Whitby Free Press, 8 Feb 1973, p. 4

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PAGE 4, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 8,1973, WHITBY FREE PRESS One man's view Dy Bill Williams Our ncighiboring Pickcrinï garbage purists arc sure kick- ing up a stink in an cllort to detecet proposed Metro gar- bage dumping away from their area. It matters flot, apparent- ly, thiat Metro hias alrcady paid- $ 1 00,000 for the privi- lege of' deposittig xaste on the sclcctcd sites. There is a minuting grourndswcli afincd at get ring courîcil to change ifs mmid adiidifact . reniege on any agreemen t titarlhas ai- rcady been muade. Tlie rîews that Premier Williami Davis is planning a greenbelt buffer-zone to the north of the proposed Osha- wa-centered region is creating a great deal of conversation amiong folk ini our town. This buffer-zone wiil be an elon- gated strip which will curve across the regîin--commenc- ing at Niagara and extending eastward to beyond Cobourg- is of undetermirîed width as yet anîd few hints have been given as f0 the composition of land and recreational areas withiî if. lit is expected that miore defails %vill be forth- corng shortly. It is believed flie area will serve as a barrier against urban spravl and aid ini preserving the idenitify of comnurîlfies throughi which it passes. 1 W'onder \Wiîx Tiiev l)ori't DPaErtnuei r: ixvender xvhx' thley' doîfî "tîiike i t coîtipul- sory lfortrarut or 1 ratier onits and or lier larce trurcks 10 crl- pliie tse of spiash t.guards t'or ail xvhecl is 11these litige units. Anyonc who lias ever had the shatefirg experience of frying t) paiss one in a severe nram or snOW stormn wil i k o0w wha t i mca n. As you draw siowly paist, your wirtdshield is covcred with spray to'a1n CXt cri ft tlia fit takes severi seconds l'or your wipcrs to mai.ke aiîy imipres- sion. It is cetnî)itsory te have splaisl guards on thli rear of' tlic vliicles andd jr seemns Io rile 10 bie arelaitively simipie task to designî sini1 iar xvrLp- aroti îd spraiy bairriet slfor thew other wlîeeis. Doîî't forget the cocktail bash, spons<îred by Wlitby Arts, fo take place arThe Station on February 1 7. It won*t cost fliLteliand shouid be worfhwlîile. Food mnd drinks will be served at a reasonable cosf and te most importanît tlîirg of ail ill he free- a chatnce tb see the paintings of Peter Van Gils, one of our bown's better art isfs. AtIIIhauvitîg a tetrtirile l CotîlvjiclýiiUgsotie oet rite gais witli wviîonii I xotk iit th te base lo w1 )0)1Lttier- f oitIe onth ie mtke.cotues Cr011 te swea t o4 beaten civet cls. ICts truc. mo iieip) tule. Tlic tîtusýk S seCreted Mr idattis otil te attiultmd is expeiied wxvil t t hecottes cx- e:ited. LiiiolAd Ili(mte of' the qickesr \xa\s 10 e\Ctte sLIcli ail amItIiai s [() i)ea t tl iow liatd Id1)iiiot kîtox atd t bis 1.1 a itttx bLsttîcS MttMillue patris of!1tIle wor id. Ap Turncoat Department: Was rather non-piussed when 1 heard tlîat a by-law to borrow money for library financing, purcitase of the towîi hall was included, passed in council without a dissenting vote. It seems to nie that at least two counceillors were elected on a platform of opposition to the sale of the municipal builings to the library. In explanation, one of these gentlemen ex- piained lie was prepared to talk for 45 minutes in opposi- tioni to the by-law but, when advised by the clerk it would,, be of -no use since the vote was to be only a formality, declined to say anlything. This may sound logical to hirn but it sure doesn't to me. Are you listening Councillors G. and L.? Catnada AM, the sparkling early tiorrîîng shiow on Tor- onfo's CFTO, liras arranged to have a number of leading mayors as co-hosts this week. Included are the mnayors of Vancouver, Toronto, St. John, N.B. îand Halifax. We can't 'help but wonder why the Mayor of A the Mayors, 'our own Des Newman, was flot inclfudètf. We know Des is re- luctant to take his place in the spotlight *but surely this would have been perfer.. Health, Social Services ready for a change Wlieî Ilrlie Onitrarioegevertt- tuent sets out Liter titis year ro eorganiuc a Dist riect I lealIrh 'ouneji iin Onttario) (ointv, thle Iteali i and social service ageticies iii lite area wiil be t ca dv to o lier co-upeit 0n arnd leaderi . l'lie On tario ('out yMcdi- cal Sociery anîd r[lîe (sliaxvai Social Plannuing (ottricil have spettsored a series ol tîîeetriîgs r ha t have la id tIle grouindwxvrk l'or it prove tue its in iieait h services anîd flaciii ries. Il is iieped tts for viii tot otiiy utake htea tii services tuo0re ac- cessuibt esidett s oetItle Couti tv. bu t aise viii exiiedire Itle \wrk olf tlli e pt îsed Distric cri leirit (outicil. scîte- d nied t o Le fbrîued vilti l tlie tiexi yeat l)istrict I leailih ('outîcîls aie advtsoî\ bodies to Ille NMitistlx ofl liealii. ,A mîeertng tiniîd-Jaultiîtail tended Lx i1i10Jol i 1 () iîî- xitcd rpeei a sof, mlet - estcd bde.disctssedliteairth Int xestt te cîttini lvanîd de- f tted sott il tlte galis aîi flealii îC(otitcili aJ i)i )rt)xed ot p[epat altit v xxutk ltt Jute b% tîte Jtot s anJ otitet iiitesttt peoplieitxixe xx tlt ti)rseitatieilstuel h i t e l s p i e s e t îh idei Ma o t grenîps anid were discussed at tlie mîeetng. At a foi iew-tti)mecetinig iast week a sreerirîg couiti t tee xvas Set rip teo futrthIer flic pliarns artJdcfiuîe speci lic prob- leins tt iteflic hal fthcare de- iivery systerît. The conmi ttee comprises D)r. K.G. I Icseti, xviî ergariiied Itle icefitgs oti leliali o'lt(i ntario ('ountry Medicai Society, i)r. (;l (Giiclltnisf , presidettof' tlle Oshiawa Social PLInîîiîîg ('outicuil) r.(;.A. Rutidie, clitaiita ti oeIltlie Ilosp itli 1lia rutirtg ('ou îc ik: MIrS. Rt îe r- ta Adaînsen execttive direc- toîr of hotu ()sliîaxa aWli hir- l)y' SoCail>llIiîiîiîg ('OLInciis. I)avid floiîe. assisrantt adîîiuni- stlater of'Itle OhxaGeterai Hoespital, anrit.'..Stexv- art. direcrer of' the Osliaxva- On tario ('out t' Dhist rict i-leainli IUit. A tepteseuitatuxe fi Itle ctisutitet s of*lieitl) services xviii Le added. l'ite itcert ttg agreed to t e- ia\', t (Oshiaxva Il\!x Coîtcil ils sut~portt f)Iiltt01tii ()sllaxxa. a ît1ilttîclîxîi set Vie ptittig ttfotiiattott to Ilite Setrxice,,.Thîe ilolie xxas cx- i)essed ia its s, e[i ext- strii ce if 11itî t t tu1t u t ttM l ti Set x i ce'0 tim) îiit Il ,\ eî itiii teîî iilie l - tit! ot Lgps in ii iîc.îiiî sîxcels was considcrcd te bcflhc csfta- blîslhmen t ef a detoxification centrc in Oshîawa. 'l'lic Social Plantniing ('outîcil wiil investi- gare flic pos5ibility ef flic of thle provinicial govcrter i providiîig sîteh a centre f0 alleviate the scrious preins erîcouîiered by police, in- dustry anîd social agencies iln deail irg wir h the ineirea.siiig incidcîîce of diîniketniess. In erder te ensure tîîat al tif te muiltitude ef' f)res- sioîials antd agelicies in flic hecaltlî ficld, as weIl as con- sumners, are represurîtcd in this volunfary, co-operative ap- proac i tofiîeaflh iplanning, flic Social Planining Council was askcd te co-ordinate the various governinerif and vol- uteer agericies, flic Hospital Planning Couticil f0 repre sent the active freaf ruent and other it)5tit tif ioîs, and tlic Ontario Co(' ty Medical Society to attcnnpt toecffect better liaison aîng the various hecai th disciplines. HEARD'S TAXI 68&3732. Radio Equipped & Direct LUne at Arnold's Market, 115 Brook St. N. For Your Convenience 150 Perry Street Whltby Valentine Dan ce SATURDAY Feb.- l7th. 1390 AJAX *LOCAL NEWS SPORTS the f 0inest in COUN-TRY PERSON TO PERSON, -.COMMUNITY RADIO CHOO 1390 M BIG BOY FAMILY RESTAURANT BIG DOLLA DAYSI 2 BIG BOY HAMBURGERS TAX«E OUT ONL Y DININO ROOM SPECIAL Big Boy Combination Platter Big Boy Hamburger, French Fries, Fresh Salad tM % FREE SE VERAGE Regulav $1.45 ;1 evF CLU B TICKETS at the door or cail 985-3068 ANNRENE $4.00 per couple - R. R. 3, POR~T PERRY SPECIAL C HIL DRE N'S MENU 50 AVAILABLE BABY FREE FOOD FOR DUR HIGH CHAIR GUESTS Ir 9%

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