Whitby Free Press, 15 Feb 1973, p. 2

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PAGE: 2, TIIURSDAY, l'I3RLJUARY 15, 1973, WilITBY iRH: IPRE'SS CUPE says Councilunfair respecting employees' WIITBY-Catîadian t..JUnionî ot' Public Enipluyccs Ltcal 53, represetIing a ijority ut' ciiipluyces of'*Ithe Towni is a lonîg way lriuii being sal istied wi h lproptosaislorui eipluycesunicer regional gov- criiiîicnt. Thîis becaniie evideuit this V/eck wlîciî Local 53 pres- icient, Gcrry McPlîcc, ttltt flie FEE PRESS lic doesîî't tlîink Wlitby Cou,îcil is being eitlîer luit' or'cuusidera te ut' ils own iîîilplyces ini respect lu tegional goverîînîeiî t thiîik- ing. Mi. MePlîce saici the parts ut' thie tuV/n's 37-point pro- grain whiclî relate tu cmipluy- ces antîciîeir futture is "lit tic short out ridiculouis. lie was particuilarly i'eferrinigt I[lie item n iithe brief wlîiclî Suip- [ptrts a year's gwaran teed i - ploynîent l'raIl eînpluyces anti a l'urthcer yeai"s ciploy- mient tfoi' Cadi teîi-year per- iui t he ciiilployce lias becii îii ttlwii ser-vice. "We certainly dtuî't tliink tIiis goes îîearly fair etiotigli,.' lie sa id. Mr. Melîce saici a brîC' Cabie prepareci by Oshiawa District Couuîcil ut, CUPÉ', wlî îch in- cludes Wlitby. lias goiîe lor- wa rd lu thle IHonoîrabhIe Ji Whîite , On tario) Min istel' of* (lie Minist ry ut' Treastiîy , Uc- onoiiesandcilniterguvermiîîeîî- tl Afftairs. île saici a cupy of* Iliat bnil*is alst iniithle iîauds ut' Wlii by ('omncil anci lie believes il lu have becui referreci thie Operaliuiîs Coli lt tee. Mn. MeP-lice saici lie dici îlot bel iv leVCHC On îci I Waln- ted thie bî'icf miadc public aI this tîiîe, but lie, as pics' idenît ofthi le Wliîilby Local, felt dil'rt'ccîly. Il slîoud bc out ini the upenl,"'lic saici. le saici Iliat regional guv- mienîuîît will have a cievastat- today Golfers will want action. Just $4.95 a month. OSHAWA 579-2232 WHITBY 668-9331 BOWMANVILLE 623-2506 future Trry cairly pruven andî i ce 'ineci. Il beliouvcs us lu go iuîto hIe ramificatiuinsou, a ncew ('utîjcil flailiîîg luocial witli hIe Unîionî wiîhlott rcqtiii ing tlle U~Jn itnIoit go tIirougli Ilie labyrin t h. liuuîis anci knot-holes out flie Ontario [a- boni Relations Board. Such l n I1tarty Iecogmlitil ioni would cliiuîiiate Ilhe tie dclay andi expense of' lhaviiîg lu iiivtlve (lie Labour Boarci ini suuîletihing clearly inievit- able a.11(lIlllhat cotUId possib-. ly iit lia te a haci icla t iishipi between u(liepar'ties. lA i i il'.'. .. .î*." Sec thiedifferenice Have Cable TV installed on your TV set. You'll get more than 250 movies every month on 12 clear channels. The current TV season has been the best for movie entertainment in television history. Don't miss one more of these great movies, CALL TODAY. How about sports! Cable TV will take you down the homestretch of the hockey season. Select from six games each week, including many Montreal Canadien games on channel 12. to see ail the action on the 1973 pro tour.* CALL TODAY for great sports month plus a small installation charge. Extra sets and FM radios just $1.00 a e>»cable tv ing cffIet on mîunicipal ciii- pluyccs V/i ihin thle new reg- ion and tuat nuw is thle limie Mien prublemn areas shlIuld bc diSCuiscd. Reconi- miended changes can bc putI into l c ect iiînediatcly thli region cmils imbebing and îîîisunider-stanidiiigs cani bc cor- recicd cibl*rthadut. Whiilc lie suggcstcd the bîjel' in question was Ilngthiy andi invulveci, "thiere arc cer- tain arecas wilîi neec Iobcb eniphasizcd," hie said. He rcf'errcd speciltical1y lu lotir Points in thle recunîieni- dations ut' Donald M. Pat- tersun, Regional Guverumiien t Study Principal. He said that while Mr. Pattersun lias recummiiendeci tihat some out CUPE's requests be part uf' Ille evenltual leg- islation iii tirodLucing Regionai (..,vern mon t. ,h is rel)urt s have faileci lu recommienci coinîptl- sion ini these lotir vital ar- cas. H-e said tlict'unir itemIs iii queCstioni, ail recurdeci in hIe brie *t'luM r. Whi te and ('OunI- cil are as l'oliows: 1) [lis StîggeSt ion thadt "'Il Regioii anci AiaMunicipal- ity ('ounicils sllall uller lu enipiuy dtiiîing aI least Ille l'irst year ut' operat itn out tfeic ICv systein utf*guverîl- nient, ill tliose eniil(yecitii- der t ie previons syslcmn... etc." is nltsalîtst'actory lu ('CUPE. We loI'ei taItlihere shonici lie ino timie sp)eci l'ied bt I ha t aIl preselli enipio(vC eeso - videc i tîraîte ut eiîpuv nient \viîiî n'il recugnit on out tlic iitîcivicinal 's seîî Oionty b wliîat e\,er evel ut guverniii1elit the liy a l'ind iltieniseives ciii- ployeci. con ici be ictajiieci andi traineci Ilirongli init rodction iiîolt keo- iuîîa i (ove in niIllenit IIorIlirmuio norma1il a ttriltion.tla a ii -l'lie pioposa Ila 1Ien lie ie rela ian ]ea c... i n cis. s st înot g(odcilci- ouoîli. l'or enîiplovees to wakc Lip on tIle day utOi'ttrocn-()L t ioniout Regîoîîal Goveniî tiien tIl ail wfvi isen io t y 'ciay on e I \VOtIlId catîse tîîîtoit1 con lls- ion Ille likes ut' wlîicli bog- gels hIe iiîagîiaýt ion1. W~C again state thai Sen- îin y Ca nieci by presen t eîîî- ployees inîsi bc iiitegrateci anà crecogn izeci k' the îew ('otîici s.

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