Whitby Free Press, 22 Feb 1973, p. 8

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PAGE: 8, 'fI'IURSI)AY, l"ý'ILBR ARZY 22, 1973, Wl ITBY lFRlEF PREIS Town probes Lynde Creek fuil \VHI'BY-'1'he cuîupinig ut Iiil ai the iet l weîe Lynde Creck enters Lake Onltario is bu bc investigalcd by couni- cii's Operations Commiiitece. The 'probe was sparked by a letici iroîin Marion Few- wcliing, ut Osihawa, conipiaili- inig thiat the whiole iel was plugged withi sand, gravel and stones, blocking the outiiow of' that creck imb îhe lake. ,Ste ainis the creek was loodcd about tith-ce andi a hlli' l'cet uf*t'hicnuit h side of' the shore Hile andi flood- ing could occur on the base.ý line road because watcr stili will nul bc abie bu get througlËa cuivert Lunder the roadc. A FREE PRESS staff mnember bîavcited lu the prob- 1cmn aiea and found, aiîhough there hiad becil a minor a- mouint of sînnle fi11 piaccd there, the access bu thc lake for the creck was more than a deiu a te. lb wouud sCci11 bu bc a better bet that the high wat- cr level ut' the lake jîscif lbad caused any inimal a- mnount uof ilooding thal eould bc obscrved. Con you indentify this Whitby structure? The bu iId ingphotographedaJovestillexists in the town core aiea. If you can ident if y it by the commercial name of its present occupant, caîl the Whitby Fiee Press at 668-611il or 668-61 12 and win a free ticket for use anytime at the Whitby Brock Theatre. Cails wiII be taken from in-town residents between fine and noon on Monday. See next week's Fiee Pressfor correct answer. LIMIT ONE TI CKET PER H OUSEHO LD. SUN Coi ucmdjtofli PageI pl. nî.iînted cartoons and culortul wildl ite filmns have beeîî esi)ccially selected by Bill Branitiuan ettort l'or prime movie en tertainliien t Cor holiday iîg youngsters. Thie Film Festivai is being plunîîed l'ror ne day. How- evei, if' the response is gtitd enough, arranigemelnt s my be matde to extend the lfestival to tuie tllowing day. ,-riial suys local tiret igh ici, lTny Vauidolcwecrd, 'wtuîid 1e a $ Besicles Ihis crîrrerl b pro- jeci, the Wliitb)y Prof essional Eure iglit ers are înivolved in nilier wvortliy tenetits suclb zi S S p 1 o I1i rl ofn' iiiol sporlts anîd îitsciîlar dystro- puY . h vas tliey Viit)spcn t off' du ty lîours t]oodiuig anid îinitaiiing i lie tild arenui paid. Riglit loit)iey'îe iiotîgli is anîd liopes arc conîccn tva ted on lic Fili[Fest ivali and get- ting tui t lcatîc tillet i 1 maî cii 21. Youir part is thle puî cilase oft a 75 cceii ticket troi ia iy ni'iIllec iollo)Wiigu: $ $ Vesey 055-3822 or Tony Van- dolwecrd 008-3754, or fromn any othler niemiber ot' the WNuil by Pro tessio nu Firct'iglî - er s Lcail. Ld Sobanskï. Bob Vesey Tony Vandolcweerd and the otiier fîretigl tels, along with Brock Thca tic propr ictor Bui Bran t undtinook ibis projeci Wit liottany houle oftpublic recogniit ion. We iink they re a pet ty grea t buiicb of' guy s anîd hope thai on Mardi 2 1 thic Brock Theatre wiii be [iied w~ith the chlldren nf' mnany FR;EL PRESS reders. $ " You just missed oui on $5,OO.00O" and if you don't buyyour KIN LOTTER Y ticket soon you will miss oui on a furthur opportunity for $55,000.00 in remaining jackpots in KIN LOTTER Y 50 Tickets are available throughovLt Whitby where you see the Money Bunny. If you have not seen him and would like a ticket or two just drop the attached coupon in the mail and we wilI brin g the tickets directly Io your door. Looh lor the $1009000 IN TOTAL CASH PRIZES Kinsmen-servlflg the communhty's greatest need. When you buy Kin Lottery tickets, you support these local pro jects: 1. CYSTIC FIBROSIS Z. WHITBY MINOR SPORTS -basebait -lacrosse -hockey -soccer 3. COMMUNITY SWIMMING POOL 4. J. O. RUDDY HOSPITAL 5'. COMMUNITY AR ENA 6. KINSMEN PARKS IVolce *t thre County Town) I-ometown paper ofWhitby, Brooklin, Myrtie -~ and Ashburn; serving Ajax and Pickering. Published every Thursday Puwilicllîcdby VIitihy lrecePrcs hic. Mail Box 206. Wiiby. IPhosii 068-611l1Ior (168-6112 rokS.Soii Wîty Gycicral Maiiagir: W. "Bill" Durkce Iiior; Judy I>utrkt:eMALN IEditorîaI StalIT: Bih vWilliamus~ ALI( Sports 1*.l-diir: Doug WcUIC lIRII Advertisiig: Rosi Winstaffiky NO. 2941I 1 Ron s Cond. gkl AýmMàý ate ino,,re onc (R-" G SNI 1) Mak-c tip your own m,-ay to remen-iber your code., Tlien send it to your friends.

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