PAGE 10, WHITBY FREE PRESS, THURSDAY, MARCH 1, 1973 I Juat lbave a note for the meter man Council's Operations Committee has concurred with Chief of Police William Pilkington and with the for- mer' s"reservations" con- cerning the instituting of prepaid parking for persons engaged in service work in the town. The town had been in recelpt of a letter frorn the local Chamber of Commerce requesting council to consider the issuance of prepaid parking permits to firms doing service work around town such as plumbers, electricians, builders etc. It was feit that the issuance of this type of permit would enable service industries to cabi operate more' freely without worry of overtime parking tickets. "The purpose of parking meters is to control the usage by vehicles of -the limited amount of parking space on the streets," said Chief Pilkington in a report to council. It maintains the movement of vehicles of the limited amnount of parking space on the streets of vehicles in and out of the tuday metered areas to permit the maximum number of the motoring public to patronize the merchants in any area. In the event that parking permits were issued to somne firms to permit unrestricted parking, the general purpose of the parking meter is defeated. There would also be no control as the parking control officer would have no way to assess if the operator of a vehicle is engaged in service work or has merely found that it's convenient to have the vehicle parked adjacent or close by his place of business. " "The meters presently in use on the streets in the town are regulated to provide one hour maximum on Dundas and Brock Streets and two hours on the side streets, he continued. It is a matter of opinion whether this would cause undue hardship for a person engaged in service work to reactivate the meter before the expiration of the time. Our offstreet parking provides 8-hour limits at haif the price of the street parking, and surely could be used by some of those people engaged in service work. In the event that the service man 15 engaged in service work in a lengthy job and requires the vehicle to be located near the scene, a note placed on the windshield will receive con- sideration." However, said the chief, "I have serious reservations concerning the instituting of prepaid parking, as it is open to serious abuse which would be detrimental, flot only to the motoring public, but to the mnerchants of the town." w Sce thiedifference Have Cable TV installed on your TV set. You'll get more than 250 movies every month on 12 clear channels. The current TV season has been the best for movie entertainment in television history. Don't miss one more of these great movies, CALL TODAY. How about sports! Cable TV will take you down the homestretch of the hockey season. Select fromt six games each week, including many Montreal Canadien gamtes on channel 12. Golf ers will want action. Just $4.95 a month. to see ail the action on the 1973 pro tour. CALL TODAY for great sports month plus a small installation charge. Extra sets and FM radios just $1.00 a O SHAWA 579-2232 WHITBY 668-9331 BOWMANVI LLE 623-2506 eO»cable tv J, J. Vitali L.S. MacDonald, President of MacDonald Ford Sales (Oshawa 1968) Limited, announced recently the appointment of J.J.Vitali as Vice-President of the Company. In this capa- city Mr. Vitali is respon- sible for the operatio-ns of MacDonald Ford in both Oshawa and Bow- manville involving the sale, servicing and leas- ing of Ford cars and trucks. Prior to joining MacDonald Ford, Mi. Vitali held various posi- tions with Westinghouse Canada Limited in Hami- lton, and with Stonehouse Ford in Brampton. Mr. Vitali is a member of The Association of Professional Engineers of the Province of Ontario, The Rotary Club of Oshawa, and The Oshawa Chamber of Commerce. MacDonal d FORD 815 KING ST. W. OSHAWA, 57641800 Tfry