F AMI LY RESTAURANTS L WHIT13Y & OSHAWAÀ Vol. 3, No. 14 THURSDAY, APRIL Sth, 1973 we Go te 10 CENTS, FLORIDA The County Town Singers and the Concordia Philharmonie are combîning their musical talents for a selection of tunes f rom the rock-musical "GOOSPELI" to be included in the County Town Singers Spring Show '73. The two groups are shown above, under the direction of Jim Ashley. Photo by Mike Burgess. Oui in Ithe West end et, whitbly a cenirrmitly oet ew hemes and uiew esîdents is springing te life. The area is called West Lynde and Mien t'ully cenîplcied there will be as inany as 6500 new residenis setl ld hin wlia t appears te be ()ne of' the besi planned subdivisions cast et' Metre Toron te. West Lynde was t'ivst cenceived in 1969 Mlien four develepers subbmitted plans te the Town ef' Wliitby t'ov appreval. Fremn that beginning came the ergaiîzatieni and intricale planning et' 275 acres tlîat was developed witli people, net cars, iniind. S)cakiuig oet'iha itirst stage eot'planning, tDr. M. Michael, Tewn Pluminer, said . I't was my îask a i Ihat tlime te ce- erd ina tc the four snbd ivision plans inite a cehicren t and werkable plan and we devised one wiclî wonld basically climinate througlh îraftic." Scheools were te be located on the periphieral et' a large tract of' land wh ich wenId serve as a park and campus area fer betlî and whicli weuld aIse bc close eneuLgli te (ihe sur- reunding homes te bc witluiï easy walking distance. Dr. Michael feli the green arcas weve (of' prime impor- tance and cxplaincd. '"We îried te kcep th1e natural set ting cf Lynde ('reek and uise a central park as a link te schueols and honmes on boti sides with uthc park ceniîectcd te dead end streets by walkwatys." AIl the reads ini Lynde ('reck are planned *fer lecal trat'fic and Dr. Mîcicaecels the strcecil)aiiern is one et' the best te climimate tihreugli traff0c by the iniplenuienta t ionoet loep stneets and cul-de-sacs. For these who mun shont oet necessit ies a smnall shopping area is planncd t'enritie corner f Jcfffcry and Dnïidas Streets and f'onthue esidents whio appreciate nature, Lynde Cneck was diverted ini une location te create a simall pond. Single farnily dwclliuugs uuakc up ilue majority of flhc anca, Occupying 1I'20 acres. -Thrcc othen ýîrcas wilI have ttewnllontses whjicbi will take Lup 25 acres and 700 apantmnen i un jils ill be bu il t onI 2 acres in i lie DnnIdaIs-Jef'*evy Sitree t area. Twe schiools will be buili ini the Aines Si neet-M ichael Bonulevarnd area and one will bie a senior Iiiîc scliool. Tliere are aise txvo sites on thle plan tor'eithrchies beside the scliools andd near the openi areas. 'Fliecheitrches have beenl invited i e make arvangements wi th the developers t e loca te on tliese two sites. Now thai îliinIgs are WeIL under-Way the Fnee lPress asked Dr. M iclael OhelOlIt abouIt Iihe verailI plan a nd lie re- plied, 'I find the basic plaiingiii principfle lias been weil done a nd I a ni Pcrsonal ly pleased wîvi i0- i"îe added '*It 's a well balanced -developmen t, especially for the kids." ý Flic two developens et' tic Westi Lynde are Consolidia ed Bn il dinig('e)rpur-atiion a nd tie Sorichetit i b 1lesof Whi tby. Beili develepers hiave wonked clesely with tthe Town and Dr. M ichiael. T e ensure the aestihetic beauty of* the area the Tewn inîposed architiectural centrel cf Lynde Cveek. Dr. Michael cxplained, 'lhis is the f'inst ti he suchi a plan has beeuî introduced in Iihe area east etf Metrô Teronto." As a sat'egnard againsi ising taxes the developers werc asked teiniake substantial cenivibins ini West Creek. Thcy pnevidied paved streits, storn sewers, underground wirîing, sîneet lighits and iwo trees on each loi. As well the develepers were veqUired te landscape the open space aneas and hiad te centribuie tewards thie widenfing and reconistruc- tien ef' Annes Street. Both develepers were subjecite levies by the municipal- ity and the P.U.C. anîd beth hiad te mnake contributions îe- wavd a pLImpIinlg stationl which was buili te hiandle additienal sewage froni the West Lynde area. Most uf the iownl appears ie bc favourably iniprcssed G>ihnued on page 3 ANOTHER ACHIEVEMENT By Mike Burgess Mucli criiical acclaimi and well-earned laurels, plus count- less miles ot travelling have brougi Whiîby's musical amn- bassadors. the Couniy Town Singers, to their mos i memor- able mlilestenle yel. List week ihis popular choir received word thiai ail sys- lemns were "GO" fo'or their trip 10 Miami, Florida, to enter- tain a t the 53 rd Lions International Convention whichi takes place at thce end ot' lne. Wbile a numiber of the finer details have to be worked out, the Lions International will meiet the cost of most of ilie exponses for ihe trip, such as a specially chariered plane. and accommodat ions for the Singers. The County Town Singers will do tiheir part in helping to defvay ex- penses by giving tour thousand dollars of their own money, which wilI be vaised from tuie net pvoceeds of thiein Spring Concert Selies. The County Town Singers. as a community gvoup. have always been deeply awave of thecir vole as Whitby's voving ambassadors and iîhey've proudly cavnied this responlsibility Gontiizeci on Page 2 INSUDE THIS WEEK MOTORING ..........PAGE 5 CANADA PERMANENT TRUST .. PAGE 10. BIRD'S EYE VIEW................ PAGE 6 KALNINS'COLUMN ..............PAGE 8 BURGESS GIRL 0F THE WEEK ... PAGE 13 and AWAY