FAPULV RESTAURANTS VOL. 3, NO. 5 THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 1, 1973 &kD@rt sti in workcs Marchand 0 proecks POP 7. WHITBY-People or Planes mind. The 'announcemnent by Mar- indicatcd it would hold pub- Century planning. This dec- went POP on Tuesday. Their As a resuh, ftie People or chand shot this rumior down lic meetings on the question ision appears to prove the bubbte was burst. Transport Planes comiîtce called an in flamnes and paved the way before a definite cornritt- government is divided in ils Minister Jean Marchand, in ininiediate meeting in Broug- for the govcrniment to con- men! is made. "If they hadn't own views. On the one hand an officiai governmnent ami- hami Tuesday nighît and vow- tinue expropriating about 17, made this provision 1 would they are concerned about en- ouncemnent, said tlie proposed ed "we have only begun to 000 acres of farinland ini thc have resigned," he -said' vironmental control and on airportinii Pickering Township f-ighit." area. In Whitby, POP liasison the other they attempt to woLld go ahead and it would Earlier. unconfirnied rep- MP Normn Cafik, who car- mani, Dr. Don Warren, reit- destroy it." take a massive public dem- orts hiad intiînated the gov- lier said he would resign if' erated tie "we have only He added that with prop- onsi ration against il or mnlik- eriment was on ithe verge of airport plans went alîead, said begun to fight" stand. er organization, which he ely technological progress b cliaîging its midc on tie need yesterday lie would not re- "Tlhe need lias not been dlaims is evident, there is an change ilie governnîenî's for a second Metro airport. sign bccause tlhe governmnent proven," he said. lî's l9th excellent chance of getting bble the government to change ils >mind.li-nrealtor, Bruce Bagg, a supporter of the views of the POW, People Over Welfare group, bold the FREE PRESS he is "delight- ed with Ottawa's viewpoint." It was expecled," he said. "The governmenî has taken the only reasonable course. They are in possession of studies which cite the need for a second Metro airport and il is going to take a strong argument to refuie the fac is." He said the governmenî could conceivably change ils mind in the future but feli il would require technological change rather than feeble op- position to bring this about. "The econornic impact on the whole region will be such that no person in his right mmnd can îlîink of impediîîg progress," Car hits baby in stroller PICKERING-A 9-nionîls- old baby is in serions con- dition ini a Toronto liospilal followîiîg ani unusual accident whiich occurred Tuesday eve- îîing on Mill St., Pickering. Suffering froni a fractured skull, received while silting in a stroller being pushîed by lus t'ather when struck by an out-of-control automobile, is William Goldsworthy, of 8 Marwin Rd., Pickering. The father, Gordon Goldsworthîy was treated at the Ajax-Pick- ering Hospital for culs, bruis- es and abraisions. Provincial Police Constab- le Dave Robbins reported that a car, driven by Daphne Pred- die, 32, of 43 Jacwin Dr., Pickering, was going south on Mill St. when il hit a palch of ice and skidded onto thie sidewalk. The father and his young son were unable 10 gel out of the way of the skidding vehicle. An investigation is con- tinuing. H bI l N L u b 11 b %JyyV I i 1L- An unusual accident occurred on Highway 401, west of Brock St., on Monday Mhen two trucks, both pulling trailers sidemiiped and went out of controI and ended up inl a drainage dltch nearly 160Ofeet off the highway. 0One truck, pulling a trailer loaded with one-haîlf of an aluminum home, snagged the other truck which was pulling a trailer loaded with a coffin-U transport container. This was emipty at the time. Ontario Provincial Police Constable Brian Dunhamn reported that damages in the accident would amount to nearly $33,000. This in- cludes the value of the home which was badly damaged. The driver of one of the vehîcles vies injured along with a passenger. The other driver escapedl unhurt. -Photographs by Alex Kalnins 10 CENTS