Whitby Free Press, 15 Feb 1973, p. 8

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PAGI, 8, TIIURSDAY, VEB31UARY 15, 1973, WIIITBY VRIl PRE~SS BgIRD'S EVE VIEW by Jim Quail 1lt's been an intcrest ing winter, if youi cani cati it that. We have hiad a few coid spelîs but thcy don't last and we have hiad liar(Uy, aniy sinow. 1 have mixed feelings about the Iack of sniow. When there's no snow 1 don't get 10 go sking, which is mny favorite sport. The nice part is the qufiet. No snow means no snowmnobiles buzzîing around my house dis- turbing my television and mny sanity. No snow also imeans the town lias a lot of noney teft over in their snow removal budget. Whien budget time cornes up a certain amount of noney is set aside to cover, or help cover, the cost of snow remioval. Even afler a quick consultation of the Farmier's Almanac, the town fathers can only take a guess as 10 how much noney to set aside for snow rernoval. The problem is that nobody can really guess how much snow witl faIt until il does. At the risk of being labelled a radical, 1 would like 10 ask the town what rnight be an ernbarassing question. Town. . .what are you going to do with ait the nîoney left in the snow removal budget?? Im I'mn asking the question because next limer will be toc laie. If 1 ask this saie (question nexi sommiler, t'le lownl witi have liud ail Sprîng 10 tbink up places whiere it miay, or muay not, have spent the moiîey. 1 would gel replies like, "Wcil you sec we tîud te boy îlit butbs for tlie Centennfial Building", or "We boughit 1400 pournds ot' cannon polii for the cannons i tue court- hlouse.", It woutdn'i even surprise mie if they bold nie îhey tlîey speni the mlonley te have ail the telephonle potes in towii paiiited brîglît green in preparat ion for St. Pat- rick's Day. So l'ini ptaying dirty and askiîîg the question n10w. If the îowil was smuart il ceuld toril tIiis unspent wind- f'ailîto a contest. Firsi prize coutd be an ail-expense paid tour cf the Almlonds swamp uip rea and ail the winncer woid have 10 do is supply lus e'wu raft. The idea cf Ithe coniest is that people could send a ltter ho the îown suggesting how the unspent nîcney shouid be spent. Now you rnay tiîink l'ni stighliy ahead cf nmy tuie because officialty winter is uiot over yet, righî? Weil 1 have an, (if you'Il pardcn the pu) underground contact. 1 won't mention the gopher's nai-e, but t cati tell you that lie doesn't evenl own a shadow. He says whaî with the iîigiî prcperty taxes lie can't afford coie. Anywuy my underground contact tells me ihat winter is definitely ot cf fashion tbis year. He advised nie to %eil ait my slîares in Acnîe Snow Plows and 10 boy inîy- self a bout because corne Spring l'Il need il. So ihere you have it. No more snow 10 speak cf. Lots cf imoliey lefI speuîd that icney don' ihat tue Towii just1 bc too easy ho take il hiave to hetp the Town My firsi suggestion a lew bicks se lie slîouid selve the olU lentî 0f course, witlî in the budget, anîd we have to 't we?? l'm going oui tic assuîiiption lias to spend it because il wouid off our tax boaU. So wc're gciîg ho i find ways cf spending tie nîoney. iwoutd be to give iny goplier friend cuui gel Iiiiiîsetf a siadow. Tîîat 1tin more weeks of wiiiter preb- inflation whîat it is Iliese days, -ve ontly gel about six more weeks [10W. If thjere's enolgh mone11y we coUtd put carpetting on the watts and ceiling of the welfare deparîmien t of- fice. Whaitevei-'s left over woutd lie put toward boying a robbcr stamp marked, 'Applicat ion Rejectcd'. But seriousty, ttiere's only onei place th1e money should go and tiat 's towards buying a town hall. 1 didn't say a NEW town hlaI, jost a lown) hall. We used to have mie, but il secms the ibrary bougit thie oiily' oIc we had. Ohi wetl, just be glad wve didn't have muchi snow this winter. What with att the talk of potluting the water with the snow reinoved from the roads, it's jusî possible somîe smnart alec woutd thave corne up xih the idea of dumping the snew ini the Alnionds area. Iapp)y Spring fromi thîs devlish radical'! Gordon Hanna hiad becin iantiied Presidei of the Wliîitby Mineor lasebull Assoc. ('or 1973, succeediuig Mike Mc- Arthur. [te wus elecied to tic post aithie Annoal Meetinig of' thie W.M.B.A. hield on Sut. iii the Counicit Chamibers ef tue Munticip)al,)iuildinig. In as- sunîing hIe oftiîce, cienl- tinues un asseciatieui witlh area basebati wlîicli begai n aniy years uge as a player iii iniitier runks in Wlitby. He îîîoved eni to play Junior busebaîl witiî thie old Oshauwa Hunt Club teanil and ihen îîîoved op 10 Interniediate und Seniior withi the Oshiawa Mercltîai uud Larry's B-A clubs of' the earty fifties. More recentty Mr. Hanna lias beeui busy as a coach wîth thîe Lasco Steeter Buntains and thie Canudian Tire Mid- gels. Whiitby represenitatives ini the Eastern Oitario Base- bahl Assoc. Last season lie acted as Vice-Pres. cf the W.M.B.A. and also heldth le inîiportauit post of director of tue hilily successfuLl Midgct Teurncey co-spouisored by thie wuîitby and Oshîawa associa- tions wliich attracted sonie of the provinice's tep clubs le c0iiipete 1eor Ille coveted f'irst spot and ail ail expenlse trip te sec UIc Expos iii action. 'ficeleect ion cioff licers aIse saw Keitlî MacDonald clioseni Vice-Pres., GeratU Rob- iiisoii-Registi-,rr Winistoii Mus- ciiet t-Secretary, Bill Puclialski- Treasurer, and Neil Murkur- Dii ecter of' Public Relations. Namied te Itie teni-man Board of- Direct ers iii tlie EMec tion ceuiducted by Geratd Cex were Alex Fillier. Jiiu lauilcy, AI Hovlauid, Doni Kenînedy, Mike Pageau, George Turnier. Ralpb Vinie, Mike Visser anid Bill Wat ters. 1390 AJAX *LOCAL NEWS SPORTS John MacDonîald, nîaking his last report us Registrar after dcvoted service in t11e post since the organization of th1e W.M.B.A. in 1 969, told the large lurnout tiat once again regstration hiad ini- creased and [10W exceeded the 600 mark. Win ston Muschlet t, tlie Tyke and Tee-Bail Convenor reported Iliat the Tee-Bal progranmelue aUI104 boys ptaying iin six clubs while 176 boys were inithie Tyke House League wtîictî was a îtrî-teaîîî loop, while anottier 16 boys werc on the rosIer of the K of C Tykes inii te E.O.B.A. and were Eastern Champions. Uncte George's Boys were champs in the Tee-Bail group, white Con- sunmer's Gas won tlie title il, the W.M.B.A. Tyke House League. 153 boys were playing in the ine club Pee-Wee House Lecague circuit on ine clubs with B and R Transport tlie winncrs of the crown at the seusonis end. The Whitby cri- îry ini tic E.O.B.A. Pee-Wee series captured Eastern ' On- tarie honour's b niake il a highty successfut year uîîder the convenorship of Bill Vat- ters. The Bantumi section con- veried by Ron Twining and Atex Fittier biaU 54 boys play- inig on threce Wiîitby House Leaguie clubs atong with a teamn frem Bowmuanville. Cus- tomn House were tlhe titie Win- ners ini Ibis ieop. The Lasco Sieelers were býpenîî1ant" winners ini regutar seuson ptay ini the Buntuni series. but lest outinii playoff action. The Canadian Tire Midgeîs lbaU a tîighly success- fut year taking Eastern On- tario Midget honours. Tlhe At tersiey Tire Juniors hudl a good showing ini their first year- of play and came uip witli several sLrprising wins.ý The gaîheriîng hecard fur- ther reports trom Ti-eas. Bill Puchalski and froni Recrea- lion Direclor Gerry Gellel le who comerncded thle W. M. B.A. fi- ils h ighly successful oujerat instatiiigthie assoc. bad very quickly become one of'th linosi respecîed organi- zatiolis in tile coniunliility. Wiîhthe Annual Meeting, the W.M.B.A. swings mbinthe busy schiedule of prepural ions nieccssary le gel the seusonl oinde rway . an d aI though May is a long way oif, Ibere is a lot of behlind the scenles work b gel recady -fer- tUecrcy of "'Play Ball". Hanna top man in bail ePlus the fines COUNTRY .PERSON TO PERSON .COMMU NITY RADIO CHOO 1390 Mdays rom 4:0 pm. 5:00 p.om4:andp.mon t Sa00urdandfron 03 to 11:30 a.m. Typing classes also aval lable on Saturdays. Better Concentration; increased reading rate; better retention; new study methods; better Notetaking Skills. Phone or write for complete details. Dial 728-0052

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