Whitby Free Press, 22 Mar 1973, p. 14

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PAGE 14, IUIURSDAY, MARCII 22, 1973, WiI'iTY FREE' PIRE'SS Burgess Girl of tho wook KALNINS On Feeny Thrcecycars ago, whlie doing sonie freelance work f'or the Toronto Daiiy Star, 1 met a feilow reporte r-phio tographie r namled Ed Feeny. Oftcn lhe would walk into the newsroom in high spirits and greet everyone present withi his l'aniliar "Hi, Alcx", "lii, Jack" or whoever happcnied to be there, cither working on a story or listening to a police raidio. Edilbad that friendly way witli peop1e--evcn strangers- and, needless 10 say, he was liked by everyone in return. Weil, almnost by everyone. While waiting for nlews to break, Ed would telllnie that hie was abou t to retire and after his long-limie service wiltb the Star, lie would just take il ecasy. He ionged for outdoors and fishing. This week, accidcntally, 1 met Ed again. And, 1 could bardly recognize: hiim. île looked haggard, depressed and coinpleiely disorient.ed. In faci bie Icoked like he'd just been bit by a tornado. lIn our brief conversation oii street, just a few feet away f rom ian accident scene, 1 leaned tbiat Ed neyer got bis full ret irnent cheqlue. Witb conly a ycar to go, according to Ed, lie wzis gently '*scquieeed eutCof ibis job - the only job lie kncew well anid loved ail biis life. Tbe paper just didn't need Iinti any mîore. Ed biad outlived bis usefulness. lie was per- sona non gra ta. As ii result . we biave allowed one more person 10 rcami oui, sI reet s ainilessly. loday bie's just an old mnan.wiîb no lace te go and no social I ife. Tomnorrow, lie could becomie a p)otent ial crinîinal, being put away for the rest cf' bis lil'e. But, some people sittiîîg bigbi above Toronto, enveloped ini power and glory, mligli t feel a bit uneasy seeing this story ini prilit. Ilow)ýever, it's not really my stcry. It sbould biave been written by theinian iniself, with bhis customnary credit line in hlack-faced caps- By Ed Feeny. Star staff writer. OSHAWA-General Motors of' Canada Limited announced today that the summner vaca- tion schedule for Oshawa ve- hidle assembly plants will be the weeks beginning July 30 and August 6. For fabricati -ng operations the two-week vaca- tion period wili be set on a deparîniental basis, witli som-e sections shut down earlier and sorne later than these dates, depending on, pr oduLict i on sc lied uics. GM'ý vacation pay schced- ie f-or hourly rate people is 80 hours for more than one year's service but less tiban thiree years; 100 biours lfor thiree years but less tbian f'ive; 120 hiours for five years 1)11 Iess than 10; 140 bours f'or 10 years but less tbian 1 5; 1 60 hiours l'or I15 ycars but lcss than 20 and 200 bionrs l'or eligible emipîcyces willb 20 or more years seniorily. Tbce cur- rent hourly rate lo0r produc- tion assembly workers is S4.73 an hour inclLldiilg cost-of'-liv- îng allowance. Loo's Psrf orm Warm memories of lest summer with pretty 18 year old Sherry Thomson of Euclid Sreet. Sherry is in grade 1 3 at Anderson and enîoys water-skiing, swimming and travelling. -Photo by Mike Burgess by Joyc"-ead For period March 25 - 31 st CAPRICORN -- Dec. 22 to ian. 19 Thete wo most signît iuanit day s durîîîg tItis seven-day period are Monday flite 2611î and 'luesdav flite 27tli. At titis limie yen cou lit have a change cf litart rcgarding vyour secret lite. TitiS SîtenId heb a stii- laling sevcrî-day period artd a change front flite quiet twelve xeeks pasl. Yen xvll find thaI iew prjecîs. unu suaI peopale atid provoca- live situatieus tiive voiuu eIomnal h. AQUARIUS - Jan. 20 to Feb. 18 Titis rcd-Itter xeek îs ideal te eltampion causes. Yen aeltieve succcss witlî undertakings tat Iri entadershîip and drive. Fhiese qualities you possess intritîsically. Put forth yeutr hesl possible effort. D)o not lie content witlî second best. Your txvo most signifi- cant days during tIbis seven-day period are Wednesday flite 28t1î and Tiîursday flite 291iî. "lite rioon in lte sun sign will bring yen hile prominence. Yoît wilI he hlessed witiî exccss energy and there is a danger yen cou id becrnie bored. PISCES - Feb. 19 to Mardi 20 AIl is fine on flite dornestie front during Ihis seven-day period. l'ite scrapping and lriclion wil bc donc away witit entirely. Afler te 27tit things begin lto ove t'erward. Your significant day is te .3I1st witen your persona] desires are concerned. ARIES - March 21 to April 19 Personal it'c may take a back seat because of carcer interesîs during titis scven-day pciod. Your two most signiticant days are Sunday the, 251h and Monday flite 26t1î. Communications irnpreve consider- ably afler Wednesday flice 2Rth when mail flow inecases. Use your sense of itumor te your Advantage now, but witheuî bcing boister- eus. TAURUS - April 20 to May 20 I)îînîg tlîis seven-dIay peried yen conld bc seeing persens and situa' tiens as yen wishî tiîey wenld lie, [tut net as titey are. Yeun itnst guard, against deceptiorutaI could attract itarmf'ul censequences. All'er flie 28t1 some of'flite delutys carlier !iiflite iiontli are iroîîed oui aind your commiunîication lines are ecared. On Tbursday and Friday eveniîîigs of' last week. thte stu- dents of' St. Lc's Scbcol, Brookliî presenîcd a 'Variety Show'. The procceeds will be uscd to f'inance Scbool Trips in Junie. Tony Jet teji. Grade 8, was lIte Master cf' Ceremionies. Boh Roche, President of* the GEMINI --- May 21 Io lune 20 ilîgcrilly .ppk vonîsýcIt te on ýjtt- ne.d slay lhetttnd the cencs du l ne L t h s seve n-day v riod l>e rmmatiat t. is acce ni n îed ,0 Von \Il nult hnd tis ,-periott horing. Il' vountitsitravet dwrîng thii nt t k'ivucks ltakc speciatl 1a lts CANCER --Junc 21 t(> July 22 TIW lus sîtnId he a ru uit me se,,vtn-da> permed. Yen may tiave nmany mo alt tirebte ins t1 'e tve re.m rdingrw iork condition s. Yen r sigiI'tica nI day s ýSaturdaytlIme 31 st,,000(lodlime iOr-roadmng. hrowsig îtrongtî lu tekstores; or ec k ing mit nnsn alI)pester sttutps. Y on niay have a ftetI day in dan oUIutofte way location tbut doe lt epect tb find ttaruains i ttis tlie. Yen i ýel escit sla son pay for. LEO'- Jîîly 23 Io Aug. 221 You n sorktiest lihid thttc scnes du irng t ti s scVc11-d.iuV pttdSiek coopera tien t rein ttoewhtehave 'eod hacktng. itituen)rtNv and reptutatien. Yen are calted uiij)O litakc a àimortact ive, jpositive olt n'uca activîites. Sninday thte 25tIli s a signiticani lav. Il' yon are stnmzle a dtatecenold lie reatl'un. Il uta, red ' a itere p ;tstu in terest in yonr mate ts iî(t.tcl. VIRGO - Aug. 23 to Sept. 22- Yeurn it sigii can t day is lnesday lte 271 it. M ercn ry, lte plane I assee)iated with yonr sign, goes direct et Illte 27lt. Yentiew find obstrnctionis disappearitig, paýrtico tarty y xi i er male oer part ners. Y on cari 1(w hI)egîi n ew pr(jects witIi less cliaiice eof delay. Oi thett 261iî, Monday, yeun îiay tu-el like kicking ever te traces. Be sure you knoxv te ttaracler ofthlie v rsoit yen're romartciiig or liaving inan cial deatîngs wv ii. Yen coui d fait victinii t o a boau ta t seintelow neyer gels paid. LIBRA - Sept. 23 to Oct. 22 A parlncrsitip can tieurisli, but yetn iuist pay strict attenttion loi business. Your social life and personal inlerests niay lie stressed le a point witere you mnust malke a decision xvietiter leoxverk or have a good lime. On your signîficant days Wcdnesday tîte 28î1î and Thurs- (iay thie 29t1î plcasurc takes preeece. Comimiîunicat ions imtprove afler te 28th. Persons of autlîerity wil l bc reaebied tîte're casily. SCORPIO - Oct. 23 to Nov. 22 A merry-ge-round atmosphere is likcîy lo continue during titis expansive scven-day period. lrfessional inlerests improve. Yen have assistance when required. Your significant day îs Saturday lte 31s1, witen you arc especiaîly intuitive. Ilf yen are not pleascd wîth tîhe way tllîings have gone during flic pasl few weeks, now i s the lime le lake a stand. SAGITTARIUS - Nov. 23 to Dec. 21 'Fltc key wordIote his %uvei-daiy perio(l is "expansion". Yen rnay feel lîke a mîagieiail vho unexpectedly accomptislies a trick ltaI lutris eut teolbe soiiiewtîat of a miracle. Your significant day is Sutîday te 251h. Titis is a perleel day lfor SoeiM*ixitîg or endine your talents 10 a spectîti eiierttiiniieit. Student ('ounicil, welcomied everyone. The programmne in- cluded: solos (Lynne Patter- son, Tony Jetten, Carole Mil- lette, Annette Jansen, Maur- reen McNenly, Louie Pouwels, and Robbie Frendo-Cuinbo), Duels (Joanne Bojda and Anita Van Hout; Kathy Gibb and Angela Jacobs; and Sheila Mulcabiy and Joantie Mulca- liy):. and Trios: ( Rosemnary J-orbes, PatriciGautden, and [)ebbie Laney, Michael Rîce. Joey Fusco -,a ud A niii h o n y Frenido)-Citnilo): S t. Le o's Scbooil Ci r sang maîiy songs. Many instruments (gui- tars, banjos, tambourines, miar- racas, an accordion, a bass guitar, and a hiarmionica) pro- vided an effective background of music. On the last evenîng of the perfornmance gifîs were pre- sented to: Mr. Ric Arbour (choir director) anîd Mrs. A. Kivelle, wlîc was so bielpful at the Centre during the two days. Refreshmieîts were provi- ded during the inliermission and after cacb performance by the Grade 8 girls. The FRIENDLY FLEA MARKET 'We buy and -seli anything' 23 KING ST. WEST 725-9783 OSHAWA T IAI ALES I T IOIYIO!IÉ SERVICE PARTS ~ J INÜA R '~?D OAUfl»~'fl 723-1176 Attend the Whitby Mail Fashion Show' April 5th and 6th at the Whitby Mali a a a Sta Starsco e

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