Whitby Free Press, 8 Feb 1973, p. 3

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Gartshore sees sunshine in "Most of' hie publicity giv- eni Whiîbhy's core area lias centered arounid eniply stores and the genieral negativeness L)f the' downîtown areai," i charges niew chairmlan o' the Dowvntown Action Commit- tee. (louncîlflor Jim iGartshiore. lI want to charnnel pub-. icity of Wlîiîby's dowvntown to ftie positive side. The enîp- ty stores do exist. but tiiere are also imaîy tine businesses doing weII, and the success stories to niy way of' thinking mient. even more at tentlion thia n thle emp ty stor-es,"lie told the WHITBY F R E - PRESS this wcck. (iar tshore. a 011e-t itue Witby nmerchan t h imsel1 ' now eni)toyed ini sales pr-,,- nmotioni says hie intends to prevail on tic nev's media to tell these success stories. and ini tact huopes to apply "a brand new philosoplîy" lu the downîtowri action conmut tee. "l've giveil the cure area mnucli thougli t," lie con t inied. lui past years sone excellent plans have beeîî preseuîied l'or the cure area, un fortuîia tely PICKERING- Five crewvîiemi werc îtjured, two 'diesel luco- moit ives severelv dainagcd anîd 1live cairs \vere dcriled Friday ini a spectacular traini wreck ini Pickerîig Townviship. Noue of the crew-iieii \vere seriuusiv iîjured but buili en- gines were \iecked ulieout thn iîîî itteîd tw l'ire \vliil tlie trains ides\wiped aI thc ('lîerr\'wot d sidiigiîearI)Djxie Rd. andidtlie 3rd C'oncessioni. A ('P spokcsiiiaii sa jd one1 t rail) wa1s cejiý ý-hie sidit wvlii tIllie othi sideswviped It beueil was cicar ut t[lie miajîijîlie. 'Frack MiItle zarca was rippcd anîd toril Lii). The 5spoke si ia îîsaid tIlte bu rîîcde andî d ilauaed cal-, we le cleie d .%aavand id ack \v as rcp:îired b îîuuîî satlî da\. .inrvest iua t iili j, Litdel - Iav bv('11 Polic.ijkcjî luisti)polijce w\'Cci aliedl tll tue celle but served asý sta mîdbv u\i mLi twill tllie i al- i ,1Ld poîi îcc icclilcdt lit Cellceî. WHITBY FREE PRESS, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 8, 1973, PAGE 3 downto wn core these planîs have progressed , O ne glaring tactor. to be ci ,ti%, i. ii w n li a ticr s tavcL "sec I i' tIhe pages ()Il' past l'he stalemiatc, ot' course, is contingent upon two basic fac tors: cost and relocatioîi problcmls 0on the part ol oper- atiug nmerchants. Whcere, for instance willI theseinerchants carry on in business in thle case ol' îearing down to rcbuild? O'Connor students take 2. of 3 trophies Deniîs O'C'onnor [ligli Sc'huol tLidCItS capîurcd the trophies in two ot, the three divisions ut' thîe Pru-Con For- Li nTou rnamnen tliîeld a t N otre Damne 1lighi Schioot in Torotnto on1 Saturday, February .3, 1973. Iorîning the novice teain vere 1'racy i telternan., Rick Sheppard. Wilinia Van Berkel amnd Doug Kenianl. I)enis O'Contnor nîovices liot 011 y wonî an uverwiiclin iîg victury wiîli_ six wviîis andid 11 lusses, but alsu inerited nib- bons for thle best iîd ivid ual debat1er uft'h le tiiir ty-six no- vices. (T'racy 1lietT'ernaii ) and thie tlîird best debater ( Rick Shieppa md Y D)eis 'iirs junîior tea o> ( 1 Ed Ject teiî. Mary I .u i se LaBai re. lKeviii Ruchie. and Pce1cr Sieppa rd ) a Iso caplt urcd thli t ro pli Hliii t l rd ivision. lii addition, lKeviîi and Peter lied for second î'laýcc as iii- d îviduLai dchlitels. D)en is O'('onnior scliiiui s 1ici-kel. Johniii(.î jlîthli an I tieeniReid)iticd %vitIi liciaei Power I ligli Scliooil'for seconid lace ini Ilîci r division. 1leleiî was judged the best semnior debat er of' the day. 'l'lie topic was: "Resoive tuaI t very (a iadia,îci tizen elegible lu vote i hie miuni- c ipalI. p rovinici ai. a nd l'e dcra i elcclions be ubi iged tL) do su by' ia\V.- 'l'hc utîer iiigli sciuol s paîrt ici pa1 iîig wcie: St. Jusclii's. Barrie. St i. Thomas More :îîid (at liedral Iig-li ut' IMal tLi IichiaelIPowe r, St. Jusepli's (Wellesley), Notre I).miii. Neil NlcNcii. St. Jo- sc pli 's ( Ni rrow hark)i and St. MI Iciîac's >1I tl n tu. mîeet ing i iii utes is dhar noule ut thlese plans hias ever Iîad the overail acceptaîice (>1'the nîajority of uwners and buisi- ness people ini the downtowii, lie coulntned. 'l'lietun tort unate part out' thiese successive p)lans is the negative aura tliîy leave iri tlieir wake. We've all hy iiow becoii su spect to thle 1i1,11Y plans we've seen wit h noLire- sut ts cuiuing tbrward. Nevertlheless, 1 îhink we caii crealte a new concept. The 1-iinecuining wiIl lciid ciliosiasin und l)erhials we c'Iiî puit tr tii a conicentra ted dowiît uwn p rom ut ion sciîe me ini lonour oft t is even t. It is iny tervar>t hope that we can get back on the righit track with a positive keyuote and with an inpu t fromn the down town business people theiselves. who obviously knuw \vlat it takes to crate an aura of attractiveness and appeali'fordowu îowîl Whit by. Vit tiiheip fromn the media and a positive ou t look we will hlope l'o lIy have somle suIccess." il'he first mleeting ut' the down townl action commlit tee is slated l'or Weduesday. Feb- 1-arIIy 14, 7:30 p.m. ini the council chambers an d it is ('oujICillor Gartshore's hiope tha t the inectiiîg is wel a t t cide d. Try Sec cable thie today differec Enjoy Cable-Clear recept ion on your T.V. set. CALL TODAY for 12 clear stations filled with more movies and sports -- without an antenna! Don't watch one more program withi poor reception. Start enjoying your T.V. today. Just S4.95 a month plus a small connection charge. Extra sets and FM radios just $ 1.00 a month. CALL TODAY! OSHAWVA 579-2232 WHITBY CAR33 I é h a bl ' Freîght trains collide WITH THE PURCHASE 0F ONE LARGE PIZZA CORNER PIZZA OPEN 668-8807 WE DELIVER MON--SAT. 4-2 ar. SUN. -4-1 a.rm. 204 BROCK ST. S. WHITBY lsé47ockev ?tnlimitedl CO. LTD. VOUR MUSIC MAKER Providing Entertaînment ByPoeinaDJS&MS For Banquets, Danoes, Bar Mitzvahs Etc. 8p 579-1500 SPECIALIZING IN WEDDINGS à TOWN 0F WHITBY PROCLAMATION HEARI WEEK Take notice that in accordance with the Resolution of the Council of the Town of Whtby, the period of February 1 lth to February 17th, 1973 is pro- claimed as Heart WVeek in and for the Town of Whi tby. Dated at Whitby this 8th day of February 1973. D. G. Newman, Mayor. 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