Whitby Free Press, 5 Apr 1973, p. 9

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P>AGE~9 1iIA, APRILS5, 1973, WIiITBYi'L PRESS Whitby, Arts News -by Joyce Read For Period April 8thl - i 4til CAPRICORN - Dec. 22 to ian. 19 lotir aetivity cycle is low this week anti you shioulil tevote yoursoll seriotîsly to matters at hianid. Yotir two niiost signilfican t days are Friday tfli 1311 andi Sain rday file 1 4(ih whenl you are more intu il ive tian tisual. Tlake a philosophie look a! personal allairs. AQUAR JUS - Jan. 20 to Feb. 18 Ti ls eiuizrossiiie- sevenl-day iiîterval provities (iet' xcitiîng îmiieu in wvhîeh yoti operate best. lour eniergv seeîns boîîndiess. Farly iii flic week yoti ele on top ofIthe pgaine. Your significant day' k Suniday the SOI. PISCES - Feb. 19 to Mardi 20 Anl ceemen t of'luck rides wîti hyou on fi 1 9t. lersonal imagnc tiskm llows. This k anl important perot l'for yout Pisees. Il wiII te Itirinig tbis pcriod that vou will bc ablte to separate tltc real froin te innaiined. ARIES - Mardi 21 to April 19 l'ie stimtî lating ferce tf' iast w ck lioltîs over ijuring tii k sevenl-daýy perioti. 'u have cncrgy ti spare. Signi fican t days are Tuestlay the 1t Ot anti Wetlnesday tht'1 1 lii wbenspt'enta tion - rom ancecaiid chli- tiren arc imnportan t. Moderat ion k lies! w !îere nmoncy is concernietinii t-onnleetion witbi speenllat ion. TAURUS - April 20 to May 20 t \tra t ras c! anti a gaîin in k now letige anti coin nmu ica tIlotins are a ll liiebligli ted flic t iîstpart of't nbis seveti tay eriotl. Sceuriiy anti iloney oceupy your iincti aîotindthe 9tlî. Youî Feceling tiof* wcllbeiiie iiiatnane îa I sen se ik lic ie hteneti. GEM INI - May 21 to itîne 20 This week i s like aa tîcil'tiffresb. i urle air. I tir fie ilîstiime in several Iioiît lis oti tee \ecpIt iolly %'awale. lotir inlost sigliîticali t day, ks Stinday fic th ul ot imay tîccde to purcliase t'tir iîîslîînigs ai Ii is tfinie. I loiiie atairs tiake precetleinec on ithe w ceke riti a gtitit tfine toe cilelia inî. CANCER - June 21 to July 22 ']fls -.weck stan- t, tîona tiriuli t îpositive inote. Youî iliiieî itay-. are Su ndav tfie St b andt M ou ta\ the 9 h w heu ytîu flce Iftie pull cf' ambition. Finanices loociîi iîîport-ai t ly as the %week pîlogrt-sses. Re- sui tN sfcila receuit spcnd ing spîce inay couili omei10 o oost a t auii- convcî ii t finie. Il yt)tihave heeiî care les-.s itli i uîiiey, - tiîy ouî buidget cf nnesl il. LEO - iuly 23 to Aug. 22 La i w eek' ci te mcitii loldNs tver iii o tIi k -taia w hicli pick-,stip iiieliituiiiii t wck.Do no t iiiake tcîinslia st iiy o tîaciiipi1 sîs ci. Ytîur t wot iliot sisg îifficanit tda\-,arc 'l ne sîiathlic OI< lia t Wcetlncstluvilec I1t1tii thle best parî!tiftflie îîîtîIo t;art peï-siua i prtiîccts rtîling. VIRGO - Aug.i 23 to Sept. 22 s iiu w ce k teg in s ttii are a t vurn intssocial antI clîaîiiiîg b%!si Yon r ieLitiicanitlais icei ttlî anti1,s filif' surprises, not plc:î- saliti tliesý. Be. pîepaîed te coast aiong (onlfasiw ekt i uîes t'e tiîtë 1 Othl' or l flieoblignit ions and aveid situtii iiî lat eti l cati 10 trou file. LIBRA - Sept. 23 to Oct. 22 ThI li si a ratdier îou t ie seveli day 1iritid. on r is!sî ii icîit is Sui tay the S tlii ail e.\cc lIeui i ie tii se ti5.airave i i iierir%,l Mardi is railway nmonthl andl we'rc gctting lots of* visi- tors. Thcre's diaraîna nmade by the 1 3thi Oshawa Cufis, pliotograplîs of' railway sta- t ions by Elizabeth Wiliott, train paintings by C.B. Logan, railway antiqlues, miodels, etc. Thanks to thcefftorts of a grcat commit tee - Alta Mac Ebcrlec, Jean Epstein, Carol Cooper, M a del1ainile Rose, Teîîic Sala, Mandy Crawford -our giant cocktail party was a giant success. hiconic $1 ,022.00 Expenlses 386.07 $ 635,93 Profit The fil raising goal this year is $1,.000.00, leavîng ap- proxinutely $400 to be made on Ille draw for Molly Mit. chiel's pain ting "Winter Re- flectioni whicli lias been on ilisplay in the Gift Siop. A good start, S05.00 xvas made a t tlle Cocktail Party whien draw tickets wcre on sale, very conivenliently. nlext to tlle coat check. A coiniiiittcc planiniig otir part inIllte ('ou nty Townl Car- nival fias fleen torîneilby Ulla Wiiîaco! t a ndi liey 're coniing up Witlh soniie gî cat îdeas. One of tllin is to organli.e a logo contes!. *Flie ('ou n y Town Carnival niecis a synlilol [IV wvliili it w1ilI fe imilieiately recogni/cil somietliing on tIlic sainefilnes as HIle bell pictutre coniiectcil with Bell Tele- phone- ~Aiiyt)ne livil(n ii lîit- by Townlslip can li i , wlie- tller pi o lession a or a nia teti r andi aI ca1sh prizc vil I fe givel N!ow's Ille t îîî e ostar! plan- n iîîg yoen ci!ry. l'Il fie giving yen imoreile ta ils la ter. Jinu Pa gel is giving a lec- tutre andîilp rc scîta tioîof' h is (MIi WOrk on Tues. April 24i1î ai 8 p.in. (oi'fee andi ileitits will fie aivaîlafle. l)e- tails laîci. I)uîing Illie 1omttiI'cf ily andîi Ilîle'irs! !Owtî ~ek's of* From $"8sé COROLLA 1200 SEDAN "Front Disc Brakes "White Watt Tires "Rear Window Defroster Atîgtîst a course iii drawing and painting will fie ollered by Jimi Paget, Artist in Resi- dence, at the Station, for threce consecutive days (Wed, Thurs. andl Fn. 9 a.în. 4 p.rn.). These classes will fie designeil to fulf'ill itîdîvidual ,zuquirenients of expression. Much of' the course will oper- ate witini a 2 ile radius of thîe Station, il being home base for lunches (self-provi- deil) aîîd occasional studio work. The ptîrpose of this course will fie an attemtpt to clatrify the realities of' draw- inganil painting as disciplines, wliichi attemipt withi patience and study on the part of the sttîdent, cat iecmade f0 flow- er- both tlrouglîi individual in- siglît aînd group participa tion. l'lie tuition fce will fie $15 a week, witlî stuilents proviiling tlîeir owtî nia teniaIs. Furthier ilciails Inter. During this textile miontli a concentra ted weekenil lias fieci arrangeil1for April 27, '8 andil 29111.TThe 1Batik andl Tic Dyc coturse is desigîîeilte explore t lic niny possibili tics ef' ilyîiîg paitIets ie labrics. Sttiletts wîll experinietut witlî ilifferent types of*dycs, fabries andîi reclu iliquLeS. 1Tue iîîStrî,C- ter is Ain uîîStuki wvho is recogîîii.ed as ene of the fore- tuost batik airtisis ini Onitarito, andi \vite lias exhtiflited iii To- rtonto, Meittreatl. St. ('athta- rnues. tLimidtlîiand1iîiI tîil toii Borrow money to save money If that flouse yotî ve set your heart on is a bargalin il buying that cottage ctîts vacation costs - if yotîr property will selI mtîch better for a little improvernient -- corne in today to Victoria and Grey. Sornetirnes a titte îîîoney spent now saves a lot of rnoney torniorrowv. CatI tus? VICTORIAan jEGREY TRUST COMPANY SINCE 1889 MANAGER - LORNE REID NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS ESTATE 0F HARRY MOSLEY, DEC EASED Ail persons having dlaims against the estate of I-arry Masley, late of the Town of Whitby, in the County of Ontario, wha died an the 8th day of October, 1972, are hereby notified to send particu- lars of samne ta the undersigned an or bef are April 3Oth, 1973, after which date the estate will be distributed wiîth regard anly ta dlaims of which the undersigned shall then have notice, and the under- signed wilI flot be liable ta any persan of whose dlaim they shah l ot then have notice. DATE O March 29th, 1973. ZELTA PATTERSON, Administratrix of the Estate of Harry Mosley, by her Solicitors, McPHERSON AND BINNINGTDN, 34 Vonge Street South, Aurora, Ontario. NOTICE Town of Whitby CLOSING 0F ELIZABETH STREET BETWEEN DUNDAS STREET WEST AND DUNLOP STREET Take notice that the Council of the Cor- poration of the Town of Whitby intends to pass a by-law for the stopping-up and closing and also to authorize the sale of Elizabeth Street between Dundas Street West 'and Dunlop Street more particularly described as follows: That portion of Elizabeth Street as shown. on Annes's Plan now part of the Municipal Plan of the Town of Whitt5y lying between Dundas Street and Dunlop Street and more particularly described as follows: COMMENCING at a point in the easterly limit of Elizabeth Street distant 17 feet southerly from the northwest angle of Lot 13 of Annes's Plan; THENCE southerly along the easterly limnit of Elizabeth Street a distance of 688.44 feet more or less to a point distant 10 feet measured nor- therly from the southwest angle of Lot 15 ac- cording to Annes' Plan; THENCE westerly in a straight line a distance of 66 feet to a point in the westerly lirnit of Elizabeth Street distant 10 feet measured northerly f rom the southeast angle of Lot 4 of Annes's Plan; THENCE northerly along the westerly limit of Elizabeth Street a distance of 688.44 feet more or less to a point distant 17 feet measured southerly from the northeast angle o? Lot 3 of Annes's Plan; THENCE easterly in a straight line a di stasve of 66 feet to the poiit o? commencement. And further take notice that on Wednesday, April-l8tt, 1973, at the hour of 2:00 p.m. in the Coumci Chambers of the Town of Whitby a Conmw'uitee o? the Council wili hear in person or by his Counsel, Solicitor or Agent, *any person 1973 -The year of the hanilcu rlght feeis rlgbt *160 C.C. OHC Piton Engine *SAVE NOW NOW AVAILABLE See them tociay at ARLIE SALES LTD. 20-'DUWDAS STr. W. WHITBY 668-9391 A U rT1~I MAZDA 80 COUPE - SEDAN UKI4ZiI# " Protects yeu wheu yu need It mont " Interior Luxury SAVE UP TO $100.00 SERVICE SALE S *M9410#4 RX 3 SEllESf LUCKY PI]Z CONTEST WIN S$500 Every time yau buy a pizza lfrom PIZZAZIP - you could win $50.00. Just fuI out the form on the top o? the box and mail or bring it in, enclosed in a plain envelope to either of our two locations. Every Sunday there is a draw. Corne on in or phone, YOU COULD BE A WINNER! LAST WEEK'S WINNER: Mrs. Edith White, 264 Huron St., Oshawa - 723-0004 THIS WEEK'S WINNER: Mrs. E. Arbour, 920 WAaltan Blvd., Whitby - 668-3925 WH ITBY - 106 Byron St. S. h I A 1 1 OSHAWA 668-6495 or 668-9909 rIL L I. IL II576-3255aSt S

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