PAGE 8, THURSDAY APRIL 26, 1973, WHITBY FREE PRESS KA LNINS1 k KALNINS ON LOCAL PRESS For somne time 1 have been keeping an eye on local news stories and phiotographis that appear weekly in the area newspapers. It is interesting to note that the vast territory cast of Metro Toronto is almnost infested with ail sorts of news- papers. So fiar i have countcd ive wecklies but, I'mi.positivc, there must be more. Judging fromn the outer appearance, they ail seern to have oné thing *in commnot- INCOMPE- TENCE. During miy fifteen.,years in newspapcr business, seldoni have i seen so nuîch rubbish in print. Whiere cisc can yQu read the letters to the editor, written (and often fabricatcd) by the editor hirnself. And, whereý else can you rcad last week's news this week or vice versa. The journalistic incompetence is rampant in this area, starting fromi Oshawa and stretching ail the way to Scar- borough. Somnetimes the mind boggies as i start reading local town criers. Only recently i picked up a newspaper that used a mecat boycott story on front page while the biggesl and miost important story of the week-the flood disaster and home- less people was hardly mnentioned. Looking at the front page, one would get the impression that nothing of greal importance hias hiappe ned. The front page wvas decorated by a sports picture which should have been carried insidc on Sports pages. Then, there is a newspaper wliich looks like a spring edition of the Toronto Real Estate Board-almiost every picture taken with a Polaroid camiera. And if you want to find some nw-forget about il. Closer to home, 1 camne across a newspaper whicli at first glance looks like a Britishi Sunday tabloid but when i opencd it (much 10 miy surprise) 1 discovered a hefty broad- sheet. At first, i hiad to turn the ncwspaper clockwise several limies before i could open it properly. The local newspapers are also crowded with advertise- rnents and thus miake tlhem look like K-Mart promu inserts. Any paper' which accepts more than 65%c of advertising mnaterial should not masquerade as a comîuiunîty news- paper. l'in sad to say thiat many a good newspaper lias be- coilie an advertising shecet. The poor reader is gettîng somne editorial cas-msi syndicated natcrial because it's cheaper 10 fill the paper with syndicated stories. l'le situation is even worse Mien it cornes to picture presentations. The local camneramien seern to bc photographi- ing cverything but news. l'ni positive, however, that local papers can imiprove their edîtorial contents. Instead of hiring amateurs, they should look around for experienced staffers. The biggcst çproblenm, l'in convinced is the constant shortage of compe- tent news editors. The Durham College in Oshawa could aileviate thc present situation by introducing a journaiism course for budding editors. And, please, don't forget the photographers too. They are in dire need for an eye test. Any help should be avail- able 10 those who want to stay in the newspaper business and prosper. cottnuedfrom Page 1 Whitby Gazette and Chronicle; and treasurer John R. Frost, town clerk. The executive commiit tee consisted of: Williami Davidson, Miss Sprowl, Mrs. Gweni Wright, W.l]. Kennedy, F.H.M. Ir- win, Johni McClelland, Seymour Whitney, Dr. G.L. Mac-' Dougali, W.A. Dewland, G.M. Goodfelîow, Robert Thomp- son, Sani Kempthornc, Capt. T.H. Bcst, and the officers. Ltler F.M. Stevenson, stîperintendent of' the Ontario L.a dies' College were addcd tb the executive. The special comiîttees consistcd of: Finane F.H.M. Ir- win, J.11. Perry, D)onald Wilson, W.A. Dowland, Dr. G.L. MacDougalî, anid G.M. Goodfeîlow; Mem-bcrsliîp--Edward Bownman, A.E. Sturgcss, 1W. Talling, Williamn Davidson, J.M. Hicks, W.A. Hioliday; Puiblicity--G.M. Goodfello w, I.W. Tailinig, L. Bandol, F.H. Annes, Williami Harden, and RA. Seninett; Town Planning-S.J. Spal, H.P. Phinn, H.L Pringle, George Evcry. John Larkin and Seymour Whitney; Reception -Mayor J.W. Batemian, Juidgc Thomp- son, Reeve Albert Jackson, Williamn Downey, Capt. T.H. Best, Theodore King, anld G.M. Goodfellow; Enterîainmient -J.M. giort, Jack Parker, A.W. Lynde, Frances Mclntyre, A. Humphirey, and Miss Gwcn Wright; Social Weîfare-Capt. T.H. Best, A.G. Browning, Williamn Ayers, Rev. D.B. b, ng- ford, Mrs. R. Desmond, and Mrs. H. Thompson; Commier- cial--.J. Boothie, Roy Fowler, George Rice, F.N. Burns, A.E. Stanlick, F. Landon, E.L. Odluni, Williamn Patterson, J.M. Hicks, W.C. Town, and D. Turner. Those of' thc original executive who are known to be living, today include Johin Frost, Seymiour Whitney, Art Stanlick, J.H1. Perry and Don Wilson. The Chiamber of Commerce formcd a Christmias Cheer committee to give food hampers to the poor at Christmas, Starting in I1928. Althotîgh the records of the Chiamber arc scarce, il con- tinued throughi the Depression, but was dormiant through- out thc Second World War. In 1945 il was reactivated under Williami Davidson and lias conîinued ever since as an active part of thc comimunity. The Chamiber would be interested in Iocating any of tiecearly records, anid the original charter, W\hich lias long since disappeared. MIDDLETON'S BOOK STORE WEDDING INVITATIONS & PRINTED STATIONERY WHITBY 668-2492 BICYCLE SHIRT by F HAPA aÀ TOWN 0F WHITBY PLANNING BOARD PROPOSED OFFICIAI PLAN PUBLIC MEETING 1 The Town of Whitby Planning Board wiII be holding a PUBLIC MEETING a 7:30 p.m. Thursday, April 26th. 193 in the Council Chambers 405 Dundas Street West, Whitby, Ontario. The purpose of this meeting is to consider the OFFICIAI PLAN ALTERNATIVES. Further information witli respect to this meeting can be obtained from the Planning Office, 14 Church Street, Brocklin, 655-3346. Councillor R. R. White Cbairmafl Or. M. Michael, M.T.P.I.C., Director of Planning OTTENBRITE MEN'S WEAR 103a D UNDAS ST. Wu AND FILL OUT BALLOT J'ENirER THE