Land qiition r-Surdfllng 0MB says Town must puy now WHITBY-That old ogre, the Ontario Municipal Board, has reared ils ugly head once mn"ore and is breathing fire' in the direction of Whitby Town Courieil. In a letter 10 counicil at its last meeting, solicitors for the Central Lake Ontario Con- servation Auîhority informied counicil that their represenla- lions lu the 0MB, lu have oulstanding levies againist the town fur conservation pur- poses spread over a numnber of years, hiad cuie to naught. The result. as far as the CLOCA is concerned. is that the towl n must cough up the outsîanding total ut $41 ,310 forîhwîh-and in cash. The town, on the other hand, lias inade represenla- lions 10 pay the levy in in- stalments to the 0MB but, 10 date, nu answer hias been receîved. And there the mialler sit S. The levy against the lown is the inunicipality's share of debt incurred in a number of land acquisitions, rnapping and developînent over the past nion îhs. These include: (amounts in brackets): Acquisition of Sonley property lu extend the Heber Down Conservation Authority, ($7,845); Flood Plain Mapping of Harmony, Fiqrewell, Black and Corbetts creeks, ($1 ,062); Acquisition of Puckrin property 10 ex- tend Heber Down Conserva- lion Area, ($3,946); Develop- ment of campsite facilities in Pineridge sector of Heber Down Conservation Area, ($9,425); Acquisition of Cran- berry Marsh from Lowes Es- tate, ($8,912); Long Sault Conservation Area, capital de- t velopment, ($4,233), ee j Down Conservation Area, capital development, ($362); Eniskillen Conservation Area, capital developînent, ($461) and the acquisition of part of Camp X property frorn the City of0Oshawa,(.S9,064). In the letter to the town the Oshawa firmn of solicitors said in part, "In view of the decision of the Municipal Board we have no alternative but tu demand paymrent (of the more than $41 ,OOO) in cash. If the Town of Whitby wishes to pay ils levy in in- stalments, il will have 10 make ils own application to the Board for permission 10 do so. "We regret having 10 take this action because the Au- lhority has tried ils best to obtain the necessary approval of thie 0MB on your behiaîf but ils efforts have been fruis- trated, because in mur opinion, the Board hiad wrongly con- strued tlhe applicable provi- sions of the Conservation Au- thorilies Act. Council was tuld at the last nmeeting that 1no reply hias been received I'roni the 0MB in respect lu Whiitby's application lu paýy by instal- mnents and this was again con- lfirmied tis week by Town Clerk Williami Wallace. Mr. Wallace said dhat if the application is lLlrl1Cd down the lown wiIl probably hav e lu pay the amnount within the life of the present council. He apparenîly was assuming this life would be îwo years but declined to, say what woulid happen in the event council is îerminaîed sooner with the creation of a regional govenment. If you are interestcd ini a new vegetable variety the Ail-Amnerica Award Winner for 1973 is the hybrid zuechini squash called "Aristocrat". Aristocrat Hybrid Zucchini won a bronze mnedal for its extra earliness, prolific yields, and the quality of' its handsome, dark green glossy fruits which don't fatlen-up and spoil as fast as other varieties of ils type. Firsl fruits can be had within 48 days of sowing seed directly into the garden. Fruits are straighit with rounded ends, and taste delicious. Zucchîii squash is ilow bccorning one of the most popular classes of' vegetable, and ils iut surprising why. Easiesi t o'ail vegetables tu grow froum secd, thcy are quick to mature, arnd yield deliclous fruit s over a long 1eriod on bushy planits duit do not take uip much room in the garden. The large. casy-to-hiaindle sceds are hest planited iii groups out îhree or fou r, spaced 21/ feet apari ini fertile soit after a1l danger of' trost is past. A suniny position is desired and ger- minal ion ltakes abhou t 10 days. As gerlina t ioni is genlerally guod witli zucchiiîi secd, i t is best to th iii t1 seed liigs ii each groLIP t0 one strong, heal thy plan t. 1-FLiîils .are hesi picked wlien thicy are six lu eigh t inichcs lonig. They cari bc stcanied or haked or slîced raw lu suibstituIte f'or cuIcumbers ini fresh salads. Anuother gourtl'l trick is lu slice them leiigthways. dil1 in egg and hread- crunibs, and try lu a delicious golden brown l'r une of the most tasty side-dishes you'll remnember. Bolh male and fernale flowers appear unthie saine plant, and it is the fernale flowers which produce the fruit after pollination froin a male flower. This pollination is usually donc by insects, but can be effected more reliably by hand-using a smnall camel's hair brush to transfer pollen fromin he male lower to the fernale. The enormnous yellow flowers of zucchini squash are a source of fascination among children and they are edible. Picked early in the morning then fried in batter is a favorite Area employment on upswing Ecember was anoîher ac- tive month at both the Canada Manpower Centres in Oshawa and Ajax. The most significant de- mand for labour during the month came from the Oshawa Post Office which hired ap- proximately 300 people dur- ing the Chiristmas rush. General Motors of Canada continues to operate aI maxi- mumn capacily. G.M. officials predict five years of record- breakîng sales and a recent news release by G.M. indicates that an addîiinal 600 peuple will be hired in March 1 973. As a result of G.M. produc- tion, local feeder plants are erijoyîing a production increcase as weli. Local mianufactu ring coin- panies report steady lu in- crcased productîin rates. Gen- eral labour requiremienîs have been easily met but shortages still exist for qualified auto and truck mechanics and auto body repairmnen. The services industry con- tinues 10 be a source of high employment opportunity. It is anticipated that there will bc a demand for dayworkers, housekeepers, and babysitters but with the end of the holi- day season there may be few- er requiremnents for restaurant help during the winter mon ths. The construction indusîry is beginning ho show a slow down althuugh activity in resi- den liaI construction is still holding il.s own. Local labour requireinents have lieceasily filed. The nuinber uf job vacan- cies - lfor office workers re- îuained sîeady wiîh nmust of thec openings being f'or quali- ticd and experienced secre- taries and accounliîîg clerks. Thiere were very few upenings for bookkeepers, clerk typisîs and general office clerks. A cuntinuing dcimaîîd ex- ists f'or mianager trainees and registcred nursing assishants. Other occupations in denîand Are You Payinq Too Much Tex? How To Cut Income Tax WhiIe fou Save For Retirement It's right in the Income Tax Act (Section 1 46). You can deduet up to $4,0O from your taxable in- corne when you deposit into an individual registered plan. Don't take a chance on rnissing out on tax savings o11 your 1972 incomne. Act now. Cail Gene Posteraro of the Manufacturers Life for more details. Or mail the coupon. Vhy Manu Life? A leader in the pension field. Has more single premium immediate annuities on the books than any other Canadian company and more group pension plans too. A wide variety of retirement snvings plans for registration. Regular guaranteed plans. New equity insurance and annuity plans. Money management by investmen t professionals. Ir you operate your business as a Iirnited company there may bc Isomne additional bencfits under Section 147 that mighl be of interest 10 you. Gel in touch with Mr. Posteraro today. jMANUFACTURERS LIFE SUITE 501, BELL TOWER, OSHAWA CENTRE, OSHAWA Tel. 728-7391 1 request more information on Registered Savings Gene Posteraro NAM E ........................ . ADDRESS ............................. PHONE ...60 .*u are social workers with M.S.W. qualifications and accoun- tants. Figures for the 1972â-73 Canada Manpower On-the-Job Training Program at the end of December indicate that 64 proposais have been submitted to regional office in Toronto for approval. At this lime eight Canada signed agree- ments have been returned in- 0 PAGE 7, TFIURSDAY, JANUARY 18, 1973, WHITBY FREE PRESS - byý SiMorris 1973 AAS Winner, Zucchini Squash Aristocrat w ay îo eat the flowers among rural families. Try somne, you will find them good in so many ways. volving nine trainees actively engaged in training. There are 249 people cur- renîly enrolled in on-going Canada Manpower Retraining Programs. Persons without employ- ment and registered with the Canada Manpower Centres in Oshawa and Ajax for the monli of December, 1972 totalled 1955 maies and 1820 females. This figure compares with November, 1972 figures of 2074 maies and 1837 fe- maies and December 1971 figures of 3459 maies and 2563 femnales. CARD OF THANKS - We wish to thank Mayor Newman, Members of Council and citizens of Whitby, alto oui f riends and neighbours for the Iovely flowers, cards and poil wishes for ouf sixtieth Wedding Anniver- sary, also the family wishing ail good health and happiness. Sincerely, Fred and Alice Fowler, 318 Ash Stree, Witby.. ING off Januar.y Clearance ils 0 SHERIDAN MALL- 839'-3225 AJAX' 942-0542