Whitby Free Press, 5 Apr 1973, p. 6

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WIIITI3Y FRIZ >ESS, THLtJISDAY, APRIL 5, 1973, P>AGE' 6 BIRD 'S Scratch Gne Woskend 1 dont knw ho youfeel but l'd rather get drafted than clean the basement or garage. Unfortunately nobody has ever offered mie that choice. Anybody wlio lias seen my basemnent would readily admit it would be casier for mie 10 get drafted than try cleaning it. 1 blamie ny father for my ailergy 10 cleaning basînents. As a youing buck I used to enjoy sîaying Up lhaîf the nigit at one mischievous occupation or another. My faîher Lt5Cd to say, "If you can stay up hiait the nighît then you can gct up in the morning!" More than limes I care to remnember 1 had to get Up at seven in the morning and afier a brief breakfast 1 would be delegated 10 cleaning the basemient. The result of those miserable Saîurdays is liîat I have flot corne to regard basemnents as nîy most favourite places FANFARE FOR OSHAWA WEEK JUNE 24 TO JULY 2 OSHAWA FOLK ART COUNCIL PARADE Organizations interested in participating in the annual OFAC parade and other events, please contact, OAFC secretary 728-4968 or Parade Chairman 623-512 1, or write Box 342 Oshawa. in tlie world. i go by Ille crccd ot live and le( live so Mien 1 sec t reasures clu t cring Upl a liasenien t I find the roomi takes on chuaracter and an cerie ainmosphere you'Il tever fiiîd in a spic anid sîian hasenment. Just stop and ulîink what would hiappen, if all the base- mnenîs in this country were cleaned up. First off', Rod Seri- ing would go righit outi-of business, or ai best lie would bc confined t0 ancient casîles which are aiso rather scariice in tihese parts. And how about suchi favourite teicvîsion prograins as Ghost Story? Wiihoui a damp, clutîered baserreni full of, dust and spider webs there just wouldn'î be a plot. Hcck, no self respecîing ghost would be caughit dead in a clean basemnent. Wîh the current wave of nostalgia swceping the country il would be disastrous t0 have a national basement cleaning blitz. The immediate effecis would be a flooding of the mîarket with ail the antiques and collectables dîscovered and the botiomi would drop righit oui as far as prices arc concernied. Wiih so many antiques on thc market there would be hundreds of antique dealers going oui of busi- ness and that means we would have nmore people collecting unemrploynieni insurance. Mmnd you the uncnîiployed antique dealers could prob- ably get jobs ai the Crippled Civilians cloîhing celîter bc- cause they would be absoluîely swamnpcd witlî ail the used cloihing and discarded furniture and irinkets ihai people broughit in afier their baserrieni purges. They îoo would have to drop their prices because of an over-abuîîdaîîce of articles but their costs would go uip be- cause îhey would have to take on extra lîelp 10 gel every- îlîing sorted, fixed up and on the shelves for sale. OLit of ail the basemients ihere is bound to be sonie real art treasures discovered tuai lîad been siuffed away by pre- vious owrîcrs and forgotten. The discovery of' 10 or I12 Rcîîîbrandts could drastically affect the prîces of' hie Reni- brandis alrcady on the market and art dealers ail across the nation would be in a tlustcr tb say the lcast. We sl'otildiit torget the Fire Departnment ciltuer. If' everyiîody had spotless basenienîs and garages the Fire Departiment woLldnit have to go around inspcctiuîg base- Jients for l'ire hazards. Who knows, they inîiht even have tb lay off a few fireien for lack of work. Whleiî you rea lly stop 10 th i nk about il .dCea n ing thli basemient nav. on the surface bc jnist a routine job, buit he ranmifica tions oft such a chore are flar reacliing. As a ina lier et' tac t. now tha ti h ink oC ail fIothepeople 1 iniht pu It t f ork and how 1 ceuild change tlle ecen- onîy eof thi s ceunitry. neot te mention tlhe et't'ects e()ite art w0rld, l'ini wende ring il' i sho Ild t ackle rlitebaseinenrit t hi s Spring. UNDERGROUND CAFE A Coffee House for Whitby 1 think l'd bei ter play',i XWlio k re'vs. niavbe Roid 1*0il a Cou'LtpIc ofep nSt we\. tl sat'e a n d ea ve we Il e nongil a Ion e. 1SerI ing \soLuId pay nie (-toiinsitî, il By Ted Crouicl Every Saturday eveniiig, 'the Underground Cafe cornes 10 life with live folk enter- tainnient, recorded music and a menu offening varjous kinds of' coffee, tea and sof drinks. The coffce bouse is' b- caied in the basetiieni of West- mninster United Church which is on Manning Road off of Garrard Road and north of Hwy. 2 ini Whitby. It originated due 10 a necd for thc over 14 year old youthîs whô liad very few places 10ý frequent upon the arrivai of eachi weekcnd. Ai the Underground Cafe, the kids gel together 10 have con- versation over a few cups of' coffee, or lisien 10 tie enter- iainmient, whichi is provided by local inusicians. It begins at 7:30 p.mn. and runs 10 1 1:30 p.rn. with au adîîîission of' 50 cents. This mioney ccv- crs tie expense of tuie coffce, tea, pop, catîdies and table- cloili s. Atimosphiere wais an fi- portant concept i the open- ing of the coffee house. Now the room holds a warmn, com- foriable feeling amidst the candlclîght, flickering flores- cent light, and soft music fromn the entertainers. On Saturday, March 3 1, an excellent folk musician from Oshawa, Kevin Rundie, enter- tained the people whîo visited the cafe. On April 7, Mark Rowe and Mike Gibson from Bow- mnanville will be setting the stage for anothier enjoyabte cvening at the Underground Cafe. The coffée house is oper- ating in co-ordination with t11e Whitby YMCA as is' the Springfield Mili, a youth ac- îivity centre lîeld every Fni- day nigi in downtown Whit- by. Robert Crichton Judges National Business Writing Robert ('richitoni,Chiair- inani cf Durhant Collcgc's Ap- ;jlied Arts Division, lias beeni asked by thie Torenito Mcni's Press Club IL) serve oii a paic etf judgcs 'or the National BLsiniess Writiiîg Awvards. There are cita tions and S450.00 awards fer thle best eîîtie iii cadci category anîd tlie aývaî d cenipetitioti is opeui te anmy ('anamdian st. t'tor tree- lanice writer wliose enitry is apptlica bIc t o ;agenlera t)u Si' ncess auicucice and lias hecin acccpted by a Canadianl daily, press association, ncws ageti- cy or îîcniodicai. Enîries are acceptable ini Frenîch or Eîig- I i sli. M r. Crich ton's internat ion- aI experience in ilic news niedia was considcrcd inmpor- tan t ini tu Iftil tiig thli ju dging assiguniient. It is cxpccîcd tuiai thie resul Is ot' the conîpetition wilI bc pubtishied duriiîg April and tlîat these awards wvili dra\v attention te business vri iii" as an imtîutfeîd ini journlii S Acomplete mechanical & safety inspection: 1) SCOPE CHECK ENGUNE 2) REMOVE WHEEL AND DRUMS TO CHECK BRAKES 3) INSPECTION FOR ANY UNDER CARRAUGE DAMAGE 4) INSPECTION 0F ALL LIGHTS AND ACCESSORIES 5) INSPECTION 0F ALL TIRES, INCLUDING SPARE AND ROTATE IF REQUESTED 6) ROAD TEST À Amsail service charge of $8.00 wl apply, but we wiII REFUND this amont Up.. completion of any repairs needed. PELESHOK MOT-ORS LIMITED Beoline Roud Alux, Ontori. 668m6873 942-6300 Frîday Mai ch 3Oth nnarkcd the "Gcrainid Opetiiig etfa nesv Youth (Cntre i hilby. Springt'icld Mill, a store. is located a! Il12 Brock Street North, and il nîay bc dc- scribcd as a home cto go away froni home. The Centre is opcrated under a LII> grant- iin connection witlî the WVi i- by YMCA. Springfield Mill wilI bc openî Tuesday to Saturday uîgiluts. On1lLiesday niglits v(.>uig people are welcomed le join iii the siiîg-aIloIIîu timc. Wednîcsday niglits a group of yoiig people arc working on a ene act Caiîadiauî Play, tobb pert'ormced aitheli Centîre. On iliLrsday, a C rcea ti vc Arts Class is L)tfered bo discuss pcetry, muLsic anîd theatre of oLir ies, but the big nighits arc oni thc wcckend. Fniday nighits Sprinîgfield Mili offers iiovics and folk cnhieniaitî- ment f1ir yotig people I 3 tu 19 ycars old, wlîo want a conîfortable place to go. The SatLurday niglît programi is cau- led "Dialogue", a series of iuîicrcsting rap sessions for ywiîg people and parents. If you would like more informiat ion please conie tu Springfield Mill any nighit Tucsday througlî Saturday or cail tue Wbitby Y M C A. 668-6868. r NEW YOUTH CENTRE OPENS LICENSING DISTRICT NO. 7 TAKE NOTICE that 257593 Restaurant Limited of the Town of Whitby in the County of Ontario wiII make application at a Special Meeting of the Liquor Licence Board of Ontario to be held at the Royal Canadian Legion, 217 Murray Street in the City of Peterbor- ough on Wednesday the Twenty-f ifth day of April1, 1973, at the hour of 1:30 o'clock E.S.T. in the afternoon for the issuance of a Dining Lounge Licence. for the following premises: ALI BABA STEAK HOUSE RESTAU R- ANT, 918 BROOK STREET NORTH, WHITBY, ONTARIO. Any person who is resident in the Iicensing district may object to the application, and the grounds of objection in writing shaîl be filed with Mr. H.J. Browne, the (Acting) deputy registrar of the Iicensing district whose address is 55 Lakeshore Boulevard East, Toronto, Ontario, M5E 1 A4, at Ieast ten days before the meeting at which the application is to be heard. Dated at Whitby this 26th day of March 1973 257593 Restaurant Limiîted 918 Brock Street North, Whitby, Ontario- 'I

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