WL!ITBY FREE PRESS, TI-URSDAY, MARC'U1 8, 1973,AG3 BIRD 'S Keep your head down EVE WIEW hby Ji. Quail When those 727's start gliding in over Whitby you'Il have to keep your head down or lose it. Well, maybe it won't be quite that bad but nevertheless, it 'looks like we'll get the fool airport, like it or not. I cant give you a whole lot of reasons backed by scientific facts and flighît path data and statist ics on air cargo, but 1 can tell you I don't want the airport rieur Wliitby. This decision on my part is bouind to get scowls trom certain quarters like the mayor's office and the office of the Industrial Commissioner and some of the local business- men bu t I shahl remain steadfast in my decision. Whien the airpori vas' first arinouriced I was aIl for it un- tii 1 îalked to the pilots at Malton and considered what Fthey hiad tbld me about the existing airport. They felt the runway facilities were adequate and the problem was the Iack of cargo and passenger handîing facilîi es. ln other words, they hiad a space to put the planes but not the passengers and their Iuggage as well as the other air cargo. That Iack of foresight when originally building the airport mieans the price we have to pay is the cost of build- ing another airpori. Governmiients hate to look ahead. So do politicians for that miatter. A good examiple is otîr new library or what uised to be our town hall. l'ni1 told the structure is capable of taking on at least one additional floor above the present one which would soîve the overpopulation problem. Great, but somne dummiy neyer bothered to figure out where ai! those extra people would park their cars because parking is critical nlow. Yep, you guessed it, we're going to buiîd a new town hall. That'll be the third town hall since I mnoved to Whitby and when they buîlt the second one I thoughit it would do for years. 0f course, l'mi not too brighit, I thoughit the saine thing when they but the arena. But back to the airport. The arguments for the new one are:- it would bring new business to Whitby and more emn- ploymient, land values would rise, and the little gemn that, "It would be good for the town". If this area needs new business why does it have to be an airport? If we need miore emiploymient then why not ship LUCKY PIZZA[ CONTEST WIN $ 5000 Evy tîme Yom. bu>' a pizza fue PIZZAZZIP -Y«u ceud Win $50.OO. Just f111 eut the feru e. tfw top of'the box enid mail or brinug t in, encloW inl a plein *nvloe te either of eur t*o locations. Every Suuday -~ tii.,'. s a draw. Corne on inor phone, YOU COULD THIS WEEKS WINNER: Brian Waddell, 1040 Cedar St., Oshawa. WWTSY - 106 lyrm e. L S 6684495 aor 6689909 PIZZAZZI P 766 Sim« .Se. S. 576-325S OOC 1390 AJAX *LOCAL NEWS ePlus the finest COUINTRY PERSON TO PERSON - .,COMMUNITY r RADIO CHOO 13 90 i EUY.SU~RiNTHtREf e e B SAVE TO 1 10%. more of' our goods by truck and get some of our unemi- ployed truckers back on the payroll? As for land values if they rise any more the average guy will have to make $20,000 a year to be able to buy a home. And if those littie rationales don't grab you then how about this one . . . do you know jet planes pollute? Would 1 kid you?? They pollut -e in two differerit ways, your nose cari sense one way and your ears the other. If we need new industry in the area we'd be better off to make a deal for Metro's garbage than we.would with a new airpor 't. The arguments for the new airport are always the sarne but 1 amn convinced the real reason people want the airport here is a prestige thing. You know, 'Whitby Home of the New International Airport'. If General Motors can build cars for à Il of North America in the limited space they have in Oshawa then sureîy sorne sm-art government joker can figure out a way of expanding or rebuilding Malton to be able to cope with the heavy passenger and cargo travel. Granted, it wiIl probably co 'st more but the expense shouîd be passed along to those who need the facilities, air passengers and air cargo shippers. I don't see why 1 shouîd subsidize ail those who prefer to travel by air. Most businessmen write off their air expenses to deduc- tions for business so why should you and 1 fork out so0 they can travel cheaper, especiaîly when they write it off anyway. I like Whitby and I think it's a great town and I don't want to i-ove but I sure don't want to be living near an international airport. Whitby is bound to grow and I'rn all for that but does it have to grow in this way? If things get any worse I may have to take action myseîf to stop this airport. I may even enlist Henry Morgan. If that happens, then look out airport enthusiasts!! s.i RUPT 1 SAVE TO 170%-i LE MA SON SHOES BAY RIDGES PLAZA - BAY RIDGES ME S'RITCHIES - JARMAN - GE MENS SHOES - 'BOOTS - SLIPPERS GILLIES- PEPPERINO - BERTOLINA LADIESGREB- GRAYHOUND - TANGEE LDE'SHOES - BOOTS -LPPR rn.u nnri,~ GRAVES - SAVAGE- BONNIE STUART LNILUKLM'S PUSSYFOOT- MISS SUSAN - LANBERG SHOES- BOOTS - SLIPPERS ALL FIXTURES FOR SALE SALE OPEN SALE CON DUCTED BY Thurs. 10 a.m. - 9 p.m. STAflIS DANBU RY SALES Fri. 10 a.m. - 9 p.m.a LIQUIDATORS Sat. 10Oa.m. - 6p.m. Thurs. Mur, & AUCTI ON E ERS at10 am SPO'RTS f, 14