IT'S1 NOT FAIR.. . Se. page 72 LMc Donaldea LFAIL Y RESTAURANTS HIT13Y & OSHAWAÀ Vol. 3, No. 15 THURSDAY, APRIL 12, 1973 The cast of the Whitby Theatre Company Childrens (iroup productions performed recently at the Cen- Murphy, Mary Rooney, Terry La Blanc, David Van Ryn, John Rousseau, Corey Perrin. Chris Fer1 h tennial Building. The cast above is Cathy Dewey, Rick Forstall, Lucy White, Jane McMonagle, Christine plays Warden Holten in "The Valiant" is absent. -Photo by Mik4 ugs by Jimi Quail Wliat has been called our new hook and ladder truck in the Town of Whitby Fire Departnîent is flot a hook and ladder truck at ail but rather, a Quint. A Quint is a truck that serves five purposes and our new- est truck more than fulfilîs those five jobs. The S66,000, 21 ton aerial truck serves as a water truck with a 400-gaI. Ion capacity, as an aerial truck with a 100 foot welded steel laddler as well as carrying 1 35 feet of aîuminum extension Iadders. The Quint also works as a pumnpcr with its 840 gallon per minute punmp and because it carried buose it serves stili another purpose. Fire Chief Crouch said of their newest addition, "This particular truck having a pump is comparable to a pumiper truck as far as its value and efficiency of operation to the departmen t." The popular misconception of the new truck seemns 10 be that it was bought to fight fires in high buildings but Chief Crouch explained this was not the purpose in buying the truck. He explained that with factories such as Dupont or Dunlop the problem in fighting a fire in the middle of the plant is that firemen cannot get t0 the center of the fire and cannot trust the roof to walk across it, hence the aerial truck. The ladder can be extended up and over the building 10 direct the water down on top of the fire where firemen could neyer reach. An added bonus with the new truck is that no firemen are needed t0 go up the ladder in such a fire because the truck has a tI-1ee inch hose running to the top of the ladder and connected to a remote controlled 700 gallon a iînute nozzle. Chief Crouch added, "Thiere is a need for a Iadder when you can't climb up on the roof and wall across 10 the middle because of an unsafe roof or walls." He went on 10 say, "In the harbour we could go right ovcr top of a burning freigh- ter to put out the fire." Thi ew t ruck lias niiany ad ('hief Crouch cxplaînled ilia t fl have tIo be accomlpan ied hy a NEWEST Ivan tages nul easily seen bu t oruiial Iy an acrial t ruck voo Id ui iiner t ruck whvlîi wotild I)I1P m a tel up the long h)ose ontheîî acrial truck. The new quint truck lias ils own pounîp to do the jobi and needs no a ssista nce. Chif(roucli sa id. "Th iis t ruck lias beeui designied SO two ie n caii operate il. Most acrial trucks nccd lfive nien." lie wvent on 10 say, "Thie driver hecomies tlie 1lunp operator and the officer of' tle truck hecomies the ladder operator and operates the nozzle front a pedestal ai dlie foot of the ladder on Itie acrial turntable." He addcd, "Il' there wvas the rescue of people involved front uipper levels naturally we will need more thian two mien to man the truck." Anoîher advantagc and lime saver which is 50 important in fighting fires is preconnected hoses whiich the ncw truck lias as well as communications between the top of tlhe ladder and the turntable ai the botîom. The truck also carnies a nine foot diameter circular life net, "But it re- quires seven or eight firemen t0 take up the repercussion of of a person hitting the net," said Crouch. Chief Crouch stressed the need for the extra men because hie felt the idea of firefighting was 10 save lives first and then continue with puttîing out the fire. The new Quint was buit by the Mack Truck Company and is powered by a 235 hiorsepower diesel engine atnd lias a top speed of 50 mi.p.hi. The speaker device ai the top of the ladder is important and Crouchi explaincd, "Il would be used in a rescue situation'iiwhien the mnatiai the top needs hielp or needs tlîe ladder mnoved one way or the otlier." The Chief said il would also allow tic ground crew tu warn tlhe nuan at the top if lie was about lu bc enveloped in liantes or snîoke. In case of' an, enginle filurei- the Qoint truck lias a sepa- rate electrical power source to ron the couire Iaddcr. Crouchi added, "The truck wiIl respond lu aIl buildinig catIs once wc get Aildiie nianpowcr îrained on the tise of it." lic added, "We may tiot use l'le ladder cvery tiîîîe but we wliIl use Ille pumip!" A QUINT Thlc Fire Departnient's newest addition was boughît wîthi quite a saving. A pumiper truck would cost S.35,000 and an aerial truck xvould be another S65,000 andl evei, combining thie two into one t ruck as the XVitby Fire Dej) lenttlhas done wVould now cost in the area of' S90.000 Town zg t a rea Iha rgai n. Chiief' Crouch reconncnded thiat aîîy nunIL uly coni- tenipla ting buying a truck shou Id consider thie cu 2 bination of' acrial a nd pumiper and said, I don't undi îîid whyv Miore n1 Iun icipali tics don't inake thieir purchases willhiis thouglit in inimd!" k Hc explained, "Our flrobîe i in WWhitby is to protect the buildings thiat are spread out while in Oshawa the Fire Departnment is seeking an acrial truck 10 protect the highi risc apartnments in the north end of the city." Con tizued on page 3' INSIDE TRIS WEEK MOTO~UN« AGE..5 JOYCE EAD . AG: W 10 CENTS OUR FI REFIGHTEIRS' R P R.ESS 1