Whitby Free Press, 15 Feb 1973, p. 7

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Go*odbye and Hello Town says to Michael WIIITBY-Wliitby Townî Council liLs welcoioc back ils Direcîcîr of PlLannuing, 1Dr. MohieclMiclîLtl. But thie S ralinge pa r t 15 tbLit ulrdly alIuyoul knew lie wLi5 gole. In lfact M ichlon ciithle îowii's pay roîf silice Feb ruLry 1970, cînly lefI LsI Fni- day -- csîcîîsibly tcî Like ai plLimiiug pcost in GtaLwL. 1lis rcturn Wedîîesd-Liy, Lf- tcr whl it mst 1)0Illîe Shocrt-, est cifficial sua rdit ion ou re- cord liore, vas spLrked by wvbat lie claiîîîs to bc ai Icve fcor Wlîitby anîd ils peoîple." In aLiniofficiail slLteuienî releLised to the press on bc- lialf oftlîe cciuicil were thec "A-a recen t meting 0f' thîe ('otncil, tfli Mayor anid Meibers uianiiously sup- ported a miotion Io reinstate Dr. M. Michael, M.T.P.I.C. as t)irector. of' Planniing foci. thec Town iof' Wli itby." "lI reacîiiîg bis decision Ici returtcn i o lîitby . l)r. Michael advised t ha t a miajor (leîoriiiing flactor wmis the affectioni lie lîeld f'or Whliby Lt iic is peoplo wb icli lie f'ouuîd were more imîportanît tliaii thec f act ors wb icli bad led Ici fils accept iuîg LI toruiate em1- plcilient in Gît awI." "Ilice uîeuîrs of, Cocii- cil are very pleLised thlait Dr. Michael xill retuiru tuoWliitby in iis c*iriiie r ca pac ity Lis 1)rector cil Planning." Scouts, Guides to honor Baden-Powell birthdaàte Brccklin-A Tlîiîkiiig Day Ser-vice for wuîiîby Scoutîîs, Crîbs, Brcîwiies Land Girl Guides wiIl bce heîd ini Brocok- liii on Tlîursday. Febrctary 22. Field tIcibonthe lie birli- date of tuie focinder olf the Scocit and uîCiide iiovenien . Lcord Baden Powell, thie ser- vice %w.îibl elîd in Meadow- ci-est Baptiîst (îuîrcl inluBrook- liii. Il is believed the service will bc uni(iqeîiii tlit it is FUSSI N' ('înu /]oi sides vwîtli Illc vicw o-Wiliite. BcI ie hic po OUI u( lie dcc- isin wvll ho umade by Ille Hciowever. lie suggestecl iliat tIlic Coiuî k building us verV vorth wliîle lookiiu Lt as a sito foi.tIloe ew gov- aiimîenut. HoeLgreed t licre us lois of, roc ilil for1-x fILi ilSÎIcli aind p1i n ycî Likiugspice. Gi lier clificiLls lilive poinl- ted cmcit thlai. the receul y- coiiiplcîod police buildiung In GSliLîwLî CocUld verv velI ser've Ls Illee ine for Li regiîiuiLl police lforce. ('oLcnI Ion 1ýWhi te CI Li iis thîe ('onu tV buildingg is fiee cof debit anld aniiectiuioiilicLill sMcîuîd cio i ce as reg bu L'iI ica d - a comibiiîed even t for the above-uioted divisionis ofth Ie iiovelnien t. h le opLîst sep- ara te ser-vices bave beeîîlîeld. Thîe Servicoe vill begin Lit 6:30 p.nî. witli Assemibly. scliedufled ono-hlIfl on r car- lier. COMMITTEE FOR INDEPENDENT CANADA For free literature mite: William Cumptsy 348 Arthur St., Oshawa. or Cal- 576-2391 M15 qu a ri e lnS. lie sLid Iiit ii i lus vicwv ciie of thle purîposes o f reg- ioui LIIozve ru i ou i is t o ousure t ipiesgel mocre tor t lie ir lax dollars. 1l' tliis is so," lie sLîid.-h ow cLii i Ue juls- t il' Lbanudoiiuiga i flly scu - vicLib le bcui iling :u uîd leLivig hile acideci. '\lî i lit1liais ýLiuy Iiiiliii icifiliity . Laud i is icludes (GslavLî. tu piedei- mîinîe decisiouîs i01a11 ill he iIde by, aitel tIlic l Qîfier deiiid ti st ick." Li cly-lected body, ccîuuîes lito cîper- iiuiiciliLil tltiiils iii Commentic l Lthtiis stlggcstecl t ilit GsIî- hoLI arcldy tiiuîk-- swiiigilig'Lt " i if you haven't already received it, in the next few days you'Ill k getting your nev Postal Code in the mail. It's flot very exciting to Iook at. But it is ve'ry necessary. And it's really not as complicated as it looks. After two years of studying the systems of niost of the countries of the wo,'Crld, here's how we developed Postal Codes for Canada. The tuap scluence on the right stous just how 'aec,-urate Postal Code-s really are. To) uncornpl icate your Postal Code, you wvi1l bc rcccîving a Postal Code Pack- age. It contains your code, instructions on hoxN' to use it, a handy address book, speicial a Postal Code stickers for your envelopes, and postage j'aid address cards that you should send to your friends. If you don't have enough, *you can get as many as - you need <it your ncarest Post Office. Because, after ~. ~ il, your Code docsn't . .. . move your mail unless your friends use it. And if you haven't received your Code by March lZth, ple.ase caîl your local' Post Office. We wvilI mail it to x'ou immediately. It is possible howvever, that you are flot in the CENTRAL ONTARIO POSTAL DISTRICT, in which case your area may flot have been coded Yet. Get the habit. Canada Postes Post Canada WII'1iY IJI RLS, TIURI)A, lBRUARY 15, 1973. P>ACEl.7 Gardening Delphinium by $id Morris Not long ago 1 wrote a relativoly inild coluti u n ('aîadia n wonieii tIlle wonlien Iiiet on st reet s. rosI auranlts, bars and aI local dance halls. Tlîa t colutunii nevor saw theo daylfiglît l)ecatuso bthe siîîalf- lowndil io r wlîo readc it t hotugli t iy idea s weriv t ou avantI garde. Furthler, liexvas a sollf-apl) iii îod guiarcliati of' peopleos iorals. But, attitudes towards sox, alcobiolisnî anid drugs biave îîotably chaîîged inIi lle last couple of' ycars. 'Flie society ini geîîeral, is nmore p)erissive and mioral values have goîîo witlî theo wiîd. 1-laving mîade tlieso observat ions, I tii aIl set 10 proceed witli niy original tlienie - Canadian wonicîi and the way I sec tiioni. As a baclielor, 1iinîust coiff'ini îîy tlîouglits ti sinîgle girls wlîo are oct to 10'ind t(lice"îiglit iîîan ".Itle over-olusive îiiai abou ttowi. H-owv do you play t bis gaîiie? 'ile rcles are qui te simple. butt Ille act ual porf'orniîaîce is fIclI of'lit tIc surprises. A good spot Io try your luck Iiese days is a place callcd Mallunceys. just across fl'oni the Torontto Geiîeral Hlospital. Fridays aiîd Saturdaiystlie Eîiglisb.-stylc pub is janinmed witli beer-drînking customoers. 'Flic gaIs corne lu showv uff ilîcir la test garmients Ifroiîi Lonidon, Paris or Ronie and thîe f'ellas coîîîo dressed like stock brokers on Wall Street. iln real ity , lowcver. thle gaIs are just plain o fTice wvor kers or nurses a t tllo focal liospit aIs an d thlei i Il luniaire- type baclielors are inuiraiice agenits. car salosîiieuî or- eveîî garbage col lec tors. l'lie coniversa tion roally gels iiiteresting wlien a manî wlio is a f actur-v worker tefls lbis ncew-f'uunid girl frieuid Ilia t lic's ail eugiuieer or suipervisor aiîd t ho girl wlîu opera tes a stî,iimp nîacinc p Iroudly a noulîces dlia t sbc's ail exccu t vc secrctary to a big siiot working f'or thec Goverrument. But, somiewhere in Ille îniddle of* the conversation1, th liclns go t crosscd. 'Thc grea t "rda 1 iunsli ip" cores 10 an end. Su, you inoveon 1 nid look for mnothier sucker. 'Flc othier n iglit 1 me t a girl nanîod Valerie. Sfic ratitlcd offl' lier colorful biograpiy ilu f'ive minu tes wIiile we wcre on tlhe dance fluor. Slie also told niie that slue las studied ballet for 1 5 years. TIis aroused my curiosity. 1 asked lier to rianmc sonie stars, ble companies and bot ter- k nown clior-eo.grap)liers. Weil, that was 100 muci ! 'Fhi bot tom ifoîl ln. Valerie didni't really expect l'ci be SO techuiical. It was tiime fdr lier to depart gracefully like a baflerinia--becauise the fef las niexi tu nie son sec silo lîad ltaI Io lier mil trap. Tuie m1oral of' tbis story is: neyer'teil a lie. At a,later date, 1 liope to reveal a few more "secrets" about Cariadiaîî wormen anid bow they go about catching the r iglît manl. But, is there sucb a tbiîîg as the "righit" mari? Canadian Red Cross Society Whitby Branch ANNUAL MEETING ODD FELLOW 'S HALL - Brooklin FEBRUARY 2Oth, 1973 - 8:00 pm. Speakers Mr. G. Gellette Director of Recreatior, - Town of Whitby ALL WELCOME Ca .nada a tir.st divided into i8 large areas. cadi J csignaeJ hy a citter. By addir.g anrumber, we narrow that arca down - for l< 213: By ad~dinlgalloî ier letter, we indicate a spccitic Secionl of that City. K2P C'P4: And ly adding threc imotre characters ehat section of the~ city is further narrowçeJ w one side of .. ... a street betwecn two intersections. Codes can alsoi represent: -an office building with 10 or more companues. -or a corupany that- receives large volumes -or an apartment building with over 50~ suites. -or, in less densely itýlulated areas, a codle will represent the whole tuwnb A newway to realy get your mail mlovrng:e ~PostalCoe DaiIy Special Buffet Luncheon Including Coffee Royal Fountainbleau Restaurant & Tavern FULLY LICENCED Oshawa Centre (next to Simpsons Sears) ""We're open Sundays, noon to 10 p.m.f

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