WIIITBY FRET PRESS. THURSDAY, APRIL 19, 1973, P>AGEi 5 MIOTORING wlth Mike Iurgess This Easter weekend marks the start of' the Mosport Park racing seasoen witIb the ii race ini t1e Bulova Chami- piensh ip series. Bulova presiden t R. Mark Bou rquin reccut ly made the olhicial annoti ucemenclt conIlrm jilg Ili, compa uIly's speîîsorshlip et, the Severi event sciies. Mr. Bouri'tii de- scribed the Bu lova Championship as two series etf races, oneC Ier drivers 6f' Formula Ford raciug cars and the otlier Cor drivers of' 2.5 litre sedans. The winner et' the Formula Fordc division is aise crewned Ountarie Champ ion. Hie aise saîd fua t thue lulova 'luamipionslîip) prize fpot \weuid be tlîree imies as big as the total eilteredc lasi year. It includes a S? .7500 scholarsliip t o be presen ted t o the Formula Ford clianipion by the Canadian Autootenieb ile Sport Cl u bs (C.A.S.C. ). Thîis sclîolar-shluip will bie used te defray the driver's expenlses iii the LurepeatilIFormula Ford Champion- ship in 1974. "We know that racint, is exp)ensive," said Mr. Bourquin, 4'thiere lore wve are t ry img te hui d up thle Cash and mlerchall- dising awvards c'tell year se that îhey are uiselfi in defraying expenses efthile drivers." Builova lias establishied point touds for both categories tetalling S4,000. Ini addition, the coun- pany is providing mnerchandise awards of' S400 for each of' the sevenl evelîts. Contingency awvards, establislhed by inanuifacturers for drivers using thecir products, add uip te $1I8,000, bringing the total for the series te more than $30,000. The Buova Series lasi year was probably oeeof Ithe most competitive and closely con tested ini the world. Righit up te the f*inal race it was auybody's guess as te wheo would wÃŽil the series. And THIS year wi th thie eutry of' many new, young drivers, and a couple et' veterans. AI Pease and Craig Fishier, it shoold prove te be 'bigger and better'. Last year's largest entry totalled one-bundred cars. Another event saw 62 Formula Ferds ha t ing te make the starting lhue-up. Bu t most imrportan t. despi te the added cash, they are net losing sigh t of the lfact the Buleva Series wvas- originally *ceniceived as an epportunity fer amateur racers te learn skîills and prepare theinselves f'or a siiot at a pref'essional racing career. Thue race 'scbiedule tliis Sunday goes like this: 9 - 1 I1.45 a.mn., alterna ting Formnula Ford and Sedan pract ices; I12 -1 p.ml. lunch; 1 p.m. the tirst et' îlw Formula Ford tqualifying0 races ( 15 laps): 2.30 p.m. Bulova ('banpionship Sedanl Race (20 laps): and 3.30 p.iu. Builova Chainmionshiv Formola. Ford Feature Race (2Ã" laps). And final y1«(,for those who 1)ONT KNOW C??) where Mosport is . . . go nerîli on Liberty St. ini Besvinaniiville (exil #75 ) fer twvelve miles and ge ini any gaie. A while backt1iet tionled iliat the fOrsi protfessional sla- loin teaini, Teani E RA. svas on the dawngboa rds. WellI l'il' The Team ERA Datsun PL510 sits quietly after a very successful liapp IoYt report thal pîcked tup îlîreeinuaj f irsl regien a Iclhamup ýt Teani ERA lias beceuwe reality, lias or sponsors, anddlbas ceiupeted in their iiiîsh ip slalomn, the tirst even t of the season wvhicli was lield last Suiuday iii Brampton. The first evetut on the chiiieiucsliip t rail ilwvays attracts a large ent ry, but this year's surpassed aIl expectatiens wvhen oee hutndred and t enty-lfive competitors turned eut. 0f' Ibis number, eigiteen wer-e localites frein tbe local C.A.S.C. club O.M.S.C. Tean ERA's four drivers pîaced second, tird, fou rit and fiftli. Net ba for a first îry wifli a nesv car! lul second place xvas Don Clemeiit, follow.ed by Ralph Robin- son. Ruthi laliday ( wbo also wvon 'First Ldy).- and Yotirs Trully . NM exù tise is t lia t a st ic king t liroe 1eIitukage senut me ito aCeornte r. junst a Iii t le too fa-st a nd îîeed less-î o-say cou lldii't gert ilurouiglîtii but inaged t o stop befe(re fI wiped eut' the soul truck' Fellosv O.MI.S.('. nieiîubers aIse pLaced xvell: Jini Famnîe w~oni E/P: Sylvia Tlîeîuînsoniiarevysquleaked by lier butbby Johin te place second iin C/Pl: Don Duchiarme cameî i luiri iii E/S an d I was give n a feu rIh in D1/P. liT i ex t weeL k I ppy Mol t ing' Plan your Vacation now CHARTERWAYS Niake sure this year's vacationi is problenli free by plianning aheadi riglît now. Fix Up your cottage -your car' - whatevei' is îîeeded te help you get the niiost out of a trouble free hioliday. Tbe nmoney you spencl now on your suîîîiiîer property andc equipnment will cost yeOI less than delays anid inconvenience. Talk te your friendly, expeî'ienced Victoria and Grey manager about the iiioney yoLi iîeed today. VICTORI4An ÊMGREY TRUST COMPANY SINCE 1889 MANAGER - LORNE REID REVISED BUS SOHEDULE EFFECTIVE MAY 7TH THE EXPERIMENTAL HALF-HOURLY SERVICE DURING PEAK PERIODS BETWEEN OSHAWA-WHITBV WILL BE DISCONTINUED. THESE ARE TRIPS NO. 1, 3, 5, 7, 15, 17, 19 ON THE MONDAY. THROUGH FRIDAY SCHEDULE AND TRIPS NO. 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 19 ON THE SATURDAY AND HOLIDAY SCHEDULE. THE HOURLY SERVICE BETWEEN BOWMANVILLE-OSHAWA- WHITBY WILL REMAIN UNCHANGED. day. It stormed to second, third, fourth and fifth place standings. Photo by Mike Burgess. 'i A ', 1 1