Whitby Free Press, 15 Feb 1973, p. 15

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Kainins' Girl of the week Alex Kainins found this winsome miss holding down a secretarial chair at the Whitby offices of Pineridge Cable T.V. She is Eva Quittenden, of 146 Grandview St. S., Oshawa. Photo by Alex Kainins STUDY GROUP Coliiiinie'd fvin MIgc 13 cil whcen wc liî's asked le ad dress Illil i. t bere cou Id liav b ec îm a ap pie rteat oi s1liîp beiweciIllc tîîwn anîd greup \vb wicli weuld have miade foir .1i n tuta I eiie lit *1r Ilhe taxpayers. 1I fecil 'ysI îungly (itaI llis geltlîhngs tilI on a bad fl' iîg ninIllelic cg- iining. Wc h ad ino alIterna- tive bUt t0 l'ccl WC WC'c net bcing îrcated likc a greup of conccrtîcd cilizcus, anîd I f*eel cvcnibese wbe wcerc 01 Oit Ceiii aI hie tinte Iiay understand and fecl a litîle rcîiîersc i t is regard. AI tibis point Ille role of' hIle sttidy gt-L)tilul Itele 11- niuinity Ibis year lias itot been oull mid, aIl]bLlgli tlic rc appears 1(1 he senie dis- pîcasu re d isplaycd by gi'eup niîimrs it b tîenibers of' ceuncil wbio lohhied oniltIlie comnuica tions thbciei du r- ingt Ilic last civic edcclion. WiiiBY RELPRISS, iiUSI)Y. EBRI.AY__15, 1973, PAG;E 15 by Joyce Read For Period February 18St(>t February 24t1i CAPRICORN - Dec. 22 to ian. 19 Your two imust signit îcanl ilays. during tlîisqu jet seven-dlay peCriod. arc Su nday tflic I 8tlii and M onday thli 9 t h. Listen lu you îr ituition. You r prcsen t situ at ion is lilIcd w i tii pu ten tilIf i yo u fee I' vouit tst gel away froin it ail, il is a phase thiat svill lias. Activity is un fle agendainex t sveek. AQUARJUS J an. 20 to Feb. 18 During tlîis quiet sevcn-day period you îuiglit decide lu hecomie involved in local aI airs ini your conimiunity. You have a lot to utier. i)uriîîg Monday flic 19tlh and Tuesday'fthc 201hi, your two niotus signiticatit days, you nuay dlecidle to plan a vacation l'or later in ftie year. l'he urge to travcl takes your mindiof Itindane activities. PISCES - Feb. 19 to March 20 l'lie key during this sevenl-day perud k i lots or rest, don't overdo anîd avoid exercise. A degree of seclusion during tItis period wvould tic construîctive. Your mnosi significaîit day ik Monday tfi 9îhl. The accenit \ill be on hiow yoîî relate to yoîr lmate or partnier. Avoid open quarrels anîd strive to be diplomnatic anîd tactful. ARIES - March 21 to April 1 9 Be a contented bs'stander during this seven-day iieriod. i)uring îuid- \vcck avoid confîron tations \vitlî p)artners or mate. [lunches or in- lui tion ptay a large role iii weekend allairs. l>av partico lar atten tioni to \,(.utr owîî îîcedS. TAURUS - April 20 to May 20 Diîriîîg tItis scveîî-day îîcriod tet uthiers take theic lad. Si t hack and play a \vaiting gaine. Yeu tenîd to sec persozîs anîd situations iin a 9iith, ellili.Spil jat htrot of' tIis t rendtw i Il li eiecdcd un fle 19t I onday. iroîl ic ue20tl to flie 22nd doîî't overlook tlie opportllitv to assist a trieîid or partîler. GEM INI - May 21 to June 20 Aîn ii eresliîig lie\\- tiltse h)egiîîýs cluring thiis scveîi-dav period. lro- tessionl iitnlerest s are h igLlitihted . Voitr tw() ntust sig i licali t days are Ntondav tflic191th an( îîdTesdav Ithe 2Oth wlieîî amuîîsemntt s, speetctiitianid cliildreîî are stressed. CANCER - Jume 21 to JuIy 22 \ heertît Incss phase is beguni duriîîg tis quiet seveîî-ctay, period. Il' sou lave h)eeti alte tu îget away for a wveekenct vou coic back relreshIed,. Ilt you ],,ive stas'ed homte. rcla at imn lias coi'stiid liiost utf's liat \voiu liad tliuugh t \would tic a bitsy limie. Voit grec t M undas' witl hhcîî tsed contîemiplation. M idweek is favouratietfor affairs connîieted i \\itl sou itrîoîiie Iase eIoti rat ions. LEO - JiIy 23 to Aug. 22 I sts\eek s ttieasx activity v pcriud liotds over ilîtu Itle first part of' ttis s vîîdv iriod. Youi are able lu accoîiplislî a great iteal of ssork lis coine quîitcyIabîou t oitr litiisiess. lie lite is accent ua ted at tItlieLastoftIlIte sseek lTi s boitIdtictnie t nenciterta ii. VIRCO - Atug 23 to Sept. 2_1 Yotir tiîitr cycle is losi as tiîs îicriod liegins. Stick mu routtinie titlîcs. dutiv and otigtilotis. Let otîters carreflite hall. If' \ou re- la\ a liit evers lîod s ss Ill tee I be t er. You are iii a loîîg rangLe cycle thla t cii ost voit 1rot'essiîîîa I k. LIBRA - Sept. 23 to Oct. 22 lTi s 5 cek is soiîess ha amit i luita tie. oit arc cauîglî t up in t Iei id 51 ut' activi tv yeî yoiîr thotîglits arc apt 10 tic elsesvhîcere. D)o nul let vutîr herses cet tflic liest of voit, reitiaiti caînt Ceveiliitugh you are put ilpoît. Yoiîr signtit'icatî t days areNtoiîday thie I9tli and Tuesday file 2Otlî. N'uu achieve an iîîîîr peace and perceptioni grows. SCORPIO - Oct. 23 to Nov. 22 This is a sveck tu sîiread yuur ss ing-s anîd take off coi a flielht of l'ancv. - Yutitlook good, feel god. anid ci îliîsiasiii runs Itigli. Tensionîs of lite lasti îîilli aîîd a lialf d isappear. Voit are more abhle tu liandle tmuclîs situa tionis. I'rieîîds and niilbors assumue imîportanîce a flite 668-3732 Radio Equipped & Direct LUne at Arnold's Market, 115 Brock St. N. For Your Convenience 150 Perry Strfft Whltby iValentine Dan ce SATURDAY Feb.- l7th. CLU B A TICKETS at the door or cali 985-3068 ýNNRENE $4.O0 per couple - R. R. 39 PO3RT PERRY WHY PAY MORE INCOME TAX THAN NECESSARY? Tîtere is sI ilI tinte te saîve Incoeme Tax fer 1 972 tbrougli a" registcrcd Savings Plan.. Lvcryone LII) Ic 70 recciving eaned incente. pension încuie and pay ing incinte tax, canl miake arrangcemen ts te qualify feor imaxîimumii f allcwablc deductions. Up te $4,000.00Oaan- nually is allowable if yen qualify. Il'libese a nmnsare n ade prier teo 28 Feb. 1973, YOLu Will bave paid more inicoime lax l'or 1972 du-an neccssary. (ei cl Pster.jro Take Advantlage of thie coupon or call MANUACTUERS IFESUITE 501, BELL TOWER, OSHAWA CENTRE, OSHAWA' Tel. 728-7391 1 request more information on Registered Savingsj NAM E............................................... ADDR ESS.......................................... Ic t I. fO The rvi)[Ilf iti crers Lîfe lrît nit1ct y

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