cuII- teiraI need ini uer coinmuni ty, and because the building is of' historie interest and beaUty te Whiitby, it needs your sup- Port sti that il will alwvays bc a part et' uer local lieritage. PARENTS - Your Son or Daughter can EARN SETTER SCHOOL GRADES through POWEREADING a new reading course frorn Programs For Achievement in Reading lncorporated now being offered exclusively at the OSHAWA BUSINESS COLLEGE. Classes will be held on Mondays and Wednes- days from 4:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. and on Saturdays f rom 10:30 to 11:30 a.m. Typing classes also available on Saturdays. Better Concentration; incrteased reading rate; better retention; new Istudy methods; better Notetaking Skills. Phone or write for complete details. DcI 728->052 166 King St. East - 623-3396 1969 CADILLAC Eldorado Executive driven only 27,000 miles Lodd with Options lncludir.g Air Cornitioning à 3 oe Lic. 695802 1972 DEMONSTRATORS 1972 Buick Custom Fâly Powered, 5600 Original Miles Loaded with Options! Listed for $6970 Slifor $53950 You Save $1575 Lic .58448A 1972 LeMans 2 Door Hardtop. 6 Cylinder. Automatic, Power Stea ring, Whitewalls, Wheel Dises, Custom Radio, Body Side Mouldings etc., Balance of Factory Warranty, 7000 Original Miles. Lic. 61536A $3399.