PAGE 18 The Ontarlo Paint Herse Club by Mike Burgess The pet pee ve commi-on. to ail Paint horse owners is baving sorneoîîe less knowledgeable call their boises Pintos. A Paint horse looks like a Pinto, but isn't. The difference lies in the breeding. ALL Paints are registered and must be sired by either a quarterborse, a tboroughbred, or another Paint. Wlîeréas the terni' 'Pinto' can be used to refer to ANY horse with a colour pattern, and not a specific breed. Paint liorses are divided into two Gategories by colour patteris: Tobianos, or -Ovaros. Tobianos have white on tIiri bucks, and Ovuros have coloured (brown) backs. Alice and Jimi Hebb of Cedar Springs Faim, R.R.#I Brookliîî, are two of' many Paint horse owners and loyers who are quite active in the Ontario Paint' Horse Club. Despite the faet that the Hebbs only started slîowing Paint boises two years ugo, they nowown four Paiiîts and bave another being brouglît in froni Ohio. Two of the llebbs' nîost famnous prize-winning Paiiîts are Bear's Bonanza and Bearcut's June. Bear's Bonanza, a two yeaî old Tobiano Paint, took first in the '71 Indiana Futurity, Burlington and Fenwielî and followed up ini '72 by winning tbe Reserve Champion of Ontario, and yet another first at Sinîcoe, Ontario. Bearcat's June. a two year I old Ovaro, won last yeur's Reserve Champion ot Ontario, and pluced sixth in the Ohio National Shiow for Grand Champion Mares. June is now ini training for Pleasure and Rein ing. Mis. Hebb told the Free Press that Paint horses can be bougbit for as litile as $350 but a winner is probably wortlb about $1 .000. And of course points won in conipetitioli also increase the value of the bioise. lronically, the Hebbs started originally witb a Pinto, but whien they found out about Paints îbey switcbed. Mrs. Alice Hebb, who lias been riding liorses "~as long as 1 canri een- ber", prefers sbowing liorses us adverse to racing borses because slie feels racing is a real strain on borses. Besides slîowing, looking after, and training bier bioises (not to men- tion lier housework), Mis. Hebb biolds downi a fuil-tinie job ai the Wbitby Mail. About owning a bioise. Mis. l-lebb says thie iiîost expen- sive part is boarding it out. if you don't have a place of your own. Board in a good place cun run $45 to $50 monthly. But if you have your own fucilities the estimnated mionthly cost including Blacksm-itb fees every three mon ths for clean- ing the booves,- trimming and re-shoeing; grain and lîay; should be only about $20 - $25. Mrs. Hebb says "if you buy a horse, take cure of it. Work hlmn and exercise himi and make sure he's fed properly." The Ontario Paint Horse Club was establislied about five years ugo and its miembership ulready exceeds one hundred. Its purpose besides being a fîaternity ofniutual interests, is to create awareness of the Paint boise and to further and maintain the quality of the breed. The president is Jii Muir of Birnbrook, Ontario. The secretury, Mrs. Hebb, can be contacied for miembership information ut 655-4698. Paint horse ownership is not a prerequisite for- memibership. every- body is welcomie. Wïhat is a Paint Herse? 41,4/S £ rn- ?r NLbér/