PAGE 6. THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 1, 1973, WH ITBY FREE PRESS Taxp'yer s support HUMilinl views on confliet of interest Mis. A. Welsh, Mis. C. Gartshore, Mrs. J. Everett, Mrs. H. Eaton and Mrs. 0. Minto gathered recently at the home of Mis. C. Gartshore to prepare literature for mail dut in promotion of the Whitby Heart Fund Drive. The Heart Fund, conducted here and throughout Canada during the month of February, is pro- moted in an effort to collect dollars which go to help f ight diseases of the heart and circulation responsible for more than 77,000 deaths in Canada each year. 4- Photo by Alex Kainins Buy onc Double Cheescburger and scet one FREE on presenting thie advertisement (Value 55c) SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 4, 1973 Valid one per customner at either McDONALDS locations.... 5SIMbCOE ST. N. AT TAUNTON OR M WHITBY MALL. DANCE EXIHBO The Whitby Recreation Dept. is arranging a specîal entertainment evcning for al Senior Citizens on Thursday, February 8th, 8:00 p.m. in the Regal Room of the Cen- tennial Building. This will be an exhibition cf ballroomr dancing given by Mr. and Mrs. Sy Garrett, Mr. and Mis. Ray Richards, and Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Marker. La tin dances, the Samba, (lia Cha, and Riuinba, will be denîonstratcd by Mr. anîd Mrs. S. Wadc. Al cf these couples not only take lessons and practice wcekly. but have danccd in competitions ini Canada and the United Sta tes. WHITBY-Although he did not establish a taxpayer 's in- formation centre as he in- tended, former mayorality candidate Bruno Harilaid ap- pears te be getting thue prob- lcms of Whitby. taxpayers anyway. Telephone calîs from ques- tioning taxpayers reached the 100 mark at his > home Ilast week. "I would think that a great number of these calîs were prompted since the publica- tion of my comments on Councillor Doctor Kenneth Hobbs and possible conflict of interest, in other news media," he told the FREE PRESS on Tuesday. "Some called to offer me a word of encouragement in pursuing that issue, others, called re- garding the Almonds water problern, and one or two callers expressed the opinion that because Councillor Hobbs is a professional man he should not be questioned" "Originally, it was rny in- tention te intercede at the .local council level in an effort te keep Councillor Hebbs from being elected as chair- man of the local planning board," he explained. "He (Hobbs.) was net elected te that post and 1I had net ini- tended te pursue tlie matter any f urîhier." "But there is obvîouISly concern beîng expressed by at least soine taxpayers in this town. and I wendcr if thie attitude expressed openly by the mayor is part cause. [fis worship suggests thiat any tax- payer wvho qujestions a possible FRE1 PIZZA WITH THE PURCHASE 0F ONE LARGE PIZZA CORNER PIZZA OPEN 668-8807 WE DELIVER MON-SAT. 4-2 ar. SUN.-4-1arn 204 GROCK ST. S. WHITSV TOWN 0F WHITSY NOTICE Construction of Water Mains Under The Local Improvement Act Take notice that: (1) The Council of the Corporation of the Town of Whitby intends to construct a water main on the following streets and intends to specially assess a part of the cost upon the land abutting directly on the work. (a> On Dundas Street West from the former Town limits to the Whitby-Pickering Townline Road (County Road 23), to service the north and south sides of the road. (b) On Halls Road ta a point 550 feet north of Dundas Street, ta service the east and west sides of the road. (c) On the streets within Registered Plan 496 and 562, namely the east side of County Road 23, the north and south sides of Churchill and Cresser Avenues, the east and west sides of Queens Road and the north side of Almond Avenue to service the area known as the Almands Subdivision. (2) The estimated cost of the work is $182,6010.00oaf which $58,633.15 is to be paid by the Corporation, and the esti- mated cost per footage is $10.00 r-'r foot, minimumn frontage charge $750.00 and maximum frontage charge $2,000.00. The special assessment is ta be paid in 10 annual instalments. (3) Persans desiîng ta petition against undertaking the work must do so on or bef ore the 1lst day of March, 1973. lJated at Whtby this 3Oth day af January, 1973. Wm. H. Wallace, A.M.-C.T., Town Clerk, The Corporation of the Town of Whitby Municipal Building, 405 Oundas St. West, Whitby, Ontario. con flict of interest niay follow the legal channel. "Il is not necessary for taxpayers te embark on leng- thy legal investigations when ail that is rcally rcquired is an open declaration of pecuniary interests as is being donc quite freely clscwhcrc," lie said. "Should the mayor, Dec- tor Hobbs, or any mcm ber of the council for that matter, declare their intcrcsts as was suggcsted by myscîf in the first place, then there would be ne necd for this legal proccss." "My question was poscd honestly. The mayor said it a' s disgusting. That, in my ti.,inion, is as narrow-rninded as the twe telephone callers who said that Councillor Hobbs should net be questionied because lue is aftci ail, a professional nman." "I aIse do net feel that these people wlîo are calling Ille* arc nccessarily nit pickers," lie centinucd. "Tax- payers in this country surely have the privilege te question that wliich conccrns theîîu withoul being ridiculed and and labelled disgusting, anîd 1)octor l-obbs' record afteraîl. does speak fer itself. Fis nmcdi- cal building fer example. ai- theugh ceîîstructed on anl amendineiit f reinthe couin- îit tee ef adjustinien t is fia- grantly' con trary to Town of Whitby zoning bylaws. His bank building at the four corners purehased for $40, 000 in 1971 is now up for sale at $65,000. In its two year ownership by Councillor 1-obbs the building was not occupied or used for anything beneficial to the town. 1 arn asking did Councillor Hobbs purchase this building purely on a speculation basis for his own gain?" Mr. Harilaid said he has no idea why Mr. Newman took suchi a dim view of questions of this nature being put be- fore the council when they are being posed without mal- ice, or why there has been to date no declaration of in- terests as requested. "I would prefer, at least in this lasî year of a local council as we know it now, to see an open response to questioning taxpayers rather than an un- happy repetit ion of what took place ini this miunicipality last year," lie.said. "Aftcraîl, these men are above aIl else, re- sponsible to the electorate whio chose thlimt'I represent the town. COMMITTEE FOR INDEPENDIENT CANADA Write: William Cumpsty 348 Arthur St., Oshawa, or CaI- 576-2391 0. P P.R E PORT By Prov. Const. Wayne Netliery Thec Whithy Deîacient Liquor Offences 3 et' dic Ontario Provincial Po- lmpaîred Oriving 3 lice, patrol thie southcrn hall' Disturbances 3 of Ontario Countly withil te Traffic Complaints 4 exception of' iliose mon ici- Other Provincial Statutes 4 palities witlh tlieir own Police Dekpartments. Here zire the SAFETY NOTE! weekly statistics f'or thiis area. Mtrss..We rvn WEEK 0F JANUARY 22nd - on snow or ice, remember ... JANUARY 28th, 1973 traction is twice as good when Motor Vehicle Collisions 31 the temperature is at zero Persons Killed 0 than when it's around 32 de- Persons lnjured 12 grees. Tests have proven this Total Vehicle Damage $25,000 to be true. So believe thie Persons Killed (1973> 1 tests . . . don't find out by Persons KilIed (this date 1972) 1 accident. When driving on General Occurrences (as, 89 snow or ice. slow down as reported which include: the temperature rises-and be Break and enters 3 able to stop in time... Theftý 7 safely. TeFRIENDLY FLEA MARKET The We buy and seln anything" 23 KING ST. WEST 725-9783 OSHAWA B OKWHUTBY 668-3618l NOW PLAVING! THURS. FRI1. &SAT. EVENINGS AT 7P.M. Four Fies On Grey Velvet Plus Let's Score Jessica To Deoth ADuLT-UNUrTAItm-«. SUN. THRU SAT. EVENINGS AT 7P.M. PeterSellers HospitlIAdministtalor. In Snow White & the Three Stooges --I 7777