Whitby Free Press, 5 Apr 1973, p. 11

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HARILAIO STARS WIN LEAGUE CHAMPUGNSHIP After Iosing the first gaine in a best of three series 10 Bay Ridges by a score of 5-1, the Brooklin-Whitby Harilaid Stars Minor Novice camne back and defeated the Bay Ridges teain1 -0 in the Brooklin Arena on Sunday April I as Scott Stonemnan hield the op- position off the scoresheet. Bobby Middleton scored the goal for the Harilaid teami. This lied the besi of three series at one gamne eaci, and set the stage for the deciding gaine iii the Don Beer Arena on Tuesday.April 3. The third and deciding gamne iii this best of' three series saw the Hariiaid Stars take tlie League Champion- sîiip as they whipped Bay P&ee-Wees Tlhe Mitchell Lumiber Mi- nor Pee-Wees of the Brooklin- Whitby Minor Hockey Asso- ciation wiIl also be pîaying in a tournamien t iii Buckinghamn QLîebec during Easter weck- enid, Ridges 7-4 on the strengthi of FOUR goals by Warreni Smîith. Billy Eyre scored twice for the winners, wile David Blacquire added the single. T'le Brookliii-Wlhuîby Hari- laid Stars wili now meet Mari- anna Developmient Novice ieam fromi Oshawa as they try for te Zone Champion- ship. MINOR BANTAMS IN MAJ OR TOURNAMENT Thîe Brooklin-Whitby Mi- nor Bantanis wiil be playing ini the Major Bantami Tourna- mciii in Buickiniglai,Quebc during the uipcomîing Easîcr wcckcnd, anîd ini order to stay sharp îhcy are playing exhibi- tion gaines against major bant- tainî clubs ini the area. On Thursday, Mardi 29 thcy played a liighîy rated mia- jor ban tain teanti roîii the M.T.H-.L. and rccordcd a 5-0 win. Allait MacDonald, Kcn Reinhardt, Johnî Jordani, Mar- ty Gallas anîd Dave Williaiaîsori ail notchied single nîarkers ini thie gaine. Bill Morrison an d Robert Phiîîips sharcd t h e îîetininding dut ies l'or the i3ig Mac' s. On Saturday, March 3 1 the Big Mac's travelled 10 Orillia Nvhiere they defeated the Oril- lia teani by a score of' 5-3. The Oniliia teant used a mlajor bantani goalîeîîder for this gaine, but were stiil ito match for the lîiglî llying Big Mac's. Captain Loyd Connor led thie Big Mac's as hie scored tlîrce goals (First hat -trick for Lloyd).* Marty Gallas anid Thîe trookliuî-Wlit by Bob Heroît tariEquipinent Ma- jor Novice teairi wrapîîed til the League ('lamîpîouîslip. as they deleaied tce Bay Ridges B ig "M"s iii t wvo ga imie s straîghit. The Bob Heron teami xiii now iîîect the Peterhor- ouglh "AAA" Novice teani for the Zone Chanîpioîslip. The Farîîî Equipunent boys downed the Big *M"s 3-2 in the first gaine on goals hy ('harlie Meitnter, Todd Cottont and UakLn dci xood. -l'lic second gaine \V3s 0-3 iii lavou r ol t he Brooklin- Wlîiiiby ieauru as Darrell llac- quire and Peter Pipîher scored txvo goals eaclh. Ricky Vesters anîd Art Joliînstonie added sin- gle markers. Thc Wlhitby Minor Basebail Association lias announccd that registration for the 1 973 scason wili take place on Sat - urday April l4th and Satur- day April 28th fromi 10 a.m. until 12 noon at four differ- ent locations. Boys in the old town will sign up at the Legion Hall on Byron St. S., Brooklin area boys at the Brooklin Arena, boys in the Garrard Rd. dis- trict ai the Westmninster Uni- ted Church and in the AI- rnonds area ai I15 Almonds Ave. The W.M.B.A., beginning its fifth year of operation, provides a basebaîl programi for boys [rom 8 to 20 and a Tee-Bail league for boys 6 to 8. The Tee-Bail programme which made its debut Iast sea- son, met with an enthusiastic response as over 100 boys participated in a six teami loop which was highîy suc- cessful and W.M.B.A. officiais Mike Edwards were the other goalscorers for the Brookîin- Wliiîby teanm. Ian Forbes, president of the Cou nty Town Singers, presents a cheque from the group to Captain Doug Warren of the Salvation Army to be used for general weffare work in the community. Photo by Mike Burgess ATTENTION i HOMIE OWNERS ,Ibe s INSTALLINI YOURSILF ALUMINUM PRODUCT Siding - Soffits - Ecvistrouchinq - Focic Boords - Windows ond Dom ,- Instellotion if r.quired. KAISER - Direct Foctory km.ch SUPREME WUNDOW à DOOR PRGDUO!S 1730 SIMCOR ST. M. 723"3 are expccting anl cven greater turnout of youngsters for thc scason alhead. To enrol in the Tee-Bail division, a boy must liave reachcd the age of 6 years by June 3Oth. Playing Tee-;Ball he wiIl learn many of the basic fundamentals of basebaîl while develo'ping some of the skills and co- ordinatin necessary 10 play r eg ula r basebaîl when lie reaches 8 years when lie will be in the Tyke group. The W.M.B.A. provides house lea- gue for Tyke, Pee-Wee and Bantamn groups and if there is sufficienlt registration may de- velop a Midget group. House League clubs play one or two games -per week beginning in the first week of June winding up in Septem- ber with pîay-offs 10 declare a champion. The W.M.B.A. also operates clubs representing Whutby in the Eastern Ontario Basebaîl Association in the Tyke, Pee- Wee, Bantamn, Midget and Ju- nior series. The E.O.B.A. is tce governing body of organ- ized baseball ini the area boun- ded by Scarborough on the West and Kingston ini the MIDDLETON'S Homr: 9 Sarn.to & p.r.monk-Fni $et 9 .tto a pl, East. I1972 was a banner sea- son for Whitby's E.O.B.A. clubs as they walked off with Eastern Ontario crowns in three divisions. The K of C Club captured thte Tyke tille,, the Legionaire club were win- ners of the Pee-Wee A honours and the Canadian Tire Midgets won the laurels in their group,; The W.M.B.A. had over 600 boys registered in 1972 and have had substantial in- creases each year since begin- ning in 1969. Lasi season 33 clubs were involved in over 500 bail games with over 150 adults acting as coaches, man- agers and officiais. Registration fee is $3.00 per boy with a maximum charge of $7.00 per family. Members of one family must ail register ai the same lime to take advantage of the family rate. W.M.B.A. Regis- trar, Gerald Robinson has em- phasized that there will be only two registration sessions and with announcements be- ing made in ahl area* sehools and through the press, inter- ested bail players are getting plenty of notice of these im- portant dates. BOOK STORE WEDDING INVITATIONS & PRINTED WHITBY STATIONERY 668-2492 668-661 i i .4 1..> K Coduln St~ Y - i TOWN 0F WHITBY PLANNING BOA RD NOTICE 0F PUBLIC MEETING A meeting will be held by the Planning Board on Tuesday, April 1lOth, 1973 at 7:30 p.m. in the Lower Floor of the Whitby Municipal Building, 405 Dundas Street West, Whitby, Ontario. PU RPOSE 0 F TH IS M EETIN G This meeting is called for the tion and co-operation of the determining the solution of la area described below which vt OfficiaI Plan. purpose of obtaining the participa- inhabitants of the planning area in probîems affecting the development Nill resuli in an amendment to the LOCATION 0F LAND AFFECIFU The land under consideration consists of part of the northerly haif of Lots 30, 31 and 32, Concession Il. South of Rossland Road and West of Cochrane Street. You are invited to attend this public meeting 10 express your views about the development of this area and 10 discuss information which will be presented at the meeting.1 In this connection, ail material is on file and open for public inspec- tion at the office of the Secretary-Treasurer of the Planning Board at the Municipal Offices, 14 Church Street, Brooklin, Ontario. R. R. White CHAI RMAN r.M. Michael SECRETARY-TREASUR ER P>AGE 1Il, IIltlSDAY, AI>RIL 5, 1973, WI-IIT13Y j iIRS BASEBALL NEWS BOB HERON MAJOR NOVICE WIN LEAGUE CHAMPIONSHIPS RXCTURE$ à SUPPLIE 7(9BrockIL.N. Whiby 20% DISCOuNT DIRECT TO YOU-1 GIVE SQO THERS M/GHT Lt VE PREFA URICA TED MOTELS- This type of building is our speciality, low prices, with furniture included. Sizes (12' x 20') or (14' x 151) per unit Also, Rembec is looking for distributors of his products such as mobile homes, tent-trailers, industrial buildings etc. . . mn eveiy available territories. PLEASE WRITE TO: REMBEC INC., 5780,, BIvd. Ste. Anne Boischatel PQ, GOA 1iHO TEL; 822-0785 -i ft 't I 'ji i * i 4 I I

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