Whitby Free Press, 8 Feb 1973, p. 14

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PAG 14,lWfflSDAY, FEBRUAR Y 8, 1973, WH ITBY FR EE PRESS Kanains' Girl of the* week Home town girl, Kathy Sorichetti, 20, of 342 Lyndeview Dr., Whtby, is the subject for lensman Alex Kaînins' Girl of the Week. Kathy, a diminutive young miss, is a secretary at the Toronto Dominion Bank. She has many interests but her favorite relaxation is swimming. Photo by Alex KaInins WHITBY 668-3618 BRO(KW NOW PLAVING! THURS. FRI. & SAT. EVENINGS AT 7 P.M. A ~ as Alber t T. Hopinagil. HospitfAdm;n sUalot Iln da-b MàiTiAN g O*ly whots1 le# g PLUS Lover's And Other Strangers Mon. Thru Wed. EVENINGS AT 7 P.M. h~ ULTPlus Escorted ladies Tilil>Dath us do Part FREE Valentines Day £M-ITUTlmm Y CHILDRE191 MATINÉE SAT. 1:30 Pf. y Joyce Read period February 11I to 17 7 eCAPRICORN - Dec. 22 to Jan. 19 Your niost significant day during this sevcn-day period is Sunday the i11 th when you slîould make the most of your rich potentiai and perforn a special deed for sorneone you love . This shouid prove a good wveek, but a word of caution; if under pressure during the first part of weck, refuise social engagements to concentrate on work. AQUARIUS - Jan. 20 to Feb. 18 Your two niosi signifîcant days during this pleasurable wveek are Sunday tlecil1tih and Monday the l2th. You should temiper business with amusement durinig this seven day span and don't rush or apply pressure. Ailow fihe nalural -chain of events to work in your favor. PISCES - Feb. 19 to March 20 Friendship or a special relationship undergoes a significant test. You'Il be finisinig a project.or perhaps an association. Listen. It is not necessary for you to carry another's burden. The key is to know the difference belween being iilpful and being used. If you do too mnany favors youi succeed onily in arousing resentinent. Mixing inoncy and friendship ujltîimatcly wiil croate anîmosity. ARJES - March 211 to April 19 Pressure dissipales somnewhiat duiring tifis seven-day period. Lmiphasis shifts Isroin commnunications to hiome or property area. Il would bc best to wai uintli ltaler iniflhe year to imake major selections l'or your homne. You inay bc inclined lu impulsive buying ai Ihis tinie su watch a iendency towvard purchiasing unneeded accroutremnents. TAU RUS - April 20 to May 20 Tîis should prove lu bc a btistling seven-day period. l'ulfill social obligations y'ot 've been avoiding. vid needless confllict. on fthc I 4tlh with a faiiy ieniber. No one ks perfect and taking a self- righteous at littide w ii nol mnake yoti aiy more righit tliai the ind - vidual with whoin 'oii express a difference. GEMINI - May 21 to Juiie 20 Yuu niake poîlnb thik weck by giving more of your self' Ihan uistal. Flic mioun kisi your sigul for fihe firsi two days of' tlis period, a sig- îîîlcant inlerval. YoLl mav be îcmpted to socialize beyond cither y'our inca n- or strenigili. lie conservative of bolh. CANCER - itine 21 to July 22 l'Iis is une oftflime be ler %weeks utfthelic ion tliifor %el -imîprovenient . White il is , cl lu obe solicitois out otiiers, do nor neglecl y'uur own Dunlop Radial PIy Tire H EADQUARTERS A1JERI¶LEY TIRE SER[.VKE 103 Dundas St. East, Whitby 668e3356 ATTENTION! HOME OWNERS BY INSTÂLLINO YOURSELF ALUMINUM PRODUCTS Sidng - Soffits - Eavistroughing- Facto Boords - Windows and Doors- nstallation if requmred. KAISER - Direct Factory Branch How Io get the Income Tax People Io Iend you money interest f ree Intcrestcd? Well it*s possible. Section 79B of the Incomie Tax Act *sats*' so. The Govcrrnmcnt encourages you 10 prepare for your retirenient by giving you îimportant Ïncomie tax deductions on money you invest in a Rcgisîercd Retiremnli Sas ings Plan. You cari save hundreds of tax dollars each year this way. Your noney is not taxable until relirement; then, only as income receivcd, (your lax brackcî is likcely to bc lower thcn 100). It ail adds up to about the sanie as -borrowing" nioiiey froni the Govcriiîent, interest fre ..plus the savings that tax defernient may briîig. You can iearn the full story on incone tax advaintages on Retirement Savings from the weii- informed' professional who represenits the Manufacturers Life. He is associated svith a company that has a record for sound and pîrofitable rnoney nianagenient thaCts outstanding in the industry. Whcn you talk to hiîîî be sure 10, ask him about the buiît-in guarantees that only' an insurcd plan can offer. Phone him today or mîail this coupon for a free, informative brochure on how you can save tax dollars. * Pl.ases S.d me, without obligation, a fi* ~ ~ C. Ep bth b.oki.t: "U.istered 8 I sUrAE.nt Suite 501, Bell Tower, ,oshawa Centre growth as an individual. Signîicant days are Tuesday flie l3thl and Wedncsday the l4th when the moon occupics the Sun sign. Move with speed and bring personal projccts to the attention of those in authority. LEO - July 23 to Aug. 22 'his, seven-day period hias ail the excitement recent wceks have lacked. Use talents wisely. You will be called upon to exhibit a wide array of emnotions and. attitudes. Your two most significant days are Friday the l6th and Saturday the l7th when the full moon occurs in the Sun sign. VIRGO - Aug. 23 to Sept. 22 You enter a cycle until April l6th, wherc your attentions are focused on mate, partners or other close associates. Around the l3th defer signirg papers for a few days. Control cxpenditures. Put off any large purchases until later. Around the I5th you could begin a work project that could have long-range potential. LIBRA - Sept. 23 to Oct. 2 2 Use this intriguing seven-day stanza to prepare for a high activity cycle next week. Place affairs in order. Tie up loose ends, complete projects. Your two most significant days are Sunday the ll th and Monday the 1 2th when travel is especially highlighted. SCORPIO - Oct. 23 to Nov. 22 It is best to work behind thc scenes this week. Let associates seek the spotlight. Sit in the wings observing the action. This is an ex- cellent lime to finish projccts started some turne ago. Your two most significant days are Tuesday the 1l3th and Wednesday the l4th. SAGGITARIUS - NOV. 23 to Dec. 21 This scven-day pcriod syjîl be hectic. Tlîire is a great deal to be donc and time appears limited. Kcep a niarvelous sense of humor and you wiil regard cach problem in proper perspective. lnclincd by nature to be generous, you should not allow others to take advantage of you- especially in the financial area. PARENTS - Youi Son or Daughter can EARN SETTER SCHOOL GRADES through POWEREADING a new reading course from Prograrm For Adiievemont in Roading Incorporated flow being offered exclusively at the OSHAWA BUSINESS COLLEGE. Classes will be held on Mmndays end Wdns.- d.ys from 4:00 p.m. -ta 5:W P.m. and O àî- . mfmm10 botter MMkM M Néotetakiflg Skilis. pthone orwrite for complote dtait,. Stw Nanson * Th.e nufarturers Lite ushaws, Ont. MANUFACTURERS LIFE INSLJRANCE COMPANY

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