Whitby Free Press, 22 Feb 1973, p. 15

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WIIITBY I Rt I P RI, SS, 3'IIURSDAY, lIiBRUARY 22, 1973, PAGI. 15 Kainins' Girl 'of the ýweek Rich and poor rub shoulders, ElMatador Hotel foreground. Mexico Fun in the sunshine!. By ALEX KALNINS ACAPULCO, Mexico Nu uone should bc reiîinded thiat the best lune ot, the yeair to visil sunnIIy M'exico is righi I ow. Pack YOUr sulitcaSe. tgel vour Mexican tbui-îst card and an ai rIi ne ticket. anîd you're aIl set l'or a \vînter vacation în tliis sprawliîîg resort tuwn., abouit 250 mïiles froin Mexico City. This is my third visit tu Acapulco wi tI i is breath îakiuîg Acapulco Bay,- spectacrilar sunise Is. swillnming ini(the ocean and nightclubing il sounle ut the poshlest places, including thie Acapulco Prin' cess and La ('oncia opposite Las Brisas. Thiese nainles mlay îlot mcanl any t bing toyou the re i n Wlit- by siting iii al snowbank and \vondeing abouit thle nex t (Brrrrirr) weatlher report Croin thle Wealthe l ie . But Iere in Acapulco wîvi tthe rcadings in thle highi 80's, just a drop ot the h*iirst naine can mnake you jumlp tor ,JOY. Acapulco Princess. just a st une 's t hrow Iroin the local airport . is îîot an ordinlary hlOtel VOl WOLIld sCe i lor- ou tu or New York. i t's more like a grand Europcanl palace, comnpleote vîthî fai-rylantd surI- r'OIIndinigs. 1 Tîtere us a il inilp)ressive water-'al i inminiature. a laige and colorllil swîiniing pool. cotintless bars and teril'ic diii- ing lacilities. And l'or tianat eur 1)11010- graphier the Princess provides tunlîimiîed piclure opporturii- ties. botli iniside and uutside tie IliolI Mly a iliCi star and a wori I eniowîîed poli tician in- cluding Lynidon 1B. Jiunson, (lhe formner presiden t of (lie Un ited Suites lis stayed ini th i s pal ac i a pagod a. Most ('anaýd ianis 1Ihaveime t su) far, can be fotind aI El Matador, a relatively new ho- tel overlooking thie Acapulco Bay. For S200. tîhey lhave l'uund a place in tdie -sun lor scvcn or eighit days, depending on the tiavel arraniigeiiieiîts imade iii ('ai a d a. -llie accotiimodaIt ionls are based oni double )ccnpanjicy. lin (tlier words: get yotrsellf a broaidîîîinded girl friend or bring along your nagging wil'e. lin bot h cases sunsinie is gu arau îeed. ('aniadians in Acapulco are like any otlher tourists. Thiey love a bargain, if tîhey sec one. And it shouldn't be 100 difficult 10 find one silice Mexico is known as a bargain lhunter's paradise. My advice to you, folks, up there in Caniada is: corne down lhere for a week and live itl up. As the saying goes- you live 01ly once -so enjoy yourself. CDMMITTEE FOR INDEPENDIENT CANADA For free literature write: William Cumptsy 348 Arthur St., Oshawa. or Cal- 576-2391 M1 5 LUKYPIZZA CONTEST WIN q$ 50200 Ever time you buy a pizza. from P1ZZAZZIP - you could win $50.00. Just fi out the form on the top of the box and mail or bring it in, enclosed in a plain envelope to either of oui two locations. Every Sunday thero is a draw. Corne on in or phone, YOU COULD BE A WINNERI w~r T HI1S WE EKS WI1N N ER: Brian Waddell, 1040 Cedar St., Ostîawa. WHTY- 106SYvM St. S. P ZZAZZ IP Oshwa 764 Simc.e St. S. 576-3255 Smiling Charlotte Ennis, of Whitby, is Kaînins Girl of the Week. This photograph was taken at the Whitby Arts Station last weekend. Charlotte is a keen booster of local art as well as being an avid curler, sewer, dancer and pop music fan. Nationail lacrosse tourn ey coming The Pee Wee National crosse Association wiIl be More details on the Tourn- Tournamnent will bce held the looking for parents willing amient to follow at a later third week in Atîgust 1973. to billett two boys ini their date. T'le Garrard Road Minor La- homes l'or one week. WHY PAY MORE INCOME TAX THAN NECESSARY? There is still time 10 save Income Tax for 172 through a registcred Sdvmngs Plan. 19 yneUp to 70 receiving edrned incorme, pension inconie and paying incomie tdx, can 'Ze, nmake arrangements to qualify tor maximumin allowable deductions. Up îo $4,000.00 an- nually is allowable if you qutalify. Il' these arrangements are not imade prior 10 28 Feb. 1973, you will have paid more incomie lax l'or I1972 than netessaiy Gene Ilosteraro Take advantage of' the coup~on or cali MANUFACTURRS UFE SUITE 50, BELL TOWER,7 OSHAWA CENTRE, OSHAWA Tel. 728-7391 1 request moire information on Registered Savings NAME ............................ ... ADDRESS ................... I L PHONE ......... .................. i1IciiiLleThe MÀarufticture-'rS Life In-su rance Compi;any 81 $ t ~~tI Pretty Mexican lass and inevtable guitar. 'T

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