PAGE 14, THURSDN-Y, MARCI1 8, 1973, WHITBY FW PRESS - - - - - - - - - - - FO!THOUSES WANTEO WHOLESALE MEATS PRIVATE SALE 4-bedroom home. Don with firoplaan patio# sliding doors, storms honted garage, paved dfrivo, gaslights. land- scuped,, TV towor with rot«r Uyw-old, plus ex- tras. Cali 6684490 after 6 p.m. NOTICE Second West Whtby, Soutth Eat g&oenie-Guide Bazar, Saint Mmik*s United Qurct,. Whitby. S~tiw*. Fébruary 24 betwsen 2 te, 4 pin. street of Brooklin, good location, full basement, immediate posi- tion. $150 month. M. WOODWARD REALTOR TYPEWRIT ERS CALCS - CASH REGISTERS ADDERS NEW& USED DISMOUNT PRICES NEWAM'S OFFICE EQUIMET 8M3738 SWHITBY. ont. MGUTSAGES ZÉde MTAGE My .5 VEAR TEN OPEN MORYMGAGES a Ù MisOeJRY OF NOMMO~NS a VONFIOENTIAL ARRANGEMENTS A94DE IN VOL/R 08W H B ORAM AS L81TTL AS $1000l e FAST SERVICE $CASH$ SsII directly to me. No commission payable. Move wlun you mt. CfflI Wlad Johoston: WILLARD REALTY INC. Realtor 723-8144 NeedMoneY? 0%»» » » .olm bua - pêcdmt» mmd or e*cm* tome ne wo edd" s hicoqmplt j.- . i C 725-9547 Yow wiwdding dh serves the hest in- select roOou FREE PRESS 212 MMJCK ST. SOUTH LEBAL THE CORIPORATION 0F TH1E TOWN 0F WHITBY NOTICE is hureby gi'wn dutheii Coupailof the. corporation etftii. TofetWiitbpropom ste Pam a by-1m for ctlring du nain of Camelot Court to McFrlane Court. The. Judge et the County Court of the. County cf Ontario has approved etftthe foeoinq notice. and bas appointed the. 15th day ef March 1913, at the. hour et 12:00 e'dock moon at the Court House inu the Town et Witby, Ontaiq, as the. day, heur and place for considering due proposed by-law number 886-72 and fer heoring thoe advocating and ep- - d heu ham. A copy et the prepesed by-"a,- qatingthe resen for the. change, ,.y beua at thiefficeeofthie Tm Clenk. Municipal Building, Uià y. Ontario. DATED at Whitby., Ontauio ütu ltidav of .February. 1973. W.,. H. Wallac, A.M.C.T., Tm Clek. Municipal BuiIdiiW, 405 Dunda Street Wst, whtey, Ontario. ma . Wmnted Houses in Whitby and area. Any condition accept- able. Will make cash Ã"ffer. Quiclc closing. GEORGE SULLIVAN LTD. REALTOR ROO&BAR PncpAPARTMe fl o s'TSn AR OTWS ENT RQVR 74 SEENSON RD. N. OSAW 723-1009 OfNweAmw 579-1413 CARS [TiOlYIOITI1 SALES SERVICE PARTS SERVICES METRO FISH E& CHIPS Stili in business NA TURA LL Y FISH E& CHIPS BLAIR PARK PLAZA WHUTBY TEL. - 668-8672 FOR SALE FOR SALE- 10 Acres with good stream in area of new homes TOY POODLES-Females, maies, $21 ,000. silver, black. Registered, 1 needle. M. WOODWARD REALTOR Phone 668-5075 655-4525 ORDINARV LEARN TO DRIVE LATHE OPERATOR TRACTOR TRAILERS WANTED1 Now -you can train right Must hae sorm know- lwre ini Canada! ledg of set-ups. Good Accommodation and ex- opportunity for advance- penses paid whiletraining' ment. Tuition Tax deductible! Telehone9426100 F22 For application and interview Telehone9426100 F22 write: Wanted sitter for Grade 1i o Safety Departmnent before and after schoel. Vicinity Trans Canada Transport Training of Kîng Street Public Sd1OOl. Suite 316. 207 (Quses Quay West Whitby. Toronto 117, Ontario HOUSEWI VES-Are you interest- ed in earnfiflg rmoney in your spare or caï: 416-864e9381 tirme? Pick your ovwn hours. Con- tact Mrs. Drewv - 668-9915. F22 NEUCOTRPILOT AS ACAREER loin aviation as a.hesicop4ef pilot ý nd begin a rewarding aid professiou.8l career. Commercial Icourse maancies nw a% ailable at Oshawa Air- port for full or part tne enrolmnwn. Ministry of Transport approved. Private Licence courses also available. Telephone for appointmreflt: AST ON NELICOPTER 725-2141 MILISTER WHILEUALI mialu5 Sides of beef 79 lb Cut wrapped. Hinds of beef 97 lb Cut wrapped. Front Quarters Average Weight 125 lbs Special 65 cents lb. New York shoulders 75 cents. Prices subject to change. Lions of pork $1.25, lb. GROUND- BEEF SPECIAL %10 LB. LOTS169 LB. CUSTOM CU1TING & SLAUGHTERING CALL 649-5908 DELIVERY TO ALL 0F ONTAR<IO COUNTY WEEKLY ORDERS ALSO ACCEPTED M29 FREEZER ORDERS RED BRAND BEEF Fronts approx. Sides approx. Hinds approx. Fresti ground beef .. 120 lb......... 69C 240 lb ......... 79c 120lb ......... 9U ... .. ..... ..79c PORK ITEM Hog-Sides-approx. 70 lb .(Head Off) 74e lb. Whole Loins approx. 13 lIbr....... $1.19 lb. Fresh Side Spare R8U......... lb. ABOVE PRICES INCLUDE CUTTING, MARKING, WRAPPING. GRADE ""A" CHICKEN Whole 10 or more ................. 55e lb. Leg Portions...................... 59c lb. Breast Portions ....................6k IL J ACK FRANCIS 120 WilsonRd. S. 728-2282 FOR SALE cleaIRnces-pceter-a cleadrand-dchester- filmp, aen d tables, 1 laptns, n velvet,un- .painted furn vture, run- paet Manmore to choo e.Mn frmore.3473, o Bloor St. B., Ouhawa. HUSKY STEEL BOATS CO. 1628 Charles St. Whitby Steel Boats-AII desos & shapes 668-5431 F22 SNOWMOBîLES SERVICES "FREE" VOUR OWN SNOW- VITAMIN E MOBILE REPAIR PARTS& AC- CESSORY CATALOGUE - "LATEST REVISED EDITION- GUARANTEED SAVINOS 0F 30% OR MORE." JUST MAIL VOUA NAME AND ADDRESS TO ""DIRECT DISTRIBUTING INC.. P. O. BOX 1178, HULL, QUEBEC, CANADA." A COM- PLETE SELECTION 0F PARTS & ACCESSORIES TO CHOOSE iFROM. NO MATTER WHERE YOU LIVE, YOU'LL ALWAYS RE- CEIVE FAST SERVICE. NOTE: P R E S E N T CUSTOMERS PLEASE 'DO NOT RE-APPLY. YOUR NEW CATALOGUE IS BEING MAILED AUTOMA- TICALLY. M GORD'S MARINE LTD. CLAREMONT Crew Boats-Aluminum Boats Cao. Explorer Trailers EZ Leader Trailers Classified cai 668-611il Ioveseat,two chairs, floral, crushed velvet. CAL L 668-3609 mi PUPPIES - Spoilies<Y Spanïel '/, Collie> Both parents good vvith children. $15.00. 668-6388 M-7 Poodles- 9 weeks old. Two males lef t. $50.00 each. Cali668- 3060.* 1 sharpen scissors, knives at 46 Baldwin St.. Brooklîn - Cali 655--3637 F22 GETATHE FAT-ED GTTEFRE BOOKET FOR Sunshine Heaith Foods, 75 Simcoe St. N., Oshawa, or cali-576-2391 DRESSMAKING and aiterations expertlý and quickiy done. Rea- sonabie prîces. Phone 942-0688. METRO FISH & CHIPS & GRILL BLAIR PARK PLAZA Specialize in Pub Night & Hot Meat Pies RELIABLE DAY GARE Available in my home. Babies Weicomne. 5 Minutes fromn Wooico Plaza. Phone 579-3564. NO0TI1C E Rug & Upheîstery Cleaning The New Dry Foam Way - 668-5072 M29 PORTRAMT 12"Xlir" 01ILS $20. PASTELS $15. fren phtmopaphs or sttingu 8. Wiflian 725-9«52« 8E~IRE...~ U wT . NW 723 -1176 942511or 1L!ÀV±1 1 q- '777 ý7-,7,, 77 SNOWMOBILES SERVICES 668-8672 F22 SkýDoo Sales M15