Whitby Free Press, 29 Mar 1973, p. 12

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PAGE 12, THURSDAY, MARCII 29, 1973, WHITBY FREE PRESS UTS LACROSSE TIME NEW SPONSOR We wish ta welconie Mr. Brunoa Harilaid as a spotisor of aur Pee Wee Ail Star tean. House League sponîsors are stili required itn sorte leagues. If you know of anyone who may be iîterested in sport- soring a teant please eaul Tom PEE WEE NATIONAL TOURNAM ENT Due ta orgaîîizatioîîal probieîîîs Oshawa is unable ta take part in hostitîg this tourtiatietît as nienioiîed iii aur February N ew sle t t er. Hast clubs are Whitby, Ajax and Garrard Road. Billetting for players is required, con- tact Dick Walker 72-3-5620 if you are able ta hieip. ATTENTION: Port Perry, Ux- ýdç Man~liestcrL.5ç nog, Islanîd. Garrard Road Minor La- crosse area includes ail of tle aid Wlîitby Townshîip. Players froin aîîy otlier area wlîere tliere is no organized lacrosse can also register withi us. Pass tlîis itnformnationi aloiig ta your friencis anid note Re- gistratiotn dates. GARRARD ROAD-"HOME 0F CHAMPIONS" It isn'-Ît-Sa very- long ago tluat Wilw Bowl, liane ai Garrard Road Lacrasse, was a dirt floor with thîe white powdered (lîime) hines. Thiere was lîardly a boy ini the Gar- rard Rd. area, and ntatîy front Brookliin, wlio didn't play la- Public Meeting Environmental Study 500 kV Transmission Une, Middleport to Pickering The study is being carried ouf on behalt of the SOLANOT COMMISSION, f0 select a route for a 500 kV transrnissian fine tram Middleporf (south of Hamilton) around Vie norlh ot Toronto ta the Pickering -Oshawa area The study will select the route which bas mininmum environrfental impact and is responsive ta public concerns A series ot public meetings will provide tor participation in the planning by organizalionS and individuals and study maps mnay he viewed at each location on day of meeting tram 12 noon oriwards Public planning meetings will be held ai Goodwood Monday. Marcb 26th. 7 30 p.m Goodwaod Communfy Centre Goodwood Park. Hwy. 47 Freelton Wednesday. Marcb 28th, 7 30 p m Marian Halt, Freelton Aurora Tuesday, March 27th, 7 30 p Mn Aurora Hghlands Golf Club 192 Yonge Street South Bramai ea Thursday. March 29th, 7 30 p m Victoria Park Arena 20 Victoria Crescent Toronto Friday, March 3th. 9 30 am Ontario Room. MacDonald Block, Oueen's Park For turther information catI BHI Ltd ,c/o Sotandt Com'n mission. 9th f toci, Ferguson Block. Oueens Park, Toronto (416) 361-1682 CAN 1DB SERVE YOU? On Friday, March 3th, 1973 one of our representatives D. R. MERCER will be at The Georgian Motor Hotel Oshawa In this district and throughout Canada many persons and firrns in practically ail types of businessS încluding Agriculture e Tourist and Becreational Businesses a Construction * Professional Services a Transportation *.Wholesale and Retail Trades, as well as Manufacturing have obtained lbans from the 1DB to acquire land, buildings, and machinery, to increase working capital, to start a new business, and for other purposes. If you consider that 1DB can be of servioe, you are invited to arrange an appointment with the 1DB representative by telephonmng 723-4693 or in advance.by writing to DEVIELOPMENT BANK - Mid-Ontario Branch, 25 0 University Avenue, Toronto MSH 3E5. Phone: 368-1145 crosse ini the bowi, ini anc di- vision or anottier. Tiiere were saine very special people who took the lime out of their very busy schedffles anîd de- voted it ta these boys. There weren't very many sponsors. Those we did have were frain tlîe iimediate area, like the cleaners around the corner, or the gas station up the raad, anid other local businesses wiîo pitched in the price of a set ai sweaters. Little did tlîey realize whîat a great tlîing hhey werc doiîîg. The coaches and matnagers in many cases, were as green as the kids at the gaîîîe, but were willing ta leari anîd they persevered un- tii they did icarti. As long as the boys kept conîing, many tue boys keptc a mati gulpedc pet iin a irry tue park ta be lor gaine tiîîîc. coiig, îîany down lus sup- anid ruslied ta witlî his teaîîî This was Gar- GARRARD RD, ASSOCIATION Registrat ioii lor Garrard '"Fe al Road Mitior Lacrosse Asso- 'o r buo ciat ion xiillic on Match -31 get. M anid April 7. 19U3 troti 9:00 ior i a.ni ho 1 :00 pi)t. ah threce regist1' loca tions: Brooklin Arena. Junior ('anlii School anid St. Panl's verya ScIlooî. WC Ilo01 Regist rationi feesxviiil be lcaders S-3.00 per player or 56.00 BOYS per famîfly. Prool'ol lîrthda teý , e y b'ý suchi as Bit th Ccrtiffica te, Pa ss- su mi port. etc.. is retinired. G IRLU rard Road Minor Lacrosse in the begiîîning and froini tlis we have anceai' the finest la- crasse systellis in Ontario ta- day. Although we do nta have aIl the meni wlo were itîvoived in tie beginniîîg, we still have saine of thent with the addition of many new people of the saine quaiity, giving freeiy of tiîeir tinte for the boys. We lad s tr i ctl1y Hanse League ta, start, but after a tinie, the outstanding players we re c h asci and Ail-Star teants were fornîed. Tiiese tcaiis were entered annually iii the Ontario Mitior Lacrosse A s so c i a t i o n play-of Is. In 1968, tlîey also entered wlîat was at that tinte kiiown as the Lakeshore La crosse League. (ht is îîow knowtî as the South Central Lacrosse Association). Once aur Ail- Stars came on the scerie, Gar- rard Road was ta be seen anîd heard froin. The red swea,,- ters with the black tr*1 i came to be known. Fromn 1965, the yeat Garrard Road was founided, the boys ini black and red have broughit home Ail Otntario Chamipionships froni the O.M.L.A. piay-offs. The following is a Iist of the year and the Chanîpionship woni tlat year; 1965 - Tyke "C" 1966 - Novice "C" and Pee- Wee "C", 1967 - Bantain "C" 1968 - Tyke "C" 1969 - Pee-Wee "B" 1970 - Juvenile "B" (corn- bincd teani of Garrard Road and Wlitby) 1971 - Pee-Wee "B" (corn- bined teani of Garrard Road and Wlitby) I972 - Juvenile (comibined teani of Garrard Road and Whitby) Also in I1972, four teains froin Garrard Road battled their way throughi the Al- Ontario Play-Offs ta the final gainte. AlI four teainîs nissed out on the Champiatîship by anc goal. Considering this, we lîad srnte lretty fine chain- AD MINOR LACROSSE REGISTRATION DATES Ilns xviii bc organizcd ys ttutin Tyke ta Mid- le have Junior anid Seni- ils' Teants pending oui itioti. Lî.st year ont i-(lceerea deis weîe a ittractive addition anîd ce ho have Senior Checer- ,tlis comng seaSOil. sh:iy iii shape for hoe- ~playiitg Lact-osse tlîîs s jiii the fii as Chîccrîcadet ut Player. A Gaodiiic League of Lacrosse is playcd ai Brooklii Areiîa Sutiday cveniîîgs. Thîis is fortme n iiot rcgistered iin otganizcd Lacrosse anîd strict- iy tutr l'tti. Tom iFairiiiaiiis Cotivenor. For futnttler iii la r iii a i O n ple-ase cail 7-28-9027. Regist rat ioii forin 0on page LUCKY PIZZA[ CONTESI WIN $00 Every time you buy a pizza from PIZZAZZIP - you coula Win $50.00. Just fil out the forun on the top of the box, and mail or bring it in, enclosed in a plain envelope to either of aur two locations. Every Sundoy -~ there is a draw. Corne on in or phone, YOU COULO SE A WINSER! THIS WEEKS WINNER: Paul Sevcik, 1008 Byron St. S. Whitby. WHITOY - 106 Byron St. S 668-6495,or 668-9909 PIZZAZZI P 766 Simcos St. S. 576-3255 F A 5-s peed COROLLA? YES! WUTH Racing Stripes.e Radial PIy Tires Console e Tach, sports woodgrain wheel, woodgra'in dash, tinted glass l600cc 2bbl carb, 102 hp Reclining Seats.e Fast back sports coupe Sport wheel discs e Cru ises at 85 mph. up to 35 miles per qallon. WiHERE? W oeFWHERELSE?* AT**...rit KING ST. E. K NV lmf 1 MILE EAST 723117 OF HARMONV RD. e- 72@ *7 pionshiip mnateriat in 1972, as wcll as in thie years betore. Thecre is no doubt wliy Gar- rard R oa d is c a lic d the "HOME 0F CHAMPIONS". Ali litis lias made for a vcry exciting background in la crosse for mnany boys. This organization has turned out sanie fine players for Junior "'A" and "4B" lacrosse. Hope- fully, we can continue ta turn themn out in the future and Lacrosse wiIl continue ta be a tlîing of great pride for Garrard Road. 1973 can be a big year for aur Pee-Wees in the Pee-Wee National Tourna- ment in August. House Leagues can be bigger and better than ever with their interlocking sciiedules. For aur AIl-Stars, the South Cen- tral Lacrosse Association, hieaded by Mr. Torii Fairnian, Past President of G.R.M.L.A., appears ta be on its way toaa very good year. And ta top it ail off. . . GIRLS are now an added feature ta aur or- ganization, bathi as players and Checerleaders. 1 rnighî add thiat somne of these girls are very good lacrasse players. I lîad tlie privilege of coach- ing a girls teamn last year and thecy are without a doubt, treinetîdous sports. The lit tic girls whio wcre Chiecrîcaders last year were 50 impressive thiat we hiope ta hiave tlîei ail back again tlîis year. Ta ac- conîpatîy thicm, we hope ta hiave a Senior Chieerleading (teenage) group as well. The 1973 seasan for Gar- rard Road Minor Lacrosse., fronm this op tim ist ic vîew- point, wiIl be a very ooad one. It wiIl bc as it always lias beeni. hie greatcst league thiere is. CHANGE ROOMS FOR WIL- Represen tat ives of G.R.M. LA. approachced Couincil on March 12, 1973 ta ask for serious conisiderat ion ai aur i-equest. Il vas painted out thiat thiis -vas the fiftt annual submnission by uis for Chiange Roomis ta be itîstallcd at Wil- Iow Pa rk. We arc advised by Coutîcil tliat the budget proposaI sub- ittcid by the Rec rea tion Council contains niianey for thiis wark ta be carried out. We 110w have Ia await ap- praval oaiithis expenditure. Bnorrowý MM improvernent - cor-ne in today to Victoria and Grey. Som-etirnes a littie rnoney spent now saves a lot of rnoney tor-norrow. Cail us? VICTORI4A GREY TRUST COMPANY SINCE 1889 MANAGER - LORNE REID

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