WHITBY FREE PRESS, THURSDAY APRI L 26, 1973, PAG E ____COUNCIL NEWS___ THE 1973 TOWN 0F WHITBY TAX RATE [Tle Town of' Whitby hias partinit lias increased by enljoyitng inicreýased road granits cstablislied ils I1973 tax rate $40000 with threce-quarters which average 68%, while pre- f'or aill municipal purposes of' this amnoutit due to the viouISly county roads . were showînig a reduci ion of' 2.1 existing enîpluymiert agree- subsidized at the 50% level miilîs and an increase iii the muent. and bridges ai flie 80% level. town rate 0f 0.7 mîilis. The road prügrami provides The County also reduced The effect of' this reduc- for a -33%/, increase in patching, ils net requiremien îs for the lion on an average house as- an' increase in the over-lay oft Homnetfor the Aged from sessed ai $5,000 anouints tu paved streets, as weillias PrO- $27 1,000 10 SI12,000, because $1 0.50. The above reductiori vidîing for the purchiase ut a tlie Ontario Extenided Healîh does nul take mbt considera- niew works yard location. Care Ienefits becamne effec- c lion the eduIcationl tax rate tive April l st, 1972, for cer-I and alîhougli the, Se parate Deonturos tain persons who rteeded a School Board of' Educationi specified degree of nursing t miii rate is ini, the Ontario Annual deben ture pay- care in icensed nursinig homes,s Côunty Board of Education mnents affecting tlic general c ha ri ta blIe and municipalI miii rate is nul, rate hiave increased by approx- hoines f7or the aged. Persons The Town of Whitby inill imately $78,000. Thiese 111 qualifying foôr extenided care t rate showing an increase of clude the first payient' l0 wili be responsible for paying b 0.7 mnilis takes mbt considera- wards the Curbett Creek Pol- $.3.50 per day, while the next c tion the new Provincial Grant lUtiOn Control Plant; Dundas $9.00 per day is paid by thes of' $62,000 in assistance t0 West Reconstruction; Aeriai Province and the cost over t tlie municipalities thiat hiave b-dder and the new parking si12.50 per day is shiared by t inistitut ions, and includes the lot un1 E11m1Street. the County and the Province new resource eqUalization wiliî 3011(utof the balance pay- grant. The municipaiity alsu Country Rate able by the County. est ima tes receiving a Pruvin- h ow fWitys1The Cou n ty Of On tarnu cial Generai Support Grant Th Tw oWhî y'sC expendit unes lhave increased un the basîs of 417( due tu the lfor Coun1ty puLîp05se is est,- î'ruîu S6,000,000 ini 1972 tu town's next general expendî-i. aîed ai $5 19,000 while last S7,800,000 in 1973, but the turcs increase over the expen- year's shiare was $637, 00, iiil rate lias decneased nîainly ditUneS in 1972 being 107 anid tluis difference reilectstl because uf increased provini- Th is grant of'SI107.480 en reduct ioni inthie miii rate. cial subsidies f'or ruads and courages 1the nunicipalities R> Thiis year the Cuuinty 15 for humes l'or the aged. keep their expenditures as- Iow as possible by providinig an increase iin hie percentage uf the grant to those munii- cipalities that have the least inicrease. The minimum grant is 21/( lu thuse munîlcipalitieS 6S'wc thiat have increase expealdi- DVE0N PNTG turcs out1'1(2. and over, while the maximum1.11 grant is 7 pay- able to those mLtnicipaIlites- tdhat have ani increase in ex-)k penditures of' 8% or less. TleJK pencentage of grant tu thee Town of Whiîby is 4. akinu(,K iinto) cunsidera lioni lie ir i0k- itîcrecase ini expend iltires ovenjk the pnevious year. )K À Two major dep)a tuelt 5k sliowing increcases tliis yeark 2p%1 are the Library Board aî)K. $47,000 and the Pianinig)k Board ai S65,000, diue lu thek înicreased prograîns uf* these k îwo deparnments ini 1973. Jk The Police Dep)ar-tmetk Budget lias inicreased by)K $62,000 due mnainly lu wageK agreemienîs. anid the Fire De-k* TENDERS k' TRUCK CHASSIS 4? Sealed tenders will be received by the under- k signed until 12 o'clock Noon May 7th, 1973, for the following ' 1 -Truck chassis con-k ventional cab G.V.W.k 26000 - 29000 pounds ' 1 -Truck chassis con- ' ventional cab G.V.W. 18000 pounds Specif ications may be ' obtained from the Pub- ' lic Utilities Commis- ' sion office, 128 Brock ' St. South, Whitby. ' The Public Utilities'k Commission of the'k Town of Whitby n Dr. J. McKinney Chairman H. C. Simpson Secretary & Generai Manager. 2 SPARKLING FULL COLOUR 5x 7 ENLARGEMENTS SPECIAL PRICE 2 4 for oniy f rom your favou rite Kodacolor negatives, mou nted in del uxe studio mou nts. -----CLIP THIS COUPON AND PRESENT TO DEALER------ vThs offer valid oniy with presentation of this coupon. Take your Kodacalor nega- tives and this coupon ta your partici- pating deaier an d save! Don't Delay! This offer good for a Iimitedtime onlyJ SPECIAL COUPON OFFER EXPIRY DATE MAY 30, 1973. t 181igifui oi Hi 11111111811111118111118811uIIgIuIIIgIEuuIu .......... .121 Brock Street Sout ~ WHITBY, ONT. fl l O)e oftheCo~SIWMgrOIuP PE DISCOUNT STORES Counol Sympathofloc SO6CCE R COMES TO COUNCIL Whitby Town Council re- centIy accepted a challenge fromn the Whitby Minor Soc- cer Association executive to play a friendiy soccer match. To be played at Peel Park, the game has been tentaîvely schieduled for May 12 with M'ay 26 as an aiternate date. Mhitby Minor Soccer Associa- tion is planning a Parade on M4ay I12 for the purpose of )pening the I1973 soccer s ea- son. They have also requested that the week of the ioth to the 1l6th of June be declared 'Whitby -Minor Soccer Week'. wY 'I "I am very interested in the welfare of retarded people .stated Mrs. Dorothy Lonsdale of 211 Crawforth St., Whitby, as she miade a deputation to town counbil last Tuesday night. Mrs. Lons- dale wishes to board two psychiatrie patients in hier home, but unfortunately sI>e resides in an 'R-2' zone which only aliows for '.single family dwelling'. Keeping boarders in a resi- dential zone is a contravention of the zoning By-Iaw, and thus Mrs. Lonsdale was mak- ing application to have the zoning changed or amended, or have the 'status' of the '40 IIci 209 Nilia Wilson Size 20 dress to a size 12 in just 13 weeks. Before Afler Bust 4212 36 Naist 36 2614 Abdomen 45 36 -lips 473/ 40 1 have been going to FigurMagic for 13 weeks and have lost 5412 pounds. My husband and children are really proud of me. I've been following my diet, doing my exer- cise and going t0 FigurMagie and feel great because l'm a happier w'oman.-fÎ0 W e ' 117 SALONS OPEN .471 3--95#286 POuNDsirOS OPEN 6 DAVS A WEEK Un im ited Visits MON ..FRI. 9 arn, 10 9 p. SATLIRDAY WHITBY MALL 579m2617 OSHAWA CENTRE 579-2052 1 If ý ÎE 3 9 boarders changed. Mayor Desmond Newman was must sympatlietic, as were several council meni- bers, but a decision was post- poned pending a report and advice' from the Operations Comm it tee. OUNCIL GIVE THENSELVES RAISE Eight-to-three was the vote with eight councillors passing the By-law to raise their an- nual salary to $4,000. There was much debate with Reeve Edwards steadfastly insisting that a lesser amount ($3,500) was more in keeping with an honorarium. He nevertheless Iost the vote to the majority. But when the Head of Coun- cil's raise came up there were neither dissenting arguments nor votes and this position was raised to $12,000 an- nually.