Whitby Free Press, 19 Apr 1973, p. 12

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PAGE 12, TFIURSDAY, APRIL 19,,1973, WHIiTBY FEE PRESS Gaf«ik approvos involvomont Corps, whichi is affiliated with the Ontario Reginient in Osh- awa, lias been authorized by TOWN 0F WHITBY PLANNING BOARIJ PROPOSE O OFFICIAI PLAN PUBLIC MEETING The Town of Whitby Planning Board wilI be holding a PUBLIC MEETING at 7:30 p.m. Thursday, April 26th, 1973 in the Council Chambers 405 Dundas Street West, Whilby, Ontario. The purpose of this meeting is to consider the OFFICIAL PLAN ALTERNATIVES. Further information with respect to this meeting can be obtained from the Planning Office, 14 Church Sreet, Brooklin, 655-3346. Cou nciiior R. R. White Chairman Dr. M. Michael, M.T.P.l.C., Drector of Planning Norni Cafik announccd in Ottawa tonlight that No. 2525 Pickering High School Cadet the Departincent of National Dcl'cncc te assist homceowncrs or the lakeshiore arca of Pick- ering Townîship te liiithe figit to preserve thecir proper- tics. The Coînnmanding Officer gr the Cadet Corpîs, Major A.J. Cafik, wlit had offered tlle services tif'lihe grOLÎp, liad, thriough soineiC isuntder- standing, been le formied lîy is District Cadet Officer iin Tren ton tiant t bey werc lit attlîrzed Ie participate ini this acîivity. The ie iV stercf' NatilonaI [)elence, '['lie l-louru bIc Janies Richiartdston, aflIer coni- stltuI!tioli witlî the Meiber Irtini Ontarie, isstîed inst rtîc- liens Iliat UIce rps wus atu- t ber ized te a ssist iii tiiis in- portanit relief' work aind coiin- nîcnds tIlle P i c k e r i nl g Hligli Sciiloci Catdet (Crps ter their. initiative anîd puLIi)il-iitCti uliproacli. Co-ordinators are appointed for new transit program Two MIT( exectîves have beeii assignedti cco-ortimat e thle six-point prcgraini aniowiîced lust Novenîber by Premîier Williamii G. Davis te shîift eiiipia- sis freîîî expressways 10 a variel y cf facilit les that wili'"pet îpeople f irsl." Kirk W. Foiey, formier tiirec- tt)r cf thle ecciioiiis aiiulysis bru ichi. becoiiies execttive ce- ordiîîater, Initerîîîetiate ('apacit y '[r nsilSysteiui. (.I C. David A. Suthlerlanîd, formîer mnaguer o f' thle marinage mîe nt services office, wiii be assistanît exectîtive ce-ordiiiator. XV hle tievclep ilielit of' a iiewv t ru isp()rI atton01 ic)Lde , w il h)i ight, nîcîseiess. lptiltîe-free vehîles. THE CARSON FUNERAL HOME & CHAPEL Personol Fomily Service To Brookliln and Surroundlng Areas Robert J.Carson - Funerai Director 655-3662 Day or Nlght Funerals Wlthin The Means 0f Agil Familles 79 Baldwin St., Brookin <Hwys. 12 &7 pcwered hy linlear 1 icdUction' niotcrs, represetts thle inost spectacular feature of the pro- grain, the other proposais are being expedited witlî the up-I po11iilints. Thew governmient wiIi pay sub- si les of 75 per cent te ail inunicîpulit les in thle purchase ef buses, streetcurs ani trolley buses, andi ether related transit facilities.U lt will sublsidjize progranms to alter thle deniund l'or t ransporta- tion ut peak heours hy enceurug- ing staggered working hours and fcur-tiay work weeks. It vill puy subsid les (>1'50 lper cent for uipgrading anid expanding ceni- piller cont roiled t raffie systems. In co-eperuf ion with inuniiici- palit les it wvili Cx Iindti tjd1es ft)r one-w,îs st reets a nd ticlivery a nd parking policies that will put ex isi ingrmactis t e ina iii t1LI iii tise. The government will aise in - t ensify e fforts tIo co-ortiina tel t ransportatio>n planning al mong tlle in tit ic ipalit les> Kirk Foley Dave Sutherlanîd With respect te thie I.T.C'. the province is fiîîaîciîîg the devel- opinent cf a prototype and' its denioiîstratioiî ut the (NE. It wili puy a subsidy cf 75 per cent 10, nunicipalities whièh apply tlîis systei to tlieir needs ln the fututre. Ii a nnotniicng the appoint- ielits Deputy Minister A. T. C. McNab said that they iii ni, way diiiinish thie responsibilit les of theN iMiîistry's existing opera- t ions. i iowever, since the Minis- t ry lias tîeeîîcomin i lted 10 juioneeriiîg anîîunrt riedtitransporta- tien moide, the cc-ordination and mnonitorinig cf its îîaîîy aîîd diverse aspects is essential to orderly iîîpleîîîentuticîî. 'Fle office cf the co-ordi- iiatcrs wili ecti ui thle focal poit cf' i nvolve nient wit h thle llre iii ier*s Office and thec Miiiis- t ries of Treastirv. t' cconiics anid ilit er-gcveri neital Affuirs aiid i iicust ry' and loti rsn. SALES HELP Due to the phienornenal growth of Lipton's ladies' wear specialty shops we are opening a new store ini Scarboro Town Centre. Positions are available for experienced sales personnel, managers' assistants, alterationists and cashiers. Qualified applicants withi successful sales records cati look forward to excellent cornpantiy benefits and pleasant working conditions. For interview appointmlents, please phione MR. KAUFFER- 259-9635 (or write: 29 Connell Court, Toronto 18) bIWFON~ On April 4th the following six N.C.O.'s were promoted-Ken Dallin promoted Petty Officer Ciass 1, and promoted to Petty Officer Class Il were 0. Vaciunas, J. Molica, S. Wahl, J. Frendo-Cumbo (Jr.), anîd S. Buckle. The picture shows the Commanding Officer Captain J. Frendo-Cumbo, C.D., shaking haîîds with P.O. J. Molica. The Corps are having their annuai inspection on Saturday 26th of May at Heydenshore Pavillon, Whitby, Ontario. It has a band and runs courses ail through the year. Cadets will be serving on H.M.C.S. Haida, Cornwallis and other training camps. We will welcome any boy 13 to 19 to join our Corps. training. Barracks are at Coîborne St. Public School, Whitby. MIDDLETGN'S BOOK STORE WEDDING INVITATIONS & PRINTED STATIONERY WHITBY 668-2492 me to- 1

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