Whitby Free Press, 12 Apr 1973, p. 12

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by Prov. Const. Wayne Netiiery EMERGENCY VEHICLES Drivers! Here's an eiier- gency velîlcie reininder. When you hear a police, f'ire. ambu- lance, or public utiiity emier- gency siren, or if one of these vehicies approaches you withi the red ligit on tlhe roof tlashirîg internîittentiy, tue iaw requires tiîat you bring your vehicie 10 a stop as near the rightlîand curb as pos- sible. The Whitby Detachmnît of the Ontario Provincial Po- lice patrol the southern hiaif of Ontario Couinty with the exception of those municipal- ities with their own Police -Departmnents. Here are the weekly statistics for this area. Week of' March 2'-6th -April Motor Vehiicie Collisîins Persons Kiiied Persons Injured Total Velîile Damnage $16,72' Persons Kilied (1 973) Persons Kilied (is date 1 972) Generai Occurrences (as re ported) which include: Break and Enters Thel'ts Assaul 15 tnîpaired Driving Liquor Offences Maiicious Daniage Traffic Compiaints Disturbances Othier Provincial statu tes Did your furnace Iet you shiv'er through the winter? Then NOW isthtimieto change your furnace tu Natural Gas. S~.2Ij~year's rentai of gas burner. ~ installation. With a sh-shiver-y winter still fresh in your mind, act NOW to make sure your furnace doesnt let you down again next year. Right NOW you cao convert your present furnace to Natural Gas-without charge- and no rentai payment until ,September 1974. The Natu rai Gas borner cao be installed n most types of turnaces-forced warmair, gravity warm air, hot water boiler, or steam. Installation, service and maintenance are absolutely f ree. Or if you need a new turnace, you cao get what you need NOW with a space- saving Natural Gas model thats cean. quiet and economical. With burner or furnace, you, pay for Natural Gas oniy as you use it When monthly rentai paymerits start in September 1974 for the gas burner. they cao be as low as $1.95. Don't shiver through jnother wînter, make sure your furnace cao handie the cold. wîth Natural Gas. Now. f5 ( j fmer' jas Ph One 668 -9341 PAGE 12, THURSDAY, APRIL 12, 1973, WHITBY FREE PRESS SAFETY lIPS FROM WHITBY O.P.P., 19 Registrations are also being prepared for Track and Field 11 and Volley Bal. 3 It is the Association's Intention to cover the whole Town of Whitby from Almonds - The Port - Brookilin - Downtown - 4 Willow Park and Ashburn areas. 101 It is not the intention of the Association to seek individual sponsors for each team, with some 600 girls participating in 7 Softball and a possible 30 teams, it would be a prohibitive task. 6 However, donations to the Association will be solicited and 2 with the help of various grants available from Council and the 4 Province together with the individual's contributions, it is 6 hoped that girls' sports will become a reality to many who have 4 in the past not been able to participate. Parents and interested citizens who would like to assist in any of the above program please contact Mrs. B. Underwood, 805 Athol Street, Whitby, 668,3523, Secretary, Whitby Girls' Sports Association. The officers of the Whitby Girls' Sports Association would like to thank the principals and teachers of the Whitby public schools, high schools and separate schools for their co- operation in assisting the Association in the registration of students. WHITBY GIRLS" SPORTS ASSOCIATION The above Association has been organlzed by interested parents and citizens to organize and promote sports for girls ln the Town of Whitby. Each girl wiIl be required to pay $1.00 Membership ln the Association and a further amount on joining a team. This amount depends upon which sports she is participating ln. At the present time two teams of lice Hockey are in opera- tion, and 576 Registrations so far have been received for Softball. NOTE: soine people. after hiaving read this probably say thiatt is is iioth ing but "SOUR but tis is îlot the case. 1 do n01 have a son piay ing lOr cithier ol tic tlea tus nen tioned ini Thbis isinîy' own opinion. SPRAY DEODORANT2 1 7 oz- Powdered, Regular or Urscetted-9 bu -OUCHLESS- CURADBANDAGES 60 bandages assoried in 3 s'zes 5 SUGG LIST $1 19 GERITOLI 12 oz. Lquid or 40 Tablets ' 9 SU GG, LST$309 SUGG, TABLETS s$139 V V Q-TI PSf DOUBLE-TIPPED COTTON SWABS 3 c VASELINE INTENSIVE CARE LOTION 1 Relieves over dry skin Soothes, restores sofiness. fast i4oz. Courtice Aluin l.D.A. Pharmacy S §hort's I.D.A. Pharmacy 117 Brock St. N. 668-2394 Whitby 65 Baldwin St. 655-3301 Brooklin Have youl GOT A DR EAM 0F A HOUSE? A VACATION HOME MAYBE? A PLACE IN THE COUJNTRY? With a smell investment - and aur help - you can make that dream corne true. We have 57 years of experience to off er, so there's a good chance we can help you. Phone us, we1II give you the facts. CCC REALTY CREDIT LIMITED Affiîliatec i wth COMMERCIAL CREDIT 35 King St. West, Osbawca 579-1418 article will G RAPES", or nephiew the article. Sports Editor. Girls join -soccer (bnlifilnitdfrlolilpage Il This vea i athte firsti meet- ing of tdie Minlor Soccer, tllie presiderit Mn. Bibi Vander- koliff suggested thiat Whitby sloid have a girls' socer league. I was ciosen as the Conivenu n. Today. after a few nîonthis of' ineeting at Anderson Colle- giate on %Wedne' isdays, we ai- neady hiave a great nutniber of* girls negistered for ftic coming season. We hiave beeni gettîing a great deal of' lip froin Mr. Bill Vaniderkoliff, Mr. Johin Hiendricks. Mr. Corey Van- liesseil. anid Mn. iHubert Ade- bar, and Mr. Ean- Cane. These gentlemien have been teaching uis how 10 play the gainie. We like to sec miore f eniaes inter- ested iin the-gaine. Ladies and girls bceîween the ages of 8 and i7 cailinie ai 668-9288 and get invoived. Most of aIl we need soine sponsors as up 10 now we only have one, Red Cycle Sports. We like to sec somne Beauty Salons sponsoring uis. Well, let's give the girls a liaind cail Terry today and becomne a sponsor f'or the girls' soccer teain. Tiîank You. WHITBY MINOR BASEBALL ASSOCIATION 1973 REGISTRATION Basebali - Tee-Bali Saturday, April 14th - Saturday, April 28th 10 a.m. - 12 noon Whitby Legioni Hall Brookiin Arena Westnminster 1..nted Cliurchi 1 5 Ainîonds Ave. s3 i>e r Boy $7 Pet- Fanîiiy .10IN '11 VNTHIIS S UAilIE1R PLA Y RA SEIL L. SPORTORIA L by DOUG WMALES US UT FAIRM The two nlovice tcamis frorn the Brooklin-Whiitby Minior Hockey Association both had very good scasons, but after l'inisinig I st and 3rd (Minor and Major) respectively in tieir bcagues tIcey lhad to go throughi their Lakeshore League play- otTfs. The Hariiaid Stars defeated: Ajax, Markhiam and Bay Ridges, while the Bob i-tron Farmn Equiprnent Major No- vice tcami eliiniatcd Port Hope, Lindsay and Bay Ridges. This gave both teanis the Lakeshore Novice Championship inici rdivision. After ail this, the boys hiad to go against the Oshawa N'lnor Novice and the Peterboroughi Major Novice for the' Zone Championship. Thc Harilaid Stars minor novice losi to Oshawa in two straighit gaines (6-2. and 8-3) whiie the Bob ileron Farmn Equiprnent major novice Iost to Peterborough in three straighit (5-1, 3-:1 and 5-3). Both Oshawa and Pcterborough are Tr-iple "A" clubs, while the teams from the l3rookiin-Whiitby Minor H-ockey Association are Double "A". is this Fair? The Oshawa minor novice tearn was aiiowed to play in the major novice league during the regular season, but corne piay-otf limie îiîyjust sat back and waited for the winner of the Lakeshiore Titie ini the Minor Novice Division. They gained ail thle experience of major play, then they proudly waik off wi ti the Troplhy in the minor division. The Peterborough Major Novice teami, like Oshawa Minor Novice did flot take part in regular season piay, but they were iiowed to play one play-off round and dlaimi the Zone Chamipionship by beating a teami that hiad participated in league play ail season and then hiad gone tlhrough three piyofrounds. Is îh is lfair'?'?'? How do you explain this to somne of the parents that traveiied to places like Port Hope, Cobourg, Lindsay, Markiîam, etc. froin Septemiber on'?? Maybe oui- O.M.H.A. Ail-Star systeni needs to be iooked into? You r conînents wvouid beiost weicoine. DR. W. K. CHANG WISHES TO ANNOUNCE THE OPENING 0F HIS OFFICE AT 519 DUNDAS STREET EAST, SUITE NO. 7, WHITBY, ONTARIO FAMILY PHYSICIAN 668-5871

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