WIIIT3Y lFRIilE PR ESS, Ti U R SDA Y, MARCII 8, 1973.,lPAGE 11 Spring' s look is natural Sportswear: Easy does it ail1 the way By ALICE LAKE The key word this spring Natural shapes, natural colors, natural fabrics: they ail add up to a gentie, ele-. gant, unstudied sportswear look. Gone are the gimmicks of yesteryear. What's left is cleanly refineti. . . and de- lightfully wearable. The classics go on and on - pants, blousons, layers and shirt looks, from gentie jacke ts to shirtwaist dresses. The f abrics, however, are different: cream ground prints instead of white, and naturai linens and silks which look newest slightly wrinkled. Eiasticized waists, draw- strings and smocking add interest to dresses, jackets and skirts. Here are the emerging trends to watch: The Great Gatsby Look, xenlified in tennis-in- sprdknits. Peasant effects, especially colorful dirndl sklrts and off-the-shoulder blouses. New pant shapes - bloused, as ini knickers or harem styles; Uight, like jodphurs or ski pants; or f ull and flowing palazzo shapes. 11w most important look is the shirt - showing up as everything f rom a real classic shirt to coats to jackets to evening dresses. For daytime, the shirtdress is everywhere. Some are detailed like nurses' uni- forixs, others like tennis dresses, but the shirt-shape is there, in mostly mid-knee lengths. What gives these dresses an updated 1ook are details like shirred elasticized waistbands, tennis borders and contrasting collars and cuifs. Biggest pattern news is in stripes--Romari striped silk scarves, multicolor striped T-shirts, and tennis stripes everywhere, especially beits, V-necklines and knitted cuiffS. New jacket shapes are the big spring mixers. Short jackets cropped at the waist with rolled-up sleeves and Leather is versatile style staple .ef prntieapae In the fashion forefront are the cropped battie Jack- et, the sash-tied smoking jacket, the cardigan, blou- son, shirt-jacket, blazer and saai- topping off pants, skirts and dresses smash- ingly. The longer jacket type of vest niakes a great pants partner. These sometiines have set-in or separate sel.f- belts. Waist-lerîgth vests gia neat-artd-ziatty air to both pantsuits ana sleit-and- shirt outfllts. On the shorter vests, coinamight' be chalrns, lac rg, buttons or frops. The jsvectator t;lorts: Lefi,. a whîite tennis sweater banded in navy and lime teams with its own lime pants. At right, a lime sweater dress, handed and belted in white, with a navy ai-id white datted cotton dickey. Both of rayon- and-polyester knit. Eleanor ziPper fronts look casual over pants. Blousons with sweatshirt or basebali de- tails go well Wyith pants and the newer skirts. Shirt jackets, some with rounded hems, are almost uniform for spring suits. And littie cotton gingham toppers, cut very full like smocks, some wîth a shiny finish, ail of them water- repelient are the season's brightest answer to stormy weather. Brenner for Brenner Bees. Skirts are fuller, more feminlne. Many have elas- ticîzed waists anid some are smocked to the hipline. Dirndi sklrts are decorated with patchwork appliques. For leisure and active sportswear, somne skirts are very short. For city and travel, they hit mid-knee. And trouser-top skirts could well be the sleeper of the season, giving pants somne real competition ln more taiiored suits. By Joyce Read For Period Mardi I1I to 1 7 CAPRICORN - Dec. 22 to Jan. 19 Ti ls inpressive seven-day period is filled witlî pertinent cletail' irst ut the week vitality may bc rather low. Relax in a hiome atrnosphiere. oibserve normal bedtimies, and rnentally unwind. You xviII find your energy bank replenishied. Significant day is Saturday tlie l7thi, an excellenit timie to look into vacation possibilities for Liter in flhc year. AQUARJUS - Janî. 20 to Feb. 18 Signil icant day is Sunday the 1IltIi, an excellent tinie to cmbark upun an utterly carefrec pleasurable pursuit. A sports event could provîde relaxattioni. 1uyîing and selling is favored now, especially if the business bas to dlo with purchasing at one price and marketing at a nu t her. PISCES - Feb. 19 to March 20 Your signilicantday is Friday the I 6tlî whien there is pressure, wvork, and a need to check health requiremrents. Don't permit any- one to pusli youi to the brink. You can improve relations with co- workers and associates. Doni't do tiîis by pullîng your punches. This ks a week f'or you to corne out of yotir sheil. ARIES - March 21 to April 19 Philosophically accept what you cannot change during this seven-day period. Be calm, cool, collected, especially in dealing with peers. There witl bc little timie to rest and much unfinished business to complete. Show the optirnistie side of your personality this week. TAURUS - April 20 to May 20 Cernent marital relations on the l3th. Your lucky influences show that you and your mate should plan to do something different of a social nature. You'll be drawn close together and renew some of the happy feelings of the past. You should stick to a course which has been provcn in the past, during this seven-day period. GEMINI - May 21 to June 20 This stirnulating seven-day perîod starts out with a surge of energy. 111e moon in your sign of the Zodiac, on Sunday the i1lth and Monday, the i2th, brings personal goals forward. Take the oppor- tunity to engage in activities that will place your future on a more stable basis. Be diplomatie where professional interests are, con- certied. CANCER - June 21 to July 22 You look good, feel good, confidence is infectious. Moods appear to be under control. Move with quiet determination. Significant days are Monday the I 2th and Tuesday the l3th, when you are infused with a -get up and go" attitude. LEO - July 23 to Aug. 22 Significant days of the week are Wednesday the l4th and Thursday the I5tlî whien the moon occupies the Sun Sign. This is an excellent period to prescrnt projeets to superiors. Possessions assume impor- tance during the latter part of the week. You may be tcmpted to buy beyond your means and acquire luxury items that you do not actually need. Use discipline in aIl purchases. VIRGO - Aug. 23 to Sept. 22 You cou Id get a boost in income this week. If selling.real estate, or renting, you could fare better than youiexpected. As tlîis period be- gins sorneone could fail to fulfill obligations to you financially. 11f you are in business, thiere may be a short-terni let down. SCORPIO - Oct. 23 to Nov. 22 This seven-day period. can be a dclightful mixture of work and play. INCOME TAX RETU RNS prepar.d BOB CLANC.Y 178 Siinco. St. N. Oshawa Téléphone 725-0397 (Bus.) 723-7605 (tes.) Out office is openysar round to seve you.