Whitby Free Press, 25 Jan 1973, p. 9

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WHITI3Y FREE PRESS, THURSDAY, JANUARY 25 PG They cati himn "dictator" and the "Bunny Ahiearnie cf Ontario iniinor hockey" and lie just shirugs and says 'mn only doing nmy job." And a incst suiccessful job it is. 'Fli man in question is Gordon I lawes, lite-long Whit- by resident and currently chiet convenor cf the Ontario Minor Hockey Association in an area stretching fromi Tor- onto to Cobourg and north into Haliburton. Gord, withi his wife, Jean, practicatly controls the des- tîny of more than 200 teamis within the above-noted area. These teanis range fromn the mite classification up to and including juveniles. And within these classifi- cations in his area cf control, Gcrd's word is Iaw Mien it cornes to uphiolding the con- stitution cf the Ontario Minor Hockey Association. Many are the coaches, mnan- agers and referees who have teit Gord or Jean's deftly- delivered barbs Mien limnits are overstepped. "lt's at tiles like this that these individuals describe Gord in less tlîan flattering ternis," say local hockey exe- cu tives. Gord, in his own defence simiply says "they're wrcng." He insists lie "goes by the bock" an d admits there is little avenue cf appeat once hie makes a decision. "if my detractors would only stop and think a bit they would realize that 1 amn only trying to bring order te a potentially chaotic situation. Thousands cf hockey games are played each season by hundreds cf teams involving thousands cf people. There has to be someone in author- ity who can make decisions s0 the whole bag operates smoothly," lie said. "Toc, they must realize that 1 only interpret the rules they themiselves set. Eachi teami in the Association cani send a voting delegate to the annuial convention and it is there that Liordon awes, chie? convenor for trie Ontario Minor Hiockey Association in an area stretching from Toronto to Cobourg and north to Haliburton, is always a busy man. But he's neyer busier than at playoff timne when part of his duties even extend into the area of presented provincial trophies to winning teams. In this photo Gord is presenting the trophy, symbolic of Midget 'D' championship, to John Barkwell, captain of the Bobcaygeon entry, winners in 1969. rules are born and con firmed. If tliese delegates have beefs fi is at that point they should be raised and net in conflict with me when 1 arn only fol- lowing the edict cf the ma- jority at those conventions." And Gord and Jean Ffawes know whereof they speak. They have been tiandlîng the job for years. The job is ne longer seasonal in nature. It lias growni into a I 2-mon th a year operation. Between thern they arrange ail series, ensurinig that the clubs ail finish on tîmie before playo'ffs start; they assign ail gaine cff iciais and verify that ail miembers cf teamis are frcmn CAS à CIL.- 1URNERS HOT WATER & SUUA SYSTEJdS 668-3011 We are honoured to be supporters of Minor Hockey Week LeChalet Ding Roon & TmWT STEA & LOB STER TAILS FULLY LICENSED 668-4377 106 Dundas St. W. Whitby the prescribed area from which they may be drawn. In addition, Gord sets up refer- ee's clinics throughout the area te ensure that AI Wat- kins, cf Peterborough, who selects referees for the Aý,so- ciation in this area, bas a gcod selection of men from wlîom to miake his choice. TMien, at playoff time, Gord handles the necessary exten- sions to the playoff schedule tlîat eventUally winds up withi divisional cliampionships bc- ing deternnined locally and passing alonig the teains in to provincial playdowiis if' the local teanîs arc suiccessful. 960 DUNDAS w lt's no job for an inexper- ienced person and Gord and Jean, between thern spend many hours on tic telephone, write hundreds o'f letters and compile masses of statisi ical information. As mnentioncd, Gord is Whitby-born and raised. Fle was the youngcst secretary cf the Whitby H-ockey Associa- tion, a post lie was appointed to i 193 1 at the age of 19. A couple cf years lter, Gord's abilities came to the attention cf W.A. (flill) Hew- it, father of Foster and grand- father cf Bill, who currently broadcasts Toronto Maple Leaf garnes, who was secre- tary cf theOntario Hockey Association. Hewitt appointed Hawes convenor cf the Junior hockey series in Ontario. Stili later, Gord was Coni- nected with intermiediate and senior hockey both here and elsewhere. An able executive, Gord was named president cf the OMHA for two years, 1968 and 1 969 after severai years as a inember cf the executive. Working with youth has always been his favorite pas- time. He hopes te continue fi for many more years. He rnay be criticized by those who must follow his dictates but, as one coach put it, "he's a tough man when fi cornes te the rules but it can'ilt be said he isn't fair. He treats us ail alike." PHOTOo .REPRINTS MR AVAILABylu BY PHONING THEjm FREE PRESS 668-6111 668m4681 IN APPRECIATION OF G1gEAr EFFORTS FOR - COUMUNITYr g... Jr us RESIJLTS corne fWst 519' 8ROCK S support mnor Hodoey ART THOMPSON ARENA 1973 ICE RENTAL Bookings are now being taken for lSe renitai for- the 1973 Summer -ad Falf? semon. For FullInformation CALL TODAY 839-j4425 or Drop in end Se. us at 1474 BAYLY ST. Best \Mshe on this YOUR SPEQIAL WEEK RANCH HOUSE & TAVERN Sp.cializinq in Steaks ... Tender Fried Chieken.. and Seafood 942-8021 OPEN i1 a.m. Io iv p.m. 89 COMMERCIAL AVE., AJAX Congratulations to, the Minor Hockey League Executive on a job weiI done "DON"gy VALLANCE EQUIPMENT Massey-Ferguson Sales& Service Farm & Industrial Equipment Dealer Riding Lawn Mowers HOME 0FSI-IXIXJ DROOKLIN 655-3291 Our comi(ftSQRtfor yoù Your son does better in hockey because Gord Hawesý does his job 668-334 'Congratulations to &Il associated with Minor Hockey" BEST wJSHE.S. TO A LL MINOR HOCKEY PLA YERS TUDOR FURNITURE REFINISHING COMPLETE FURNITURE REFIMISHUND AND REPAIRING AU QUALITy WORKMÀNSH1P Continued succesa to ail mem bers of Minor Hockey SEAWAY MO TOR S (1965) L td. vjour authorized Mercury Lincoin Dealer also a fine selection of Safe Buy Used Cars PAGE 9 IZIQla ,Mtiittt &MM stance

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