PAGE 10, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 8, 11973, WHITBY FREE PRESS BuyjAg a home? St ilI searchling for tt l'ifisî liouse uf your very uwmv? )oukinig for dhat charming old stonie house Otatmue reads about in the home magazines? Cunsidering winterizing your vacation home in yotîr favorite resunt area as a y/ear- rouind, re tirenient home'? If ypur plans calltor a miere modcst oîitîay ibis Spring, suchl as buildinîg a faniily romiîi in the baseineni utyuur îresemîi home, cor add- ing a wing, thie llctrica,.l Bur- cati ut*Cana.da luis some stnd advice f'or y/ou. Rewirimîg - a sound investment Whien lcookiiîg through uold- er humes thiat your real estate agent hias located, check on wliat your electrician calîs the " 4service etitranlce"--the big Modernizing? board uîîuuniing yumr îîîaiîî switchi, meter, and fumisebox or circiit-breaker. These are rated ini amperes. Most hotises over 10 y/Cals t)ld were eqttipped with 60-amipere service cquipmenît, hardly ade- quate tu handle the large mumber oft electrical ap- pliamîces in utse it)day/. Newer homes will likely have a 1 00-ampere service, wlîicil is i 1W the miniîmum r-eqîmired ini ail provincial regu- la tions; anmd other hiomies, eqtîipped witlm elect ical lîcat- imîg. will hlave 200 anîiperes ou Tips on home's electrical system more. Sonme vcry oldhoe inay have a service entrance withi a raîing of' only 30 anipe res. Ncw wiring anîd ectrical service cnt rance equipnmcnt should bc installed by an clectrical service contractor. It is nul a job for the weck- end do-it-youirscll art ist. Home modernization To start thai famnily roomn or new wing project in younr present home, you cati hell) your cuniractor in the plann- ing stage by listing your pros- eut ccirical appliances. List scparately ail ihose uther elec- trical appliamîces and work- saving equtip)inen i you would like tu buy in the years ahicad. Look for our bright orange tags... and dîscover gemume savungs. First corne, f irst served... eariest shopersget thé best bargairus. Service and Satisfaction Guarantoed* Chargex SHERIDAN MALL Pickering 839-4153 Your Sylvania lghtUng dealer Follow this tmp by drawing a plan uf' le rooiji., Indicate thle desired location (5f -buth present and future appliances. This hielps the electrician Lu detcrmine the size uf' wires, numuber- and kind o>1' circuits, and whether added capacity is required. In yuur planning, consider the need for outdoor lighiting and outlets in the garage, driveway or patio area. They add safety, cunvenience and pleasure year-round. By planning ahecad, yu will save money. You will provide the necessary flexi- biliiy that wilI reduce the need f'or i'requcnt and costly changes iii your hume edec- t ical wiring systeni. gencrator to the reading lamnp, thîe jig saw, the r-efriger-atur, or [lie li)t water hecater, the stream utf' power hias gone through switclies, transtormn- ers, mecters, tfuse boxes, and aimtonmatic protection devices whichi recluse the circuit il' there is a t cmporary fautî. It lias travelled via two-inchi over- hiead cables on steel towers. insulated conductors alunt thîe st reet and imîto the smnaller wircs in the xvalls of your homue. h hlas t ravelled frointhe generator to the appliance at the speed of lighit-- 186,28 1 miles per secomd-quicker thun thian you could proýnoLunce ithe "E" in Electricîtyi 'fhe hoine electrical wiring systeni is une uf' the mlost ini- portant and yet least under- stoud aspects of every home- mnaker's daily life. Many older homes and, surprisingly enough, many new homes, do nuL have enough. electrical capacity, iLe. spare circuits, or enougli duplex outlets to plug- in the numnber of new eleetri- cal appliances mnost families wanrit. As homeowners continue to purchase additional electri- cal equipmnent, they give little thoughit Lu the load they are adding tu the homie's electri- cal systemn. AIl the more need then Lu add sufficient electni- cal capacity tu look afier lu- mnorruw's electrical needs when rewiring yuur home. Tuday, therefure, is as good a day as any tu ask yourself: is my home up Lu date dlec- t rical ly, or hiave 1 ou tgrown my electrical systemi? Several commuon symptoins warn y/ou that youir hum-e's wiring systemi is overluaded, inadecluate or ou)Ltdatcd: o Fuses blow or circuit break- ers trip open to0 frequently. o Suchi appliances as your mron, toaster or ketile are slow tu hecat. " Lighits dîm -or the TV pic- ti re shirri ks-- when you switch on electrical appli- an ce s. o Tu connect other lamps or a ppî jances, y'ou find youI need extension cords or nmul tiple connectors. o And. looking arouind the baseboard. you sec a grow- ing taniily ut "octupIs" o utIci s. Il' any une ut' these con- dit ions exist In your home, caîl in thle expert. 'aid don't be sîrprised if' he tells you tua t a cuti)lltc home wiring nio0dc nîi/a tion job is rcquircd. NIake sure thai youlî irc a qua h flied OdCCIi vii n vio lias the traiîitig and skills lu as- surIe VOit ut a job wcll donc. Thc tinoncy spcn t by hav- tiM, a qîtialli lcd cicîrical con- iracior advise Y/ou o0n1your Main tenance an d expansion is mutîey savcd. Also. i t vill enIsurc youir lhome wiring sys- 1cmn is sal'e. ('oniiicdfoniPage 7 crs muotin ted un poles. on paids. or locatcd ini vauhîts il' t hcerIvice S isnder-groLInd. serve a smnall group utf'ionmes wiiîthI1 0/200-voit pover. lu an imîdusti ial area. ilie irans- tomes vuld provide 600- volt 1powýCr pluIs 120/240 volts REAL MONEY-SAVING VALUE 777-¼ 2977 77 977.