Whitby Free Press, 29 Mar 1973, p. 9

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I SOS An SOS is being sent to town ýadn1inistration by the eniployees ofr(lhe north inLini- cipal off'ices in Brooklin. Employees, according to local CUPE President, Gerry McPhec, arc working ini an unl'in ishied storage area wilî no ventilation and only one door. The Whiitby Fire Pre- vention officer recently in- spccted tlîis area-and reports it should not be used for working w i tiou t another door. Thiere is an open panel inside the door's en trance and should a fire occur, no-one would hiave a chance to es- cape to safety. There are no windows in the roorn and ventilation is therefore nil. Changes are underway to convert a closet into an office ln order b1 u Lt JStopg1ip otn tlilts frutti Whitby apLtrt- tment dwelliîîgs. CIilîcfof Po- lice, William Pilkitîgtuîî iu- gent ly' req uestintg a tiCw pro- vision i t ie ToWtî ii Wliitl)y Building Code. In eac h ca se of* recenrt apar ient tleftls, the dour Iuis becti equipped witli 'a spIîtig (,typeIe lock. atnd L11)011 v iatlOi yPo)liCe. if cati be easilv scetliltîa t tiese locks were fur)Iced 1w) thte siple tnetliud of jtliî a r igi d piece of nia terna I su cl tromi B'rooklin f'or 'anl employee. There are no windows in tIbis arca and only onle entrance. It was suggested by the Planning Di- rector to hiave a por-table ('ai in the closet, but this, said Mr. McPhece, could not be expected to be suitable as it would only circulate the stag- nant air. Emiployees are also comi- plaining that there is no pro- vision for first aid. A smiall roomi outside the ladies washiroom hlas no chuairs or cot. which is required by the Departnient of Labour for femnale enîployees. Tliere is no area desig- nated for employees to have lunch or coffee breaks. Pre- sently, employees are usàng counicil chanibers whichi is aIs aI cred it cLîrd hetweeîî Ille lTe Clîjel' explaitiliLit Met ropoliti lotrotnto. w1lclt liad experietîced a gi eait tp- surtieeout etitiles ittu Ia t.- tîtetti delliîîgs. )it Ille ;advice of, litspolice il e 1) a ir time ilt, tti Spc t i l )l\ ltcks ut aI de;îd bol ti or deLd la tcl v;îiCt\ cati he tsalled ()it tlle ilttits out1a)Itteilt dwel- linogs. A tiasî e tlcîea'e t tîe\v b litliig coîde itîser(tit. TIIURSDAY, MARCU 29,1973, WHITBY FREE PRESS PAGE 9 GIVE TO EASTER'SEALS quite often ini use l'or counicil and commi ttee meetings. The complaints rest 110w with Counicil's Management Commrittee, and if flot recti- fied there, they will be placed lfor action throughi the De- partmient of Labour. Both the town's publie works and planning depart- mients were moved to thîe Brooklin office in Decernber. 'Mien settled, the cost of the administration mnove was esti- nated at $23,000. PUBLISHER'S NOTE: According to the Town Clerk Bill Wallace, the presenit complaints were not part of the original cost of moving, and have been referred to the Management Comnîittee for Report. ~ ONTARIO COR PORATI ON An Agency of the Province of Ontario INTER IOR PAINTING AT WHITBY O.H.2, BOWMANVILLE O.H.1 & COBOURG O.H.1 REFERENCE NO. T.S.788 Tenders vvilI be received for the above untit 12:00 noon E.S.T. April 4, 1973 by the Ontario Hou- sîng Corporation, 101 Bloor Street West, Toronto, Ontario, M5S lP8, c/o the Chief Purchasing Officer, ilth floor, fram whom detaîts and specitications may beobtainied or tetephone 966-3600, extension 294, quoting reference number as above. Thie Iowest or aniy tender flot necessarily jjceýted. Ontaîrîo's 1973 "Tîiiiiimy", 10-year-old Richard Ware of' Scar-boroulgl , an d h is 1potet ty cuti ititi, (îllLin egelîr, Miss ('aîdaî, obviou sly doni't h e lie ve li a atada's best ktîowvtm wrestler, \Vlîîpp)et \Vat- son , \vtiulld really slîip liiuîi Outf in tils ltiilbalg. atiia lou lt te illitil- bet (ilt thlehbo-arid t i tdirect ors ut, th li1,0ta1u,~îitCi îppled ('Iildeti. lia4 lusi sltuwti lTitilitiv Latd Miss (Li- nada part of' the 2,500,000 Easîer Seal tmailinîg wlîiclî will reacli every household ini On- tario by March 22, opening date of the I197-3 campaign. 'IC on ly1two tir tIll'e -homies o.)lt of' every tour mail- ed eveti one dollaîr back tu the Soîciety' inth leii pîtîk re- tutti enivelop)e. sad Watsoiî, wve wvui d easlv ýýreacli unr 1) tov i îc iaI o bject1ive of SI (î7-5 000. Tlien thîe futur ut motre t han I14,000 liantdi- capped youngsters would in- deed 'be in the bag' for this year atIcIast." Moving into itS 5 1 st year of* operationi, the Ontario So- ciety for Crippîed Chiildret provides a comprehietîsive re- hiabilitation prograin tlor lhat- dicapped youngsters through- ou t the provinîce tîhroughi the el'tur)ts tf' ils 232 affiliated ELIster Seal set-vice clubs, cachi tf' whiiclî is res)oiisible for conduct ing tdie catîpaigtî in its OXYtI lucality. ri~m The new design of. 5th wheel' trailering. Creat.ing its own new following of avid vacationers, the LARK LINER offers a new element of dual truck use combined with the safety and improved performance of the semi-fifth-wheel. Adaptation of a boit-on hitch to the, truck bed has made this large traiter easyto handle and does flot require another vehicle to go traveling. 'The, hook-up is easily visible from the driver's Police Request changes Un Building Code

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