Whitby Free Press, 5 Apr 1973, p. 5

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mOTORING wlth Mike Burgess Un fort una tely, Canadian racing fans don't get nmucbi opporiunity te take in Grand National Stock car racing, which is oflC0of' the most powerRil, niosi brutal, and niost competitive formns of' auto racing today. Trhe N.A.S.C.A.R. Grand National stock series always aitracts atIlcast elle butndred thousand fans te eachi race te watch their faàvourite drivers vie for purses in excess of'S I100,000. XJoe Blow' motorist can associale ih tis type o f racing more rcadily because of' the stock appearing cars which look like cars driven on the st reet-Fords, ('beys etc. And the fans areni't disappointed when thie ail lime gre ais ef motor racing like Richard Pet îy. David Pearson, l3uddy Baker. Cale Yar- borough, A.J. Foyt , and Bobby Isaac are on band tb put on the showv. Televisioji coverage is geti ing bei 1er ail the lime, and beîween CTV and ABC inost of' the imupor tant events are televised. Last Sun day on ABC was the Atianta '500' whichi is usually (and va's again) ail action packed race due to a comibination of' the length of the race and a rougli surfaced track which causes a hiigh attrition rate in botli drivers and machinery. But the drivers bat le away anyway! Take somnebody like David Pearson who won this past Atlanta 500, and $20,000 . . . last year alone he won approximately $137,000! His Purolator sponsored 41-7 C.l.D. Mercury is prepared and maintained by the far-nouis Wood Brothers who believe it or not also take 50% of bis winnings. Other racers like Richard Petty prepare their own cars and support their racing operation by being in the retail automotive 'business. This Saturday (April 7) on Wide World of Sports is the Texas '200 ' Indianopolis-car race, and thrown in on the sarne card- as an added feature is a follow-up to the Muhammed Ali upset last week. This shiow should miake for some ilit eresting viewing. Also this weekend, Sunday Aprîl 8, Oshawa Motor Sport Club is holding a non-status slalomn race at Durham College on Simncoe St. just. north of Oshawa. This eveni would be called a driving skill test excepi for the f actiihat there is no reversing. Registration opens a ie college 10 a.m. Sunday morning and the first run will be ai noon. Everybody is welcome to compete or specta te. MTI next week, Happy Motoring! WHITBY THEATRE Coý!ýpany mine 4en locited a THE WHITBY CEN-rENNIAL BUILDING 13 y E ECRFA ri COMPLIMENTARY r Dar E P4RTM 300 BYRON STREET, %ý-IIITBY, ONTARIO ' (416) L)68-9-19 1 CHILDREN STAR IN NEW PLAYS FROM THE WTC Suc Keycs, one of the inu- portant nieinbers of the Whit- by Theatre Company, and who bias recently appeared as an actress ini the group's suc- cessf'ul evcnings of one-aci pîays, is wcaring anotl1er liai these days. Slîe wiII direct the first two presen tai ions f'or the WTC's Cbildrern's The- aire Group, "Tite Dear De- parted" and "The Valiant". The Dear Departed is a comiedy whiîe the latter play is a draina. Thle formier deals witl ithe bickering invoîved when the grandfiîîIîer who lives wiîbi his fZanily is foun d uipstairs in his bcd, apparently de ad and bis survivors start to pick tlhe boues Mien the poor old inan is still warmi. Everything fronm the grand- father's socks to bis gold watch are quickly devoured by mienibers of his farnily, in- cluding the sister and brother- iii-law who arrive just in tîie to put their bids in for the booty. Just as the material possessions of the old man have been well and truly di- vided, he arrives ai the top of the stairs, having awakened fromi a death-like drunken sleep and announices that he is leaving the household to gel iiarried. The Valiant, on the other lhand, is a serious draia set iin ,the warden's office of a U.S. prison. A young inan is 10 bang for iîrder, having been tried and convicted under the naie of Jamnes Dyke. Tbere lias been douibt expressed that this is bis real namec and the warden, the chaplin and a girl who visits Dyke in his death cell have assumned the respoîl- sibility of atterrpting 10 make the convicted mnurderer reveal bis truc narne before lie ineets thie hangmnan. The reason for trying 10 persuade hin tb re- veal bis truc naine constitute flhc dramatics of this play and an intercsting plot twist is revcaled at the play's con- clu si on. AIlil e actors and adtresses involved in these two produc- tions are inenibers of the WTC's cbildren's group. Since thie club's iniitiation iin Janu- ary of this year, have been taking twice-weekly work- shops coud ucted by Miss Koyes. Practîcally noue of those involved lias hiad any previeus stage experience. They have indicated an in- creasiug interestinii theatrical matters and are anxicus to dispîay their talents before a live audience. The WTC's phil- osophy is te encourage young people aud to have theni pre- sent their theatrical ambitions as often as lime permnits, and, because this group of children is composed of area residents, is another example of the iheatrical cornpany's comimu- nity involvernent. There is a performance of the Whitby Theatre on April 6th for the Ontario Hlospital residents only. On Friday. April 27th a performance will. bc heîd for the benefit of St. Thomnas Anglican Church. Tickets are available ai thc box office on tbc evcning of thie play. WIIITI3Y FREE PRESS, THURSDAY, APRIL 5, 1973, PAGE 5 HELP WANTED INSIDE SALESPERSON, VERSATILE, MINI- MUM GRADE 12 EDUCATION. ALL COMPANY BENEF ITS. FIRESTONE STORES 942-3625 SOFT & DRI SPRAY DEO DORANT 7 oz. Powdered. Regular or Uriscenited 1.2 -U C HLE SS" CURA DBANDAGES 60 bandages assorted in 3 sizes SUGG. LIST $1 19 GERITOL 12 oz. Liquid or 40 Tablets SUGG. LIST $3.09 Pain? C-2 it with C-2 TABLETS SUGG, b LI ST W $ 1.39 9 DOUBLE-TIPPED COTTON SWABSc 180s- SUGG LIST 119 6 VASELINE INTENSIVE CARE LOTION

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