Whitby Free Press, 12 Apr 1973, p. 9

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BIRD 'S EVE by i Quail, I WAS APPALLED l'nî sorry bo sounid so draniatie but that 's just lîow 1I eti af'ter Ilie recent AlI -Nir ton tl'igh t. Even using thec word f'igli r doestn't scecn riglit. Ir \vas more like a back strecet brawl. Two th ings happeîîed te nie du ring IliaIttlgli t as 1 watchied il on televisioîî. First oet ail I gained a lot of' adriîira- tien f'or Ali l ien I discovered lie lîad f*ouglit ftie en tire flghîlt witli a brokeni jaw. Secondly 1 t'elt tlie wlîole boxing scelle vas dirried wheîi il xveuld allow ain opporîent 10 kcep on sinasliiîg arietlier mn's ja\v atter il liad beeui broken aînd the mnan wvas obviousty irn bad pain. I see no reasonl why a fliglit shieuid bc allowed Io con- tinue wlîeui a boxer lias su 'fered al broken bune. To le t sucli a tlghrt continue places boxiiîg eveîî belewvIlle level etf' lic se calied 1)10011sports. 1 did net catch hIe lfigit ftroîituli eginiing si) h didn't knew lhow Alil had 1-tplît belO1terIe nlubut wheîî I1 diii tune lu part vay lireugli fthe figh r I ne riced iînînîediately tha Alil just didn't secim te have it. My t'irst rhiough rs wero thalt lie0 aS 11151 et ring old and ilid n't have i is spuiik. Knowing whiat liappenied te h un ii lu tat terrible f'irsr rounîd I now roalize thiat Ali probabhy did hiave ir but hie0 vaS side-rrackod by thle pain of* brokoui and spiintered bories stickiilntIlle insîdeo f Ilus nou tii.Ne t'igli ter sliouhd hiave te endure tliatinluflicînaine of* sports. lui aIll hoîesty I seldom va tci bexiîg ina tches and fthe wrestlîig is se pheney1thadt it l SIOLldiut be long betore somne of thec more vocal wrestlers wilI have tlîeir naines submnittod fer ail Oscar f'or besr acter or wvhatever. As farli as Mulîanîmilad Alil goes1h nover wvas a tan of' lus ci tuer. Ai liat bragging and boiiowing just t urnied Ie off. WeillAl surroWevlt up a lrot!of'otchos ilu my book af*tor tua t igit. l'inu sure niest boxers wouid just have giveln up after getting hit by a bleov thuar vas se liard il broke tlîeir jaws but net Alil. He corit inued te stanîd up anud take wvhat sonieo miighîr cojisider, 'h is nîediciiie'. Arîd sudideniy i roaiized ail fis braggiîig was itFileaind lie wvas willing te back up aiiv stateliient ie evor mîade. [Ho jnst woîhdnt quiit. Wili such treniendous pain piishi iig ail etlier thloughîts iout cf'lis miid Ahli cour ined to delet'cini iself' anid aithcuigli lis t'amcy tiuitwirk and dancing were geîîe lie stilI kept uip lus guard anid Norton teourd ir dit't'icLt te brocacli Ai's det'oncos. Nebody WOuIiil baille AIil fer ujîit riuîg. Lord knews lue pri)babiv va n ted te niany tillns du rýing tlîat figli t butr lie didn't . As 'er Nortonî I don 'i tIi ik lie recalizcd lie iuad bre- koen Alil's j a wbtlit i nlie lfournd ou 1tr a Ilo lie figlu t lie suro-l\v cOLîuIl't have becin preud of' lus Winu. h îlîiink îis a rot toî way toe wiiu and tlle oiuiy sk Iiiuvelvcd was being able tIe tiirow a punichlialrd eiuough t e break Ille ja w of* leeof* boxing's grea test lfiglirci-s. SeAlil couldn't lbe blaîied and prebabiy' iiit Norton buit whia taboult ail Itle otlietpeeple iiîvolved inIl rlue liglit'r' ' Surolv Aii's tramrer anid mîanager sleuîld have realicîl lie cou 1l't stand a chance et*xinii ingse WhV Ciit iiie t1o hîîîrt Ali llenMore. Silice flic figli r nebedy lias said . t lia r Ihave hcard if' Ille ro'eree kiie-w Ali liad su ftered a brokoii jawý. Il is di t"iCîL[It te boilve that t Ile vo eroi-e did net kiiew exactly wliat xvas Wia t *was at first thouglit 10 be a leian break li AIi's jaw later turned out 10 be a compound fracture--onc of thec worsî kind. The broken bone or boncs were badly splinîercd and the splintcrs were sticking out inside AIi's rnouth caus- ing blood to occasionally dribble out. 1 amn rather disilluisîied wi ti the tighit ganie aftter watch- ing sucli a fiasco and if Ali nevcr figits again it wouldn't bother nie nor wouid I think any less of' hmi. Alil always said lie was the greatest and you know, lie was absolutcly righit. Shamne on his manager, the ret'and Norton. HELP WANTED INSIDE SALESPERSON, VERSATILE, MINI- MUM GRADE 12 EDUCAT ION. ALL COMPANY BENEFITS. FIRESTONE STORES 942-3625 Make money work for you Thle sure road te tinaîîiciAl independenice is te pav yveursell it hst -- te set' asîde l'or youir ewn future ten per cent ot ail incemei as you (jet it. Regular savings at V and G --li special savings paying gencreuis interest or ini Iligl1. lîiglî interest Guzirariteed Irîvestnient C'ertificates -- earn nîeney l'or vou quickly. Start your t*ort utrie todkay a t VicIer i and Girey. VICTORI4A [0GREY TRUST COMPANY SINCE 1889 WIIITBY 1*RILE PRESS. THURSDAY, APRIL 12, 1973, PAGE 9 GUS BRWNPOITIAC Dwidas St. L (ut Hopkins) Whitby 668-5846 Visit us soon at our big now locatilon! CHARTERWAYS REVISED0 BUS SOHEDULE EFFECTIVE MAY 7TH THE EXPERIMENTAL HALF-HOURLY SERVICE DURING PEAK PERIODS BETWEEN OSHAWA-WHITBY WILL BE DISCONTINUED. THESE ARE TRIPS NO. 1, 3, 5, 7, 15, 17, 19 ON THE MON DAY THROUGH FRIDAY SCHEDULE AND TRIPS NO. 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 19 ON THE SATURDAY AND HOLIDAY SOHEDULE. THE HOU RLY SERVICE BETWEEN BOWMANVI LLE-OSHAWA- WHITBY WILL REMAIN UNCHANGED. - I e Hourîy Bus/Train Service to Exhibition Station. a Free Parking at most GO Stations. e Children under 12 haîf the adult.fare. For further bus and train information phone: Metro Toronto 248-3112 Clark son-Oakvillet 845-6694 Burl ington-HamilIton 527-8187 Pickering-Ajax-Whitby-Oshawa 942-2000 ii 7ýÀ NSî r Gomerment of Ontario Transit Operated by CN and Gray Coach LUnos LICENSING DISTRICT NO. 7 TAKE NOTICE that 257593 Restaurant Limited of the Town of Whitby in the County of Ontario wil make application at a Special Meeting of the Liquor Licence Board of Ontario to be held at the Royal Canadian Legion, 217 Murray Street in the City of Peterbor- ough on Wednesday the Twenty-fifth day of April, 1973, at the hour of 1 :30 o'clock E.S.T. in the afternoon for the issuance of a Dining Lounge Licence. for the following premises: ALI BABA STEAK HOUSE RESTAU R- ANT, 918 B ROCK STREET NORTH, WHITBY, ONTARIO. Any person who is resident in the icensing district may object to the application, and the grounds of objection in writing shaîl be filed with Mr. H.J. Browne, the (Acting) deputy registrar of the licensing district, whose address is 55 Lakeshore Boulevard East, Toronto, Ontario, M5 E 1 A4, at Ieast ten days bef ore the meeting at which the application is to be heard. Dated at Whitby this 26th day of March 1973 257593 Restaurant Limited 918 Brock Street North, Whitby, Ontario.

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