Whitby Free Press, 22 Feb 1973, p. 6

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.,.~,.-iiiigiA' î.mjIAUiiYV22. 1973. %VllI'FIiY IRE'I' 1>RLSS Games people play This is my lasi columnl - for the time beirig, al1y- way - about the gamies that people play. More spcciticalty, those ganmes ofien start 10 look like full-grown batties betwcen two warring l'actions - mien and womien. Onie could hiardty cati thern any longer an innocent battie of sexes. One Sunday afternoon 1 visited my favorite French restaurant in Toronto. As I sat down, two other gentlemen walked in. Thcy sat at my table ( or perhaps theirs) and we started a friendly conversation. But, then two young ladies entered the roomn. The Bumipkin's waitrcss told theni politely to sit down at our table. The reason for this. rather uinusual request by Canadian standards, was that she didn't want to serve five people at five different tables. 1 thiought there was sortie logic to this. However, the two young patrons wrinkled their tiny noses and angrily refused to join us. Not wanting to get into a brawl, the unhappy waîîress fouind an- other table for themi, nuch to her own chagrin. Later, I remarked to my French-speaking hostess:. "You are having very fussy customners today." My remarks. apparently. reached the cars of those two spoiled brats. Judging by their spit-fire looks, they would have cheerfully douised mie with ice-water for that. Clearly. it was wrîten ail over their faces: "You THIS SUNDAY THIS SUNDAY IT'S BACK To THE MAC à"BIG MAC" 2for the Fric@ of Buy on ".BIG MAC" and get one FREE on prescntk 'ng thili advertisemleflt. (Value 65<) SUNDAY FEBRUARY 2Sth., 1973 Valid oneo par custowder et sither'Mst>ONLDS locations. SIMbOE ST. N. AT TAUNTON OR WBY AL B The FRIENDLY FLEA MARKET li ~"We buV and seli anVthing' 23 KING ST. WEST 725-9783 OSHAWA BRO(K NYOW F Thur.ThruTues. DO( COMING NEXT WED. Kansas Starring RAQUE ANO ON fl KeIIy's H CHILDREMI 1 WHITY 66-361 City Bomnber EL WELCH lE SAME PROGRAM leros Witiiai MATMCCAU Star CPM Prince Vouiant ONTARIO COUNTY TUBERCULOSIS AND RESPIRATORY DISEASE ASSOCIATION BABY SITTERS'TRAINING COURSE If you are 1 5 years of age or older and have graduated from one of the Baby Sitters' Training Courses and would be interested in attending a Supplementarv Course Io qualify for sitting with a handicapped child - crippled, retarded, or suffering from cerebral paisy, please contact either of the foltowing names - Mrs. W. Bryce 469 King Street E., Oshawa. Tel. 576-0139 If vou one of also be above. 121 Bowman Ave., Whitby. Tel. 668-2606 are an aduit and would be interested in caring for these children for a week-end, this course would avaiable to Vou. Please contact one of the names KanmDo-Kangaroo looks at our mu*sic S.O.B., gel lost!" lIlni Still aIt oss 10 explain 10 anlybody wha t brings ou t such hlost ilities in womlen, part icularly towýards mlenl Perlhaps, tluis is the price we have Io pay l'or being nice 10 our lfair ladies. Wc wine themn, we dine îhemi, we entertain themilI is possible, however, thaI this is not enloughi. More and more 1 stant Io agrce with a friend of mine who told me recentty: "Treat a woman tike dirt and sic witl admire you t'on'1 ail Ille bad things you have donc 10 lier. And ncver, neyer altow lier 10 gain the uppen hand. Thon, you have tost your strengtlh and wisdonîi." But 1 doubt 1 coutd be so ruîhlcss or doinincer- ing. It just isn't mly nature 10 boss people. Alil1 wanl is peace and congcniatity. Have 1 asked too inuch?... W/iitby Youthtpower ias devcloped a iicw pn<igrai reaciiing 01u1 10 Ille yoL1th of* Wlîitby whio posscss nuis- ical talent s on any inst rumi- cnt and wilo have an ex- pressive and creat ive mind lorItle arts of' singing and p)cnt'onî11iing. Vhe conîination of' these talents started last wcek iin Ille MacDonald Theatre at hIle CCetcnnii1Building. The prganas il continues. wilt fuinctîin Mondays and Fni- days f'rom 7 to 9 and wil be ca lied Kan-Do-Kangaroo. The Kan-Do-Kangaroo is a probe mbt vary ing kinds ot' music througl Iltlie ages anld Wilt expose tlle illstru-Ll- culai ion and hIe iieeple as- sociatcd wittî whatever ena is being discovered. Possible areas of expos- une cou Id lbet ha t oftNegro Fotk 01n Blues. EtgliSh Bal- lads or Rock, Canadian Folk Music or National songs I'oin aiiywherc iin hie world. One niain purpese of* tle Kan-De-Kanga non is te learn about thle dci ivat ions ini mus- ic tIi reuLghl Iceh isî o y of' tlle wenld . Pa rt icipan t s uay extiose I linselves 10 nuin- en-otis vai îaýt ituîs ini uiisic anîd Continue 11) discove wiîatl ini- I)leta uICet F'Iat 1nuLSIC liad te peopile xiilit payed il anud Io tiiese Wtit)plaîy ilb 10w. lntermiatiei) relevant 10 titis prgn iti ll lie avallatile HEARD'S TAXI 668-3732 Radio Equipped & Direct Line at Arnold's Market, 115 Brock St. N. For Your ConvenienCe 150 Perry Street Whltby jj~RECREATION DEPARTMENT The Whitby Recreation Department is accepting applications for summer employment. Aquaties staff and Playground leaders. Application forms are available at the Whitby Recreation Department or at any Secondary Schooi in Whitby. Compieted applications must be returned to thE Recreation Department flot later than Friday, March l6th, 1973. For further information cati:668:5803, Ext. 48 How to gel the Income Tax People Io Iend you money interest free lnterested? Welt if's possible. Section 79B of the Income Tax Act *'says* so. The Governent encourages you to prepare for your retiremnent by giving you important income tax deductions on money you invest in a Registered Retiremnent Savings Plan. You can save hundreds of tax dollars each year this way. Your money is flot taxable until retirement; then, only as incomne received, (your tax bracket is likety to be tower then too). It ait adds up to about the same as 'ýborrowing" money from the Government, interest free ... plus the savings that tax deferment may bring. You can learn the fuît story on income tax advantages on Retirement Savings from the well- informed professional who represents the Manufacturers Life. He is associated with a com pany that has a record for sound and profitable money management that's outstanding in the industry. When you talk to hini be sure to ask him about the buitt-in guarafitees that only an insured plan can offer. Phone him today or mail this coupon for a free, informative brochure on how you can save tax dollars. ___________ en oo« Iease send me, without obligation, a E ~ ~ "" free copy of the bookiet: 'IReglstered * I* ~ Retîrement Savlngs Plan."g INAME.. . . .. . . . . . . . . . . S ADDRESS...... * Steve Hanson * The Manufacturers Lite Oshawa, Ont MAMUFACTURERS LIFE S. K.Hanson Suite 501, Bell Tower, Oshawa centre VOL KSWAG EN TODAY'S BEST BAR GAINS Twice the warranty of most other cars. 24 months or 24,000 miles. Best in winter - No freeze ups Best Investment (high trade-in alues) - LOWEST IN PRICE $20198. SEE THEM AIL PLUS MANY RECONDITIONED VWs AND OTHER TRADE-IN CARS AT Pickering Car Centre Baseline Rd. /Mile East of Harwood Ave. AJAX - 942-1881 INSURANCE COMPANY -P"* ,p.u 0,4 ~ 41 - - - - - - - --V e-à*.C Il 'ACI L 0. 1 11 L 1 m 11% Pl 1 EN 1 atIltle public libraries and thiere wilt bc corresponidence bctwecn flic director and lo- cal iîgli schlool music coni- sultants. Personls ilntcrestcd do iiot hiave 10 niccessanily play a musical instrument but d'ose whio do arc cncounagcd 10 bring theni cacti cvcning of the prognaîn. A long range goal of the Kanii-Do-Kanigai-oo is Io col- lecc tflie data coipilcd lfor eaclh group and ctîoosc an initerest ing sec lion 10 perloni pubticly. EacFi ena and group witI bc kept in a library under "History of' Music"' lor tut- une refenence for intercsted pensonis. Ted Crouch., directon of flic pnognam ilias beeniii- volvcd iin music inst ruct ion and cntertaining ini the Co. ofI Ont ario for- 3 ycars, and is pnecnt ly wonkilng 0on op- eliing u p a nlew coft'ec house iii \Wlt lby. Ile t'ccls tIlle Kali- l)o-Kanganoo witl give Ille larticipîants anliîîsighit imb inu-Sîc of, Ille past.- wli ichi cal' liel)t pthem to ga inian undcrstatiding of thie current music revolîitioii. Ted lias aIse comlpteted a study ini somle tormls ot music tron tIllc past xvlîichi wilIl assist i n giv i ng t Il Kali- L)o-Ka î are agoed basis tb m t Omo% 1 tu IL G OP% m. 1. nr%,mr% Till Ci n m

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