PAGE 10, THURSDAYV, FEBRUARY 1, 1973, WHITBY FREE PRESS B/WM-HA PEE WIE HOUSE LEAGUE V SPONSORED BY RED WING ORCHARDS SPONSORED BY DODO & SOUTER BROOKLIN-WHITBY MINOR PEE WEE HOUSE LEAGUE RESULTS Games Played Monday, January 22, 1973 Koe's Shiel Lynview Const. Dunlop 6 Randail Plurnbing 4 MeNarnara Marine 4 Peter the Plurnber SCORING LEADERS MINOR PEE-WEE FlOUSE LEAGUE Jayde Gibbs (Kokecs ShielI) Eddie Derks (Duinlop) Johni Pautl Aggett NI cN,,t aýra Mia rifle) Bill1 (;ry'lls (Dunlop ) Jini Rcid 1Randaill Plunîihing) tlike Mtilligani (Koe&s Shieli) Games Played 8 Goals 24 Total Assists Points 6 -3o 8 14 5 19) 8 13 4 17 8 8 5 13 8 7 8 7 Lee continues to star Mairk Lee et'tfliecl3rooklin- Wilb ,VickervEliectrie Mites recorded h is eîihtlh shu t-on r of' the year as lie hld the Oshawavý Little N.IIL. Bruins oit' thi scereshleet. Kerr Kinîg- NOVICE LOSE TWO 'lhle Breeokl in-Wiiby IIani- laid Novice Stars sufiered twe st ra igh t losses during the week-end as thcy went dlown 5-2 at tlie hands of' Bay Rid- ges. and 8-2 by Oshawa. Warren Sinith and Gary Mc('ey scored for the Hani- laid Stars ini the loss te Bay Ridges. I)ave Blaccînire and Johin Etisce scered in the 8--2 loss te Oshawa. sten anîd Grog Gibseîî hanidled the gealsce ring t'or the Brook- lin-Whi tby 'teailu. Earlier in t lie week. tuie Vickenv Electrie mites lest '-1 te) the Oshawa Little N.H.- L. Alil-Stars. Ian Porter was thle enly nie ni ber eof'thle Broeklini-Whiittby teani te beat the Oshajwa nctetnîder. JUVEN îLES IN PLAY-OFFS The flrst gaineeo't he O.M. H.A. Juvenile play-etts wais îîlay'ed inî Ajax en Monday, Jani. 21). ( Resitîts îlot kiîe\v at press tiîîîe). Thîe seceond guie et tue play-etts vill bc i)layed ini the Broekliîî Areîîa on Saturday, Feb. 3. tilîîe is 9: 15 p.nil. Minor Hockey Week is offly 51 weeks away. so why flot get in the habit of' taking your boy to the arena by starting îiow. Try it. You'll like it. ogWae ~ I PLUEIIUG DISCOUN FIXTUES & SUPPLIES* 701 Brock st. N. Whitby 20% DISCOUNT DIRECT TO YOU1 Houri: 9 *.m. to 9 p.m. Mon-Fr. Set. 9 *.m. to 5 O.' 668m6601 SINCE 1898 OUR 7SIYEAR National Wut/fG f ®lû] GD MWSBER 0F CAIIA*A DEPOSIT NSURANCE CORPORATION 32 Simcoe Street South ATTIENTION! HOME OWNERS ALUMINUM PRODUCTS Facia Boa rds - Windows *and. Doors - Installation if required. KAISER'- Direct Factory Branch SUPREME WINDOW à DOOR PRODUOTS 1730 SUMCOE ST. N. 723-9843 Nat ional Trust 1