Whitby Free Press, 29 Mar 1973, p. 3

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THIUBSDAY, MARCII 29, 1973, WHITBY FREE PESPG OUR HERITAGEA POPULAR CAUSE Canlada's National FI i s t o r i c Sites Ser-vice, a branch ofmithe Departnien t outindian Affairs and Northen Developnîieit. Speaking ai a speciai show- ing liei-e ofl two t'iiîîs on his. toric sites, Peter H. Bennett of Ottawa contrasted presenit public concern with past necg- Iect. "Wilte we are victimis of history, history is ofteîî vic- tiînized by us. Muîclî of* oui heritage lias beeîî destroyed itn the rush for- developotient. Iti the past. Canada's historic resources have been tbu of'ten abtîsed by public indifference anîd lack utf attention," lie said. Mr. Bennett noted, how- ever, tîa t Caiiad ians arme now discovering tlîeir history and sliowiiig conicermn aI preserv- itîg their hieritage. "Public interest anîd suîp- port l'or historic presel-va tion lias neyer been higlier. There lias beemi spontatîeous action by cil izens' grotîps tu protect sites and structures tlireatetîed by develop)tieiit." Ihi the I18 years since the formti oti of thîe National His- toric Sites Ser-vice, cotnserva- tion lias becoîîîe a mlajor de- velopoiient iii Catîada's cul- tural evolution. Cciiteninia I Year niiarked Canada's cuîl- tural coiiing-of-age. The pop- tîlar discovery ut' history ini I967 lias increased hiî tîto- îneîîtutu sitice tlien, lie su id. Mm. Bentîct sýaid the pîub- lic toda,,y detîîatds sopliisti- ca ted coise rvait i on set-vices and waîîts u scec i i story broughit alive ini restored sites. Altliougli the Nationial His- toric Sites Service is nul ti thie bîsiess ut' recreating "iii- stant historic sites or cus- îîîetic egeiidary' laiidscape," thie bratîch is responditig lu puîblic demiaiid for an expan- sioni in facilities. Thîe natiotnal parks systeinlias doubled ini size ini ecelît ycars 10 sonie 80 parks and sites. Ottawa Is also îîegotiatig witlî the pro. vinîces rcgardinig additioîîah sites. Thec ~iiiiber ut' tationial parks visiturs lias triphed ini the last decade. lIn 972 there were f'our million visitors. Tlhe assistant director re- ferred t0 sorne achievemients of what hie caled "a teenage agency". Restoration work on the fortress of' Louisbourg is the niost aîîîbitious military- civil reconstruction ever unî- dertaken in North Arnîrica. It represents the first major change ini approach iin the policy of historic parks mani- agemient-fromn one of care- taker to tlîat of conservator and interpreter, bascd 0on solid docunentary, archacological and architecturai research. The Canadian lnventory of Historic Building, begun by the National Historic Sites branch îin 970 'as a I 0-year prograni tt) record I100,000 historic buildinîgs across Cana- da,' is the first conîprehiensive archiitectural iventory ini the world creatcd for a computer- ized information systern. Tlhe project uses Iaymien and vol- unteers 10 do the initial field wt)mk at a considerable saving of limie and nîoney. M embers of the service's utîdei-water archiaeology unit, formied ~îin 964, lhave acted as consultants aItîunderwater sites in the Gulf of Mexico, off Cyprus and in the sub- Arctic waters of Hudson Bay. The archiaeological section has developed its own trainiing programn for field assistants, recruiting st udents [romn Ca- na,,dian ti iniversities rather than hiring froîn abroad. Mr. Benînett said a laek of university courses in restora- lion architecture or pres erva- ion teclinology in Canada had mnade it necessary to ac- quire such knowledge on the job, but in spite of this the service had built up coîîsider- able expertise and prestige. He appealed for public sup- port for Heritage Canada, an indepen dent non-profit organ- ization shortly bo be incor- porated by the federal govern- ment with an initial $12-mil- lion endowment with the ob- ject of providing a national focal point for historic, archi- tectural and scenic property DOWNTOWN HAS EVERYTHING Goitinedfronn Page 1 tioi1 on a first naine basis. Where cisc but in downtownl Witby wiil a repairmlan take the timue 10 explain exactiy whichi diode or transistor kicked the bueket irn your radio takcn in l'or rcpair? 1If ail that walking IYoni your car to the stores in the shopping plazas have worn out youir shoes you'Il also [mnd that in dowvntown Witby you cani have thein repaircd or replaced. Oid clothes cail be washied. dried or dry clcaned and ncew oics can be purchased ail within the samile block yoiî cati scek legal advîce [romn a lawycr, buy insurance for- yourself. car and house or shoot a gaine of pool in a pool- hall that's beeti arounid as long as mnany of Whitby's citizenls. Wilc Ille Missus is shoppin1g for the week's groceries, hubby cao take the fainily limousine for a car washl and junior cati skip to the drugstore to gel a prescription filled. Stili downtown., you ýcao1 check througlh the listings f'or a new house or saunlIerl jusi downl the street and pick Ilhroughi a varied selection ol naterials t0 add a. muchel necded recrea- lion 10 the oid one. Wit h Spring wel i on the way and your vi fe m tterîing about a new out fit the only aniswer- is to browse throiigh the shops downtown tint il shie finds jusi t he rigli t d ress or panîsuit 10 fi tlle bill. Hobbies and craf'Is share the spotligl t withi facilit ies that can tcacli you 110W 10 lashiol uisefUl or decorat ive pieces fromn day ini Iwo studios. For those witli a taste f'or fine wines yet anlother shop offers wvineilakîing lessons and the finesi ingredients witih w'iih to blend a winc or heer to jtîst yotir taste. The inusically inclined canl buy a record or mtusical inst rumnen t and even t ake lessons on liow bo play a variety of instrtuments. The old and the new are ail blcnded t ogetlier within the 0ice f Iti miltire or choose a sliny nlew tenl-sjîeed bicycle. Scarcely a b lock away anoîher shop dtsplays new and used fancy beit with a hold btîckle guarantced to catchi a youing lady's gaze. Bu t don 't lot us mlake up yotîll r111I fnid or- yotI red iscover down town Wh iiiby and aIil the charin of a tlune you probably thoglt ladlong since passed away. Froin wliere we sit down îown Wh iitby can more-tlIani comupete w itl any plaza or shopping center and ail il necds is you . the shopper, tu gel rea,,cquaZin ted willh the friendly peuple and shiops. Oh1!, by the way , we're downtown 100! Goreski's Summer Resor! Ltd. CLUB ANNRENE A MODERN DANCE HALL PHONE 9835-3068 Fishing - Swimming - Trailers, Campinig & Marina ONLY 20 MILES FROM WHITBY -R.R. 3, PORT FERRY, ONT.- I MONEY FOR CONSERVATIONISI I MONTREAL-Canadians who îîeed fiaticial support for projeci s concerned withî the preservat ion outh le enivironi- tment are invited tu write the White Owl C ons er v ati oni Awards Coitniittec iiiMon- tmeal. Agaitu this year, thue ('ui miii h tee wll disîribtîte grans of'Si1,000 Io $2,000 tu peuple anîd orgaîîizations witlh deserviuîg projects. In addit ionî, the Cotîî nuit tee will accept noiîinations l'or thie two atnimal WVhitc OwI Cuoi- servatiotn Awamds. $10,000 wihl bc givetu to thie gottp anîd $2,'000 u the itdividual who wihh be jtîdged tru have tîîade outtstanîdiîîg cuittri btît ionti5l the ecohogy of' Caniada ini 1973. Thie Whie Owl Conîserva- tioni Awards prograti was es- tablislîed iii 1968 by thie Getu- emal Cigar Comipanîy Liimited of' Muntreai. its ptîrpose is t0 provîde f'inatîcial assistance and tu obtain public support for tliose whio are wurking for etîvionniental preserva- tiotin iiCanada. In January, a $2,500 grant was giveti to tic Jatmes Bay Cotîîîittee, a Moîîtreah-based citizetîs' actioni group. Thie îîîoîîy is being used tu or- ganize public hearitîgs irîto the lîydro-electmic develop- tment proposed l'or the Jamies Bay egioti of Qtebec. Last year the Catiadian Wîîdlife Federatioti wonî the $10,000 goup Award anîd thîe $2.000 itîdividtîal Awamd weîît lu Dr. Fred Kncliîaî of' Montreal. hnqtîirics slîotld bc ad- dressed tu: The Whîite Owl Conservatiotn Awards Coin- nîittee, suite 2705, il155 Dor- chiester Boulevard West, Mon- treal 1 02, Quebec. THE WHITBY FREE PRESS <Voice of the County Town) Honîetowvn paper of fWitby. Brooklihn, Myrtle and Ashbumn; serving Ajax anid Pickerinig. Ptîblishied every Thtîirsday Pubilsed bly wliîtlby 1ree ress tnc. 2 12 Brock St. Sou th, Wtitby ,MaitltBox 206, Wlitlhy. IPhone 668-61 11 or 668-6112- t' tîjior: J udv I)urk-e MAI LING Assistan t Iditor: J un Qu tii >1 Il ' ' Sports Iditor:I)oug WeaJks NO.2941 Ativertisilig: RollX\ ilst înlve HEARD'S TAXI U"4732 Radio Equlpped & Direct LUne A Amo lt Amold's Market, 115 Brook St. N. For Vour Convme~nce 150 Po"r set Whtby CO. ITO. VOUR MUSIC MAKER Providing Entertainment 00010By Professional MJ' & MC'S For Banquets, Danoes, Bar Mitzvahs Etc. SPECIAUZIPA 10lWWEOOGS 1300 Dundos East 668-6828 ONE FREE PASS TO FUGURMAGUC for free home ciomonstration of E LECTROLUX No obligation - Cali dey or nlght PHONE 579-1730 en S& TOWN 0F WHITBYPLANNING BOARD NOTICE 0F PUBLIC MEETING A meeting will be held by the Planning Board on Wednesday, March 28th, 1973 at 7:30 p.m. in the Cauncil Chambers of the Whitby Municipal Building, 405 Dundas Street West, Whitby, On- tario. This meeting is called to consider an amendment ta the *Officiai Plan and ta consider a proposed plan of subdivision. PURPOSE 0F THE AMENOMENT: The purpase of the amendment is ta rearrange the land use designa- tion and ta extend the existing Officiai 'Plan area ta permit the development of a residential subdivision. LOCATION 0F LAND AFFECTEDI: The land under consideration cansists af part of Lots 24 and 25, Concession Il iacated South af Rossland Road, East of Garden Street and West ai Anderson Street. (See accompanying map). Vou are invited ta attend this public meeting ta express yaur views about the development ai this area and ta discuss information which wiIl be presented at the meeting. In this cannectian, ail material is on file and open for Public Inspection at the office af the Secretary-Treasurer ai the Planning Board at the Municipal Offices, 14 Church Street, Braoklin, Ontario. R. White Dr. M. Mithael CHAIRMAN SECRETARY-TREASURER Eveoinp -Tuesdoy m"Turuh "If you want to look your bs" - gàdu Sc ta au ENGLISH STYLE FISH and CHIPSj TRY UR ISHandHalibut onlyI TRY OR FIS andCHIPS You'll like the] KEN4TUCKY STYLE -CHICKEH SNAK. PAK. 901 DINNER BOX $1.35 GIANT BARN $5.50 BROILED BURGERS- Three coins in a Fountain. You couldn't wish for Better Ilarwood Mail, Ajax 942,2811

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